The old man was so angry that he was so angry.

"Big Brother!!!" X2

On Gaya Island, there is a strange house that is only half full.

At this time, a gorilla and a human ape were shouting "Big Brother" and rushing towards the house.

Before they rushed to the door, the door was already opened.

Mont Blanc Kulikai reached out to stop the gorilla and the human ape from shouting, closed his eyes and listened quietly.

Listening to the beautiful bells from the sky.

It took a long time to come back to his senses.

"Is that so?"

After a long time, Kulikai opened his eyes and slowly said:

"It is indeed a very beautiful singing voice, hahahaha!!!"

Kulikai finally couldn't help laughing at the end.

"Mont Blanc Nolando! You didn't lie, hahahaha!!!"

At this moment, the Mont Blanc family's 400-year bond was perfectly resolved at this moment.

"Big Brother!!!"

At this moment, the gorilla and the ape also shouted excitedly.

They were fans of Nolando's picture albums, and now they heard the sound of the golden bell with their own ears, and their excitement was already beyond words.


At this moment, Kulikai also understood what the gorilla and the ape meant, so he nodded heavily and said:

"The preparations are almost done, so let's go too."

Kulika looked up at the sky and said heroically:

"Let's go to the Sky Island!!!"

"Oh!!!" X2


"A long time ago, on the day when the holy land of Arpaiado was born——"

In the small town of Angel Island, almost all the townspeople came to the square.

In front of them, the former god Gan Ful was slowly speaking:

"A beautiful song spread throughout the country."

"And the war between Shandia and the Sky Islanders began at that moment."

At this time, everyone had just come back to their senses from the sound of the golden bell.

Now hearing Gan Ful's words again, they naturally thought of something.

Everyone's expression became a little excited.

"That song is like a signal, starting the war."

"So, when that song resounds in the Island of Gods again, it is also a signal that the war is over."

After saying these words, Gan Fowle looked at the townspeople who were looking at him expectantly, and the tied-up White Beret troops who were also expecting something, and opened his arms:

"The god of this country has been defeated, and everyone has regained their freedom!"

"And Arpayard is no longer a forbidden area, but a common home for the people of Sky Island and Shandia."

"There will be a new flag raised there, and that also belongs to our protector--"

"Straw Hat Pirates!"


Angel Island, Conis's home--

"It seems that Luffy and the others have succeeded."

Robin, who was sitting on the balcony drinking tea, spoke slowly.

"Oh my, it took so long to solve it?"

Usopp, who was asking Pagaya for the principle of power, rubbed his nose and said with some pride:

"I solved those white hat troops a long time ago!"


"Usopp is awesome!" Chopper's eyes sparkled.

"Usopp is awesome!" Merry, who was led astray by Chopper, also looked at Usopp with big eyes.

This made the latter even more complacent, but fortunately Nami used her fist to bring him back to reality.

"Okay, then let's set off quickly!"

Nami seemed very excited:

"Go to the Golden Country to rob gold... ahem, let's go explore the Golden Country!!!"

"I almost told the truth, Nami."

Usopp, with a bruised face, said so.

Robin on the balcony was also a little excited after hearing Nami's words.

Because Bai Ye said that there might be a blank hundred years of history in that Golden Country.

This has a fatal attraction for her.

"In that case, let me and my father prepare lunch boxes for everyone's adventure."

At this time, Conis also stood up and said with a smile.

"Ah, Conis, thank you so much."

Nami said happily.

"Don't be polite,"

Conis waved her hand, showing a beautiful smile and said:

"For you who defeated Enel and saved this island, we should express our gratitude."

"That's right," Pagaya also took over the conversation at this time and said:

"Let us express our gratitude

, everyone. "


"Wow! It's a really nice sound!!!"

After ringing the Golden Bell himself, Luffy seemed the most excited.

Not only because of the sound of the bell, but also because of the 400-year agreement between Mont Blanc Noland and the great warrior Kalgara.

Finally it was fulfilled today!


Wepa muttered to himself as he looked at the Golden Bell in front of him. Now he was a little confused.

He had worked hard for so many years, and he could be said to have lived for Arpayard and the Golden Bell.

Now that the goal was achieved, he felt lost in an instant.

At this moment, a jade hand rested on his shoulder.

It was the female warrior Shaqi.

"Don't slack off, Wepa."

As Wepa's most tacit partner, Shaqi naturally knew how Wepa felt at this moment.

So she pretended to be serious and said:

"Next, the new era belonging to the Shandia clan has just begun, and there are still many things to do. "

Hearing this, Wepa, who was just in a daze, gradually cheered up.

His eyes were full of brilliance again.

"Thank you, Shaqi."

Wepa spoke softly. At this time, he was no longer as bitter and resentful as before.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the Golden Bell.

There, Luffy was trying to bite the Golden Bell, while Bai Ye and the other two were trying their best to stop him.

Looking at these unreliable people, they helped Shandia return to Arpayard.

Wepa's heart was even more mixed, but he still spoke softly:

"Thank you, Straw Hat Boys."


"Sanji, I'm hungry!"

After tasting the Golden Bell unsuccessfully, Luffy also spoke to Sanji.


Sanji showed a very painful expression:

"Just now, you ate all the big bird! There was no soup left."

"Hahaha! But I'm still hungry! "

Luffy didn't care about Sanji's words, but touched his stomach seriously.

"Then let's have a good picnic."

At this time, Bai Ye smiled and said:

"Everyone has experienced a battle, and it's time to have a good meal. Besides, Nami and the others will be here soon. "

There is no other way. Luffy's second and third gears consume physical strength. Although they are not used for a long time, for Luffy, just one bird is not enough to fill his stomach.

In addition, the few people really have nothing to do now, so they just have a picnic.

Since the captain and the deputy captain have spoken, Sanji will naturally not refuse.

In addition, he himself is a little hungry, so he agreed.

But soon, Zoro and Sanji, for some reason, definitely started the second hunting competition after the small garden.

Luffy also ran into the forest to find food.

As for Bai Ye, after asking Weipa and others and getting a negative answer, he used the magic to put them down and said goodbye.

After all, they still have to go back to report the good news to their tribe, so they did not choose to stay and have a picnic with Luffy and others.

Not long after, a huge bonfire rack was built on the ruins of the shrine.

At this time, Luffy and others also heard the voices of Nami and others.

Straw Hat Pirates, assembled!

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