The next morning, the night was full of excitement.

Early in the morning of the next day——

Bai Ye was awakened by Luffy's shouting.

"Everyone! Get ready to go on the adventure!"

Luffy stood on the extinguished bonfire, opened his arms and looked very excited.

"Hey, hey, hey, Luffy."

Usopp shouted a little collapsed:

"It's just dawn now."

"We played so late at the party yesterday, we should have a good sleep this morning."

"Hahaha, no."

Hearing Usopp's words, Luffy put his hands on his waist and refused decisively.


After a muffled sound, Luffy was hit to the ground by a stone that flew from nowhere.

"Asshole, don't you know that girls can't be sleep deprived?"

The aggressive Nami came over and said angrily:

"Why are you so mad so early in the morning?"


The stone did not cause any substantial damage to Luffy, so he just patted his body and stood up.

Faced with Nami's questioning, Luffy said quite proudly:

"This morning, the uncle and the masked man will come to this island."

"There is so much gold on the island, it would be bad if they get it."

"That's why we should set off now!"

"We are pirates!"

Luffy grinned and said with his hands on his waist.

As a pirate, it is reasonable to take away all the gold treasures before everyone comes.


Before Luffy finished speaking, Nami's eyes lit up instantly.

Obviously, although he did not understand Luffy's true meaning, the gold mentioned by Luffy still convinced her.

Strangely enough, although Luffy's brain often doesn't work well, he can still control Nami.

"Everyone, let's go!"

At this time, Nami has already started to help wake everyone up without waiting for Luffy to speak.


"I understand, Nami-san, I will definitely stand on your side."

With just one word, Sanji decisively "rebelled":

"Green algae head, you bastard, get up quickly."


In fact, Luffy was totally overthinking.

After learning from Conis that Luffy and his party were going to have an adventure in Arpayard.

Gan Ful, the representative of the Sky Island people, and Wepar, the representative of the Shandia clan, quickly reached a consensus.

That is to delay the time to enter Arpayard.

After all, they have been waiting for so long, and they don't care about one or two days.

They even took advantage of this time to prepare a surprise for the Straw Hat Pirates.


In short, after a lot of chaos, the Straw Hat Pirates have all gathered.


"Zoro, I'm so sleepy."

At this time, Chopper, who was holding Zoro's trouser leg, was a little shaky.

"Really... you are too troublesome."

Zoro said this, but he still grabbed Chopper very naturally and carried him on his back.

And Merry, who was a little sleepy like Chopper, was also dozing on Bai Ye's back.

"Speaking of which, Merry, you seem to be able to go into the Merry to rest."

Bai Ye said helplessly.

At this time, he suddenly felt like a father.

Obviously he was still a single dog.

"No... don't..."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Merry, who was half asleep and half awake, shook his head and said:

"Merry... wants to adventure with everyone... I don't want to... be alone..."

At the end, Merry's voice became smaller and smaller, and he fell asleep.

Feeling Merry's emotions, Bai Ye said no more.

He just secretly used the wind magic to make Merry sleep more comfortably.


Then, because Arpayard was too large, everyone decided to act separately again.

And the final meeting place was set at the "right eye of the skull", which is the location of the Golden Country.

As for the grouping situation:

Nami and Luffy are in one group. These two people are most obsessed with gold, so it is more appropriate to be grouped together.

Robin asked to be in the same group with Bai Ye who was carrying Merry. As for the reason, it was because Robin felt that Bai Ye seemed too familiar with Arpayard, so following him could find the relics that recorded history faster.

When Sanji saw that the two beauties in the group had chosen their partners, but he was not there, he finally couldn't help crying, and then chose to set off alone.

Then the last group is also very obvious.

Although Zoro repeatedly emphasized that he

Although Usopp knew that he would not get lost, he still chose to leave with Zoro and pointed out that Zoro was going in the wrong direction at the beginning.

With the end of the classic "Shura Field" of the Straw Hat Pirates, the place where the banquet was held yesterday fell into peace again.

Only a group of cloud wolves were left sleeping soundly.


Because of the rapid growth of trees in the forest, and the fact that the Shandians lost their homes four hundred years ago.

As a result, a large part of the urban ruins on this island were buried by the forest.

So Robin and Bai Ye also took some effort to find the first ruins.

"It seems to be a monument to the [city]."

In front of Robin and Bai Ye, there is a stone tablet with a height of more than ten meters, engraved with text and human faces.

Fortunately, the text on it is not ancient text, so Bai Ye can also understand it.

"That's right."

Robin beside him nodded and said:

"It should be built by the descendants who survived the destruction of this [city]."

As Robin said this, he walked to the stone tablet and carefully identified the content on it.

Although the stone tablet is full of cracks due to the passage of time and the great changes in Arpaiado.

But Robin still got a lot of information.

"Shandora, the name of this [city] is the same as what is said in Nolando's logbook."

Robin said while identifying:

"It is also the name of an ancient city."

"Shandora in the 402nd year of the Haiyuan calendar looks like a very prosperous city."

Bai Ye also walked up at this time and said with some emotion.

Just the stone tablet in front of him made him feel the weight of history.

"The year 402 of the Haiyuan calendar?"

Robin muttered to himself, then identified the content above, and then found with surprise:

"The time of destruction was exactly eight hundred years ago!!!"

"It happened to be the blank hundred years at the beginning, and it was also the hundred years that were not recorded anywhere in the world."

Robin looked at Bai Ye with some excitement and said:

"Maybe there will be [Historical Text] on this island."

Hearing this, Bai Ye couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

As expected of Robin, an archaeological expert, he guessed the existence of the historical text just by this.

"Yes, if our previous guess is correct."

"Shandora is likely to be part of the great kingdom."

Bai Ye nodded and said:

"And according to the history that you O'Hara studied at the time, [Historical Text] is likely to be the descendants of those who built the great kingdom in order to show the truth to the world."


Bai Ye looked to the south, that is the location of the Golden Country.

"This [city] that was destroyed eight hundred years ago, but still has descendants, must have a [historical text]."

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