In fact, even Gan Foer didn't know that the ancient ruins on Arpaiado only revealed the tip of the iceberg.

[City] Shandora is itself an ancient ruin built underground.

So when Gaya Island was washed up to the Baibai Sea 10,000 meters high by the huge ocean current, the huge island cloud completely buried Shandora, which was located underground, leaving only a part of the ground.

Unfortunately, the only Shandia people who knew this were driven out of Arpaiado four hundred years ago.

So in the following hundreds of years, none of the Sky Island people could find the ancient ruins buried under the island cloud.

The first person to discover these ruins was Enelu, who came here from another sky island, Bika, six years ago.

As for the second or the second group, it was Robin White Night and Merry, who had just entered the island cloud.

Looking at the ancient city that was like a palace and full of historical traces in front of them.

Both archaeologist Robin and White Night, who had read the original book, felt a great shock.

"So beautiful!!!"

At this time, Merry, who had already sobered up, was holding Robin's hand, shaking his head and exclaiming, and asked the two people beside him:

"Is this the Golden Country?"

"Yes, this is the ancient city that disappeared for four hundred years, Shandora."

Robin nodded and said:

"And the history of this city can even be traced back to a thousand years ago."

"Just looking at the scene in front of me, I can feel it-"

"How prosperous would the great kingdom that once stood on the top of the sea be."

At this moment, seeing Shandora, which far exceeds many countries today, Robin also believes in White Night's conjecture more.

Shandora is part of the great kingdom.

"It's a pity that we didn't see the true face of the Golden Country."

Bai Ye sighed:

"Obviously, we are not the first to discover this place."

"All the gold in this city has been taken away."

Looking at the bare city in front of him, Bai Ye continued:

"If it's not Gan Fool and the previous Sky Island God, there is only one possibility."


Robin took over the conversation.


Bai Ye nodded and continued:

"The weapon in Enelu's hand is a golden stick, which can also be used as proof."

"But, all the gold in the ancient ruins was taken away by it."

Robin said: "It should not be just for making weapons."

As he said that, Robin also turned his gaze to the deeper part of the ruins.

At this time, she was not only interested in the ancient ruins in front of her, but also curious about why Enelu took so much gold.

But before she could speak, the island clouds above the heads of several people suddenly began to roll.


A huge snake head and two figures appeared above the three people.

"It's Luffy and Nami!!!"

Little Merry quickly recognized the identities of the two figures.

[Xun Gua——Falling leaves! ]

Like autumn leaves being supported by the breeze, Luffy and Nami were also caught by the wind and came to Bai Ye and others.

Then there was a loud bang, and the Lord of the Sky fell to the ground because no one caught it.

"Bai Ye, Robin and Merry!"

After seeing the three people, Luffy greeted them happily, I didn't expect you to be here.

Then, Luffy picked up the package that he had been holding tightly and showed it to the three people.

Inside, there was the treasure and gold that had just been shot out of the giant snake's mouth.

Luffy also boasted happily:

"Hahaha, I found a lot of treasures."

"Luffy is awesome!!!"

Unfortunately, Bai Ye and Robin were not interested in these things, so only a little guy named Merry showed up.

But even so, Luffy still laughed and seemed very happy.

"We'll talk about this later."

At this time, Nami interrupted Luffy and said:

"Let's get rid of the big snake first."

Then, Nami briefly explained the previous situation.

I don't know why.

After the giant snake saw the treasure in Nami's hand, it showed an extremely human expression.

It seemed to be an expression of sadness and nostalgia.

Then, it began to attack Nami crazily, and even completely ignored Luffy's attack.

And then

, the three of them accidentally fell down from the clouds.

"Maybe, it's not necessary."

At this time, Robin's voice sounded, which made Nami a little puzzled.

Following her gaze, Nami was also stunned.

That giant snake is crying in this city? ! !

The giant snake's grief-stricken expression and increasingly painful roar even made several people feel a bit of sadness.

"Maybe, it once lived here."

Bai Ye, who had read the original work, said:

"But after being submerged by the island cloud here, it could no longer find its way home."

"So, it has been looking for four hundred years."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Nami and Robin looked at the giant snake in front of them with heartache.

Just based on the performance of the giant snake just now, the two believed Bai Ye's speculation a little.

Only four hundred years of searching can create such a catharsis.

On the other side, Luffy, who has MAX empathy, has already burst into tears.

He was about to go up and cry with the giant snake.

Fortunately, Merry held Luffy's thigh tightly, which prevented a farce.

Bai Ye handed Luffy a tissue skillfully and said:

"You just beat him up for a long time, and now you rush up to talk about life with him?"

"At least let Chopper come to be your translator."

Although Bai Ye knew that Luffy listened to the voice of all things, he had made an agreement with Lab without Chopper before.

But the Lord of the Sky in front of him swallowed Luffy in the original book, and there was no empathy between the two.

So it would be more reliable to let Chopper help connect.

It was also at this time that Bai Ye suddenly realized:

"Chopper...why hasn't he come yet?"


"Just now, the sound of fighting happened here."

Sanji walked out of a dense forest and said subconsciously when he looked at the destroyed forest in front of him.

"It's so scary, there are such terrifying enemies in this forest?"

"Sanji, haven't you defeated all the enemies?"

Usopp looked at the mess in front of him and said with lingering fear.

"Too timid, Usopp."

Sanji lit a cigarette and said:

"From the scene in front of us, one of the parties must be Luffy."

"As for the other party, it should be a giant python."

With many years of cooking experience, Sanji also guessed it almost right.

"Let's go, Usopp, they seem to disappear in front."

"Sanji! Wait for me."

"By the way, are we sure we don't wait for Zoro?"

Usopp's voice rang out in the forest:

"That guy is really something, I asked him to follow me closely, but he still got lost."

"It doesn't matter, that guy will be fine."

Sanji's voice followed:

"Besides, isn't Chopper by his side?"

"Chopper must know the direction."

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