"Robin?" Bai Ye muttered to himself, and at this time he also recalled some things. It seems that in Bingshan's office, there is a bounty order for Robin when he was a child. "Yes, it's her, and she's also a poor child."

Granny Kokoro nodded, and then, a rare sad expression appeared on her face:

"I've read your story in Alabasta many times."

"Although the news didn't say it clearly, it should be about the ancient weapon - Pluto."

Seeing Bai Ye nod, Granny Kokoro continued:

"Then, you should know why Robin is wanted."

"Because she has the ability to awaken ancient weapons."

Bai Ye responded in a deep voice.

At this time, he also understood Granny Kokoro's intention.

"Yes, in the eyes of those people, ancient weapons symbolize destruction, and those who have the ability to bring ancient weapons back to the world are demons."

Kokoro nodded and continued:

"But you may not know that in this world, in addition to archaeologists like that child."

"There is another kind of person who can also awaken ancient weapons."

"That is..."

"The craftsman, right?"

Bai Ye took over the conversation, looked directly into the eyes of Granny Kokoro, and said word by word:

"Or, the shipwright who has the ancient weapon-the blueprint for the manufacture of Pluto, is this the reason why you got on board, Granny Kokoro."

"...Hahahaha! You are really worthy of being the [Heavenly Master] Bai Ye, who is called the [man behind the Straw Hat Gang]. It's so easy to talk to you."

Granny Kokoro was stunned for a moment, but then laughed out loud, as if she was relieved.

"Yes, I went with you to the Seven Waters City on the ship, just to let you take an idiot away."

"Oh?" Although he had guessed it, Bai Ye still made a questioning sound.

Kokoro first took a big sip of wine, and then, as if he had made up his mind, he said:

"Mr. Tom has two very outstanding disciples. Once, the three of them had a very good life."


In the following period of time, Granny Kokoro told the story of Tom, Franky (formerly Carter Fram) and Iceberg.

Of course, this story is very familiar to Bai Ye who has read the original book.


Because Roger was executed, Tom, who was once the shipwright of the Pirate King and built the Ship of Sin, naturally became the next target of the World Government.

At this time, Tom bought himself more time with his sea train design, and was able to make up for his mistakes with this merit.


In order to obtain the blueprints of ancient weapons, the World Government sent Spandam.

Facts have proved that sometimes, some people who claim to be righteous or rulers do things that are more dirty than pirates.

Spandam used Franky's weapon ship to attack the judicial ship, and in order not to implicate Iceberg and Franky, and also in order not to hand over the blueprints of ancient weapons.

Tom used the credit of building the sea train to offset the crime of attacking the judicial ship.

And this also means that Tom will face his crime of [building the ship of the Pirate King] and face the death penalty.


"Too much!!!"

Luffy suddenly stood up when he heard this, stepped on the table in the conference room with a very angry expression.

"Uncle Tom is obviously a good man!"

At this time, except for Zoro, everyone else in the conference room had already sat in their seats.

As for the reason, it was also because of Bai Ye's request.

The reason given was——

[As long as it is related to this pirate group, it should not be hidden from anyone].

Perhaps it was related to One Piece, so Luffy did not fall asleep when Granny Kokoro was telling the story.

"That's right! Luffy is right!!!" Usopp was influenced by Luffy and stepped on the table, shaking his cloak and trying to give his own speech.

Then, Nami took action.

Bang Bang! !

"Just say it, why step on the table?!!"

Luffy, Usopp: I'm so sorry~~~

"So, the idiot Kokoro said should be one of Mr. Tom's two disciples."

Robin spoke at this time.


With similar experiences, she naturally figured out the key to the matter quickly.

"That's right, little girl."

Granny Kokoro looked at Robin, nodded and said:

"Iceberg, the boss of Carrera Company, is one of Tom's disciples."

"Come to think of it, your wanted poster is still in that guy's room."


Sanji seemed very concerned when he heard this.

"That Iceberg actually... to such a young Robin..."

"You misunderstood. Iceberg has always wanted to kill you, little girl."

As soon as this was said, everyone present was stunned except Bai Ye.

"Why? Robin doesn't know Iceberg at all." Chopper shouted anxiously.

"Because Robin is very dangerous, right?" Bai Ye suddenly interrupted.

"That's right. Iceberg has been blaming himself since Tom died."

"He thinks that possessing the ability to awaken ancient weapons is a sin, so he regards Robin as a demon."

"After all, his master died because of this."

Granny Kokoro said this in one breath, and the people present fell silent again.

After knowing the story of the three people, they couldn't get angry with Iceberg.

"Then, let's take someone else away."

Nami said, "Granny, you also said that Iceberg's current status is very high, and he shouldn't need our help."

"Hahahaha, the little girl is also very smart."

"That's right, the one I want you to take away is Tom's other disciple."

"Carter Fram, or Franky."

Hearing this, the Straw Hat Pirates stopped talking and looked at Luffy.

When it comes to the matter of new crew members boarding the ship, everyone will only let Luffy decide.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Luffy asked casually:

"Franky? What kind of person is he?"

Hearing this, Granny Kokoro said:

"That child, like Iceberg, has the world's top shipbuilding technology."

"Moreover, that child has a very kind heart."

"After Master Tom died, he actually ran to try to intercept the train escorting Tom, but was seriously injured."

"It was only by relying on his mechanical knowledge that he combined his body with the machine and became a cyborg, and that he survived."

"And, if you want to repair the Merry..."

"Machines!! Cyborgs!!!"

Before Granny Kokoro finished speaking, Luffy shouted with his eyes shining:

"It's decided, I must let Franky get on my ship!!!"

The rest of the Straw Hat Pirates: I knew it...

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