The straw hat crew didn't know what to say after hearing Franky's words. Although Merry has materialized, they still have deep feelings for Merry. Now they are naturally disappointed to hear that Franky can't upgrade it 100%. Although Bai Ye repeatedly assured that he also has another way. But he also said that the method is not perfect. "Is there really no way?" Chopper looked at Franky and asked sadly. "Of course there is!" Franky responded loudly, and posed by the way! "So there is!!!" Chopper, Nami, Zoro and Sanji gave Franky a head bang, and turned into fangs to complain! Isn't this a waste of our feelings? ! ! !

"But that's a method you can't do."

The four people's brains collapsed and did not affect Franky, or rather, this guy has evolved to a certain level and is immune to such complaints.

Franky continued:

"That kind of technology was once owned by the shipwrights who built [Pluto], and now, those people have long disappeared with the blank hundred years."

"The reason why I know such technology is because of my master, Tom."

"If that incident hadn't happened that year, Master Tom would definitely teach me the same technology as Iceberg in the future, but unfortunately..."

Franky didn't say anything more. Like Iceberg, he felt a strong sense of self-blame for Tom's death.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone to the Hard Steel Sea Train and turned himself into a cyborg.

"So, the method you mentioned is to find the technology that your master has mastered."

"And you said that we can't do it. Does it mean that the technology has been taken away by the World Government?"

As one of the representatives of the Straw Hat Pirates with high IQ, Robin easily guessed what Franky meant.

"Yes, when the master was arrested, he was taken to Judicial Island by sea train."

"At the same time, all of Master Tom's theoretical knowledge was also taken there."

"That's why I said that you can't do this."

Franky looked at everyone and continued:

"After all, Judicial Island is a place that has never been breached."

Hearing Franky's words, Zoro's expression became sharp:

"Never been breached? Interesting."

"What is that place?" Zoro asked.

"Judicial Island is an island located in the first half of the Grand Line, and on it is the direct court of the World Government.

Of course, although it is called a court, it is in this world.

Anyone who is taken to Judicial Island must have been identified as a criminal, and no not guilty verdict has ever been issued in the 800-year history.

So in most cases, the prisoners will only be escorted through those empty courts.

And finally arrive at a huge cold steel door, the Gate of Justice.

The prisoners who pass through this door usually have no way back, symbolizing the absolute justice of the World Government."

Robin slowly opened his mouth and explained to everyone.

"It sounds like a place more terrifying than the Navy Headquarters."

Sanji lit a cigarette and said.

"To some extent, that's true," Franky said.

"The Navy Headquarters is the Navy's territory, but Judicial Island is different."

"Judicial Island is connected to the World Government Center, so there are a lot of troops on the island, and the number of troops stationed there is stable at around 10,000, including Navy and World Government officials."

"More importantly, once you enter the Gate of Justice, you can only reach two places."

"One is the Navy Headquarters, and the other is Impel Down, a deep-sea prison filled with torture chambers and execution platforms, which holds the most evil prisoners in the world."

"Neither of these sounds like a good place." Chopper said with some fear.

"If we can only go there to find the information Franky mentioned..."

Nami looked at Zoro and others and said tentatively:

"Are we really going there?"

"This kind of thing is not something we can decide."

Robin looked at Nami and smiled, saying meaningfully.

"That's right,"

At this time, Zoro also smiled, because his observation Haki told him that Luffy and the others were back.


So he said directly:

"For this kind of thing, let Luffy make the decision."


Just as Zoro finished speaking, the door of the meeting room of the Merry was pushed open.

Then came the familiar voice:

"Everyone! Our next stop is Judicial Island!!!"

Along with this voice, Luffy also entered the room.

Nami: "Sure enough, I shouldn't have any hope."

After so many adventures, the Straw Hat Pirates have long been in a state of [crazy complaints but still execution] about Luffy's decision.

So the matter of going to Judicial Island was decided.

Given that it was too late, everyone planned to study the detailed plan the next day.


"Strong right hand!!!"

With Franky's loud shout, a fist flew out of his right hand.

This is one of Franky's basic moves.

Since the back end of the fist is connected to the arm with an iron chain, it is quite convenient to retract the fist.

So to some extent, Franky's move is similar to Luffy's [Rubber Rubber Pistol].

"Wow! So awesome!!!"

Luffy shouted excitedly on the bow.

"Wow, hahaha! This is how I fight as a cyborg!!!"

Hearing Luffy's voice, Franky was also very proud and said proudly.

He also showed Luffy his signature poss, which attracted a burst of exclamations.

After that, Luffy even called Merry, Chopper and Usopp to watch together.

Then, the exclamations on the ship became even louder.

Bang bang bang!!!

In the end, it was [Iron Fist] Nami who came forward to deal with this mess.

It is worth mentioning that Merry and Chopper were successively claimed by Bai Ye and Zoro, and only Luffy, Zoro and Franky were beaten.

Franky had expressed strong protests against this.

Then... he was beaten badly by Nami's lightning.

If Luffy is the nemesis of the Thunder Fruit, then the Thunder Fruit is Franky's natural enemy.

After all, metals are very conductive.

Next, Sanji will show everyone


At this time, Bai Ye walked to Franky and said:

"Haven't you thought about getting on the ship?"

"Wahahaha, I can help you upgrade the ship, but forget about getting on the ship."

Flachy pretended to be free and easy and said:

"I am the head of the Franky family, and there are a bunch of idiots who need me to support them."

"But, there is no time."

Bai Ye said.

ps: The data is too bad recently, and my mentality is a bit broken. These chapters are a bit dawdling and dragging, sorry.

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