The old man was so angry that he was so angry.

"Sanji, come and serve God!!!"

Sanji, who was teaching Hobodi a lesson, was a little impatient when he heard this.

"Asshole Paddy! I'm the sous chef, not a waiter..."

Sanji threw Hobodi aside, complained and turned his head, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly stopped.

Because he saw Nami~


The next second, Sanji with starry eyes appeared in front of several people like a whirlwind.

However, there was only Nami in his eyes.

He twisted his body wildly and said:

"My beautiful lady, it is my honor to order and cook for you!"

"If possible, let me recommend it to you."

Only then did Sanji look up at the other people.

"For 6 people, the workload is really large."

Six people?

Hearing this, they suddenly realized that Bai Ye had left without knowing when.

At this time, Hobodi had escaped from Barati and came to his warship.

"Damn it, there is no need for this kind of restaurant that beats customers to exist."

He said while covering his wound.

But at this moment, a soldier ran over in a panic:

"Captain Hobodi, it's not good!!!"

"The man we captured to find clues about the Crick Pirates has escaped!!!"

Hearing this, Hobodi didn't care about the restaurant anymore.

"How is it possible! He was already half dead when we caught him, and we never let him eat in the past few days."

"How could he still have the energy to eat!"

Hearing this, the navy soldier could only lower his head in shame and said, "I'm sorry!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the two of them:

"It seems that you seem to have encountered some trouble~"

This person is none other than Bai Ye who has been following Hobodi since just now.

"Who are you? Why are you following me?"

Hobodi's face changed drastically. The one who can follow him silently must be stronger than him.

"I tell you, I am a captain of the Navy Headquarters, [Iron Fist] Hobodi, be sensible..."

"Your name is Iron Fist? I really don't know what the navy hero in your navy thinks."

Bai Ye's tone is quite teasing.

This may also be an oversight by Oda when drawing comics.

You know, at this time, there is still a guy named [Iron Fist] in the navy.


Hopodi was a little speechless. He couldn't say that this title was just a self-flattering one.

"Forget it~"

Bai Ye didn't dwell on this matter too much. He waved his hand and continued:

"Let's talk about the thing you just mentioned."

"About the Crick Pirates."

"Perhaps, we can have some cooperation?"

Seeing Bai Ye's old fox look, Hopodi's heart couldn't help but skip a beat.

For some reason, he seemed to see an old fox.


"Well, let's put it this way~Captain Hopodi, I look forward to your arrival~"

After a while, Bai Ye also said goodbye to Captain Hopodi on the warship at Barati.

Then, he turned and walked into the restaurant.

Calculating the time, the dishes should have been served.

But when he came to his partner, he found that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

The people on his side all looked like they were watching a good show, while Sanji looked at him angrily.


What's going on?

Bai Ye was a little confused, but before he could ask, he heard Sanji's voice.

"Are you Bai Ye? I'm going to challenge you for the honor of being a chef!"

Sanji looked as if he had some deep hatred with Bai Ye.


Bai Ye was even more confused now. He turned his head to look at the people and said in confusion:

"Can anyone tell me what happened just now?"


After a while, in Usopp's teasing voice, Bai Ye also roughly understood the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that not long after Sanji ordered food for Nami with starry eyes, Ajin entered the restaurant.

After being driven away by Paddy on the grounds that he had no money, Sanji's behavior of silently delivering food to him was also noticed by Luffy.

So he kept pestering Sanji to invite him on board.

Sanji naturally refused

, if Nami hadn't been there, he would have hidden in the kitchen long ago.

At this time, I don't know if Nami did it on purpose, she said:

"Actually, it's better to have Bai Ye, the food he cooks obviously tastes better."

Just this sentence made Sanji remember Bai Ye's name instantly.

After learning that he was a partner of several people, he decided to challenge him.

Sanji's idea was very simple.

As a chef, he would never allow others to question his cooking skills.

What's more, the man named Bai Ye could actually get such an evaluation from Miss Nami, which was really...

It's so enviable~

After listening to Usopp's story, Bai Ye turned his head to look at Nami. After seeing the meaningful look in the little thief's eyes, he smiled helplessly and said, "You seem to have caused me a lot of trouble~"

"Hehe, I'm just telling the truth, you can't wrongly accuse people."

It seems that the previous conversation helped Nami to untie some knots in her heart.

So Nami is more clever at this time.


Seeing this scene, Sanji's eyes were about to spit fire:

"What are you doing to Miss Nami!!!"

"Hmph! Pervert."

Zoro snorted coldly at the side. For some reason, whenever he faced this guy with curly eyebrows, he couldn't help but say a few words.

"What did you say, green algae head!!!"

Sanji was also occupied by beauty at this time, and he directly retorted to Zoro.

"Nani!!! Pervert!"

"Asshole!!! Green algae head!"

The two of them became more and more angry as they talked, and they were ready to fight in the next second.

Several people on the side also watched the fun and didn't mind the big deal.

Johnny and Joseph: "Come on, Brother Zoro!"

Usopp: "Go ahead, Zoro, kill this lecherous cook!"

Luffy: "Oh, you want to fight? I want to fight too!!!"

"Hey! You guys stop it!!!"

Finally, under Nami's violent suppression, the few people finally calmed down.

Bai Ye looked at Sanji, shrugged and said:

"I don't seem to have any reason to accept your challenge."

"Huh? Facing the challenge of a chef, you don't accept it?"

Sanji was a little confused. Until now, he still thought that Bai Ye was the chef of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Sorry, I'm not a chef."

"Besides, even if I am a chef, so what?"

"As my partner, it's normal for Nami to praise me."

Bai Ye continued:

"When we leave, no one will mention this matter anymore. You are still one of the best chefs here, right?"

"So, I really have no reason to accept the challenge. Sorry, Mr. Sanji."

Bai Ye apologized softly, but a hint of cunning flashed in the depths of his eyes.

This move, this move is called yin and yang.

As expected, after listening to Bai Ye's words, Sanji was silent for a while, and then said:

"So, what do you want to do to accept my challenge?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye's mouth curled up slightly.

Then he slowly said: "At least there should be a reasonable bet~"

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