The two fishes were on patrol, but the two fishes were still alive.

Along Park

"Brother Along, there seems to be something wrong with Azhang and Yanshao today."

After Xiaoba Octopus finished his work with Chu, he also learned that the two fishes were supposed to patrol today, but suddenly came to Along to tell tales.

Thinking of the strange behavior of the two fishes when they met before, he couldn't help but worry.

He continued, "Maybe there is a conspiracy."

"What's wrong? In this place, is there anyone who dares to plot against us fishmen?"

The speaker is Kroobi, Along's right-hand man, a cartilaginous fishman, and a 40th-degree fishman karate. Its special move, the Thousand Tiles Punch, can break 1,000 tiles in the water. An ordinary person would surely die if they fought him in the water.

It crossed its arms and had a gloomy face: "Even if there are, just kill them all."

"Hahaha, that's right!"

At this time, Aaron on the side also laughed:

"Xiao Ba, you must remember that we mermaids are the [evolved version of humans] who have learned to breathe in the sea."

Aaron's voice was like the whisper of a demon in hell, which made people shudder.

"The ability of fish alone is already many times nobler than those low-level humans!"

Aaron laughed wantonly and ostentatiously:

"Mercemen are the [spirits of all things]!"

"To go against fishmen is to go against nature!"

"Mercemen are invincible!!! Hahaha!"

Bang! ! !

Just as Aaron and others were laughing wildly, the gate of the park was blasted open in the next second.

Countless pieces of rubble exploded and flew, stirring up clouds of dust.

The first thing that caught the eyes of several fish was a huge manatee!!!


Octopus Hachi was the first to exclaim, after all, he and Moo had the best relationship.

He ran forward, looked at the knocked out Moo, and shouted excitedly:

"Who beat you like this!!!"

But before the other fishmen could react, several more screams came.

Then came the scene of their companions being beaten away.

"Sorry, I didn't expect the fishmen to be so weak~"

A young man's voice sounded clearly in everyone's ears:

"Just now I clearly heard a voice saying that the fishmen were invincible. Luffy, what do you think?"

The dust cleared, and the figures of Luffy and his companions gradually became clear.

Luffy walked in the front with an expression that said, "I want to fight today."

Without turning his head, he answered Bai Ye: "It is indeed very weak."

On Luffy's left hand side, Bai Ye, who was only half a body behind, heard this and chuckled:

"It seems that someone is bragging."

Behind the two, Zoro and Sanji stood side by side and moved forward slowly.

Zoro had already put his hand on the handle of his sword, while Sanji lit a cigarette and started smoking.

At the back, there was Nami and Usopp, whose legs were weak but still held the slingshot.


When Arlong saw Moo Moo and his companions being blown away, his expression did not change.

When he heard Bai Ye's sarcastic ridicule, he tried to suppress his anger.

But when he saw Nami, he could no longer hold back and roared:

"How dare you betray me!!!"

The fragile nerves that were hit in the Grand Line made Arlong unable to accept that the weakest existence in his eyes dared to resist him.

This is the greatest shame for him!!!

Aaron stood up, his height of about 2.6 meters allowed him to look down at Nami and his companions.

His expression was extremely ferocious and tyrannical:

"Do you think you can resist me by bringing along a few low-level humans?"

Aaron's voice was filled with endless chills, which made the cadres beside him shudder.

Since they came to the East China Sea, this was the first time they saw Boss Aaron so angry.

They looked at Nami as if they were looking at a dead person.

"The physique of fishmen is ten times that of you low-level humans!!!"

Aaron's voice continued to ring:

"In the water, our fishmen will be even more powerful. You are just low-level humans. How dare you..."

Just when Aaron was talking nonsense, Bai·100% interrupted the villain's mouth cannon·Ye and spoke:

"From just now, you have been shouting about low-level humans, just to cover up your inferiority."

Get out of the way, Bai Ye is about to start showing off again:

"The end of the first half of the Grand Line Paradise is called Xiang

Bodi Archipelago. "

Bai Ye said:

"As long as you coat the ship there, you can reach the Fishman Island located 10,000 meters below the sea."

"Most of the fishmen and mermaids in the world live there."

"But as far as I know~"

Speaking of this, Bai Ye paused for a moment and looked at Aaron, whose expression was a little ferocious.

"In that place, the fishmen did not rule over humans, but were discriminated against and even bought and sold."


Aaron could no longer bear it, and his past experiences involuntarily emerged in his mind, which made him miserable.

"How could it be?"

Nami covered her mouth and couldn't believe it. This was completely different from the concept that Aaron had instilled in her since she was a child!

"Although I completely disagree with those who bully fishmen and mermaids, I disagree with your behavior even more. "

Bai Ye looked at A Long, looking him straight in the eye:

"Because you have suffered discrimination and humiliation, but you dare not take action against those who oppress you, you can only swing your knife at the weaker ones, which makes people feel even more disgusted."

Bai Ye spoke bluntly and continued to hurt his heart:

"Eight years ago, you were rescued from prison by Jinbei. Not only did you not follow him to continue to fight for the rights of your compatriots, but you came to the weakest sea of ​​East China Sea to build your own paradise?"

Bai Ye ignored A Long's murderous eyes, looked at the A Long Park that A Long had worked hard to build for many years, and said:

"You even transformed your base into the appearance of Shampoo Park?"

Bai Ye chuckled:

"Do you think you are a Celestial Dragon who can slaughter humans at will, like a pig?"

Silence, a long silence.

"Hahahahahahaha!!! "

Aaron suddenly burst into laughter, as if he was crazy:

"Murlocs are the greatest race in the world, the spirit of all things!!!"

Aaron was completely in his fantasy at this time.

He looked at Bai Ye, who had been chattering since just now, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Murlocs' physical fitness is ten times that of low-level humans!!!"

Aaron was now a little crazy, repeating this sentence over and over again.

"Ten times?"

Bai Ye laughed after hearing this,

"Since you care so much about this, then let you despair completely."

Bai Ye turned his wrist, and several pills appeared in his hand.

It was a furnace of pills that Bai Ye specially refined before going to Barati.

"Open your eyes and see how easy it is to cross the gap in your so-called physical fitness! ”

[Seventh-grade elixir - Cleansing marrow elixir]

One of the essential elixirs for ancient Qi practitioners before practicing.

As the name suggests, this elixir can improve the physique of the user to the greatest extent.

And develop the potential of one's body to the greatest extent.

It is definitely a must-have medicine before building a foundation.

"Luffy, Zoro..."

"Take it~"

ps: I didn't expect so many people to come for the first show.

First of all, I'm flattered, and then explain the update.

In order to catch up with the progress in the past two days, I squandered all the manuscripts, so...

The author is not full-time, so I can only update one chapter today, and there will be two chapters in the evening.

I will try to release three chapters every day in the future!!!

As for the update time, it should be after 6 pm.

Finally, please generate electricity for free...

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