In fact, not only Sanji, but also the other people's requirements for strength are quite vague. Luffy wants to be the Pirate King, and Zoro wants to be the world's number one swordsman. As for the remaining few people, it will not be until the end of the war on the top, and after seeing Luffy's brother die, that they will have a greater desire for strength. Thinking of this, Bai Ye also understood the difference in progress among the few people and what the reason was. Later, Bai Ye used Zoro to mock Sanji, and successfully made the latter awaken the armed color and observation color domineering. As for Nami and Zoro, Bai Ye can only say that there is a long way to go. But it is not without gain. At least after training, the two have greatly improved their own strength. Time passed day by day, until one day, a bird with a strange shape landed on the boat of everyone.


Luffy took action as soon as he saw the bird.

If everyone hadn't stopped him in time, Luffy would have plucked all the feathers.

"This is the news bird!!! If you eat it, we won't be able to get the news newspaper in the future!"

Nami punched Luffy and said.

Luffy: Gumina Sai~

As for the news bird, after Bai Ye gave two hundred Baileys as compensation, the news bird also chose to forgive Luffy.

Then, Bai Ye took the newspaper handed by the news bird.

He found what he wanted as soon as he opened it.

Their bounty order.


Cocosia Village~

"Nokigo, something bad has happened!"

Ajian rushed in with a few bounty orders in his hand.

"Nami's bounty order?"

Nokigo saw his sister at a glance.

When she saw the bounty on her sister, she couldn't help but open her eyes wide in disbelief:

"What did Nami do?"

[Little Thief Cat] Nami: Bounty of 15 million Baileys!!!

West Rob Village~

"Miss, this might interest you."

Butler Merry knocked on Kaya's door and handed her the bounty in her hand.

"Is this the first time I've been bountied?"

Kaya's tone was also a little surprised, but she smiled immediately:

"It's Usopp after all~"

"Oh oh oh! Captain Usopp's bounty!!!"

On the hilltop, the three Onionheads also kept shouting at the bounty in front of them, venting their excitement.

[Sniper] Usopp: Bounty of 15 million Baileys!!!

Barati, the restaurant on the sea~

"Is Sanji that guy so powerful?"

Paddy and others were in the kitchen, whispering to each other while looking at the bounty in front of them, so shocked that they didn't even notice the chef walking behind them.

"What are you doing if you're not cooking, you bastards?!!!"

After Zeff kicked everyone over, he also saw the bounty in front of him.

Then he smiled:

"Hey! You guys, post this bounty at the door of the restaurant!!!"

[Blackfoot] Sanji: Bounty of 25 million Baileys!!!

Isshin Dojo in Shimotsuki Village~

"Listen to me, Zoro did study with me for a while."

Koshiro looked at a group of children who suddenly appeared and wanted to learn kendo from him, feeling helpless.

"But I can tell you accurately that I can't teach you to be masters like Zoro.

Kendo is not such a simple thing."

But Koshiro looked down at the bounty in the child's hand and smiled:

"It seems that you have kept your promise!"

[Pirate Hunter] Zoro: Bounty of 30 million Baileys!!!

Windmill Village~

"Hey, hey, hey, everyone, look what this is!!!"

In the Makino tavern, a man suddenly broke in.

"This is! The bounty for Luffy!!!"

"Hey, hey, hey, are you kidding me about this number?"

"That's right!!! With this bounty, could it be that Luffy destroyed a naval base?"

"Village chief, we won't be arrested by the navy because of Luffy."

"I've said it before, that kid will only cause trouble for us."

The people in the tavern were noisy and saying some words that disliked Luffy, but in the end, they all raised their glasses at the same time:

"Cheers to Luffy!!!"

At the bar, the village chief was a little worried:

"Luffy is really something. If Vice Admiral Garp comes back, how can I explain to him?"

Makino brought a glass of wine to the village chief and said:

"But look, Luffy is smiling happily!"

She looked at the bounty order, and Luffy's smiling face was particularly eye-catching.

【Straw Hat Boy】Luffy: Bounty of 60 million Baileys!!!

At the same time, Makino picked up another bounty order, looked at the handsome face on it, and couldn't help thinking:

"Luffy, that guy, seems to have found a pretty good partner!"


"What a joke!!!"

"Bai Ye's bounty must have been filled in incorrectly!!!"

Nami and Usopp were both stunned, because there seemed to be too many zeros on Bai Ye's bounty order.

"Hahaha, Bai Ye is really awesome!!!"

Luffy clapped his hands and cheered, causing Sanji to say:

"Hey Luffy, Bai Ye's bounty is higher than yours as a captain!!"

"Don't worry," Luffy's eyes were full of confidence,

"Bai Ye is my crew member, and I will soon surpass him!!!"

Zoro on the side stared at Bai Ye's bounty order, compared it with his own, and gritted his teeth.

It seems that the training needs to be doubled.

And among these people, the most speechless is actually Bai Ye himself.

He looked at his bounty order and complained in his heart:

"This must be the work of that old man Sengoku, what is this, revenge?"

"A great admiral of the navy is so petty???"

"Is it because of the battle with Hawkeye? It shouldn't be. According to Sengoku's mind, can't he find out the real situation of his fight with Hawkeye?"

"Fuck! Am I the target of public criticism now?"

Bai Ye didn't think that his bounty would be higher than Luffy's.

After all, when the navy determines the amount of the bounty, in addition to the strength rating, it also assesses the degree of danger this person poses to the world.

And Bai Ye's previous provocation to the navy is likely to raise Bai Ye's restlessness in Sengoku's heart to a higher level.

But Bai Ye predicted that his bounty would only be about 5 million to 10 million higher than Luffy.

But he never thought that his bounty would directly raise the Straw Hat Pirates to a new level.

Bai Ye looked at the bounty in his hand with a wry smile on his face:

[Tianshi] Bai Ye: Bounty of 100 million Baileys!!!

Total bounty of the Straw Hat Pirates: 245 million!!!

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