"That guy!

Sengoku touched his head, he felt that his hair had become less recently, since that guy Ron embarked on the great voyage, no, since that guy rose in the East China Sea, every time he heard news from Ron, every news could give him a headache, and there was no news about Ron that didn't make him tricky!

This time, it's really big!

"He, his courage is too great, even the Celestial Dragons dare to kill?" Warring States whispered in disbelief, now that the news is no longer under his control, the world government should be in even more trouble!

"Marshal... Do I still want to go over?" In front of the Warring States, the yellow ape with his hands in his pockets asked softly, in fact, the yellow ape's heart refused, you know, the one who made trouble in the Chambord Islands was Ron, the last time he was defeated by Ron is still fresh in his memory, and now that he has passed, isn't he uncomfortable?

The key is that guy, this time the matter is too big, he thinks he can't do it alone, the pheasant guy actually dodged it, it's so witty!

"Go, I'm definitely going to go!" "Warring States said in a deep voice: "But, alas!"

"What?" asked the yellow ape.

"Originally, I had already discussed it with Ms. Tsuru and the World Government, but now most of the Seven Martial Seas have gathered, this is a good time to release news, and judging Ace is the most important thing now!"

"This, no one can predict in advance!" Huang Ape shook his head and said, "Otherwise, let's wait for the news from the five old stars, right?"

"Hmm!" Sengoku nodded: "But no matter what the situation is over there, our side still has to be dispatched, you go and prepare first, there are three people in the Chambord Islands in the Rhodes family, and now Charros Saint has been killed by Ron, and his father and sister are still on the island, we must rescue those two, otherwise, those people from Mary Joy will definitely not let us go!"

"Hmm!" the yellow ape nodded, then sighed and turned to leave, thinking that he was a naval admiral and Warring States was a marshal, but he had to play the role of a nanny when the Tianlong people were attacked, it really was!

In a large conference hall of the Navy Headquarters, there are several Seven Martial Sea personnel gathered here, the Empress, Doflamingo, and Bartholomery, only these three people are here, and the other two people, Moonlight Moria and Hawkeye, have not arrived yet.

"Hey, hey, hey... I didn't expect it!" Doflamingo smiled gloomily, and heard the news from his subordinates about the Chambord Islands in the phone bug in front of him, and burst into a low laugh: "That guy is really crazy!"

He himself was a member of the Celestial Dragons before, although he was not now, but he was able to become the Seven Martial Seas, controlling a large number of huge forces in the dark world, and also had the reason for the original Celestial Dragons' identity, he deeply understood the supremacy of the Celestial Dragons in this world.

Ron dared to kill a Draconian, this is forcing the world government and navy to take action!

Next to him, Bartholomi Bear didn't have any expression, just took the book in his hand and read it, without even raising his head.

The empress sitting on the side had her eyes flickering, and her heart was obviously not calm.

"Kill the Draconian!" The empress's heart shook, and there was a trace of pain and happiness in her heart, that pain came from the memory of many years ago, when the three sisters were captured by the Draconians as slaves when they were young, but they were tortured very badly, and were often beaten by the Draconians, and that memory left an indelible painful experience in her heart, so that she can never forget.

Even if the three sisters escaped later because of the rescue of the fish-man hero Tiger, these memories were still things she didn't want to recall.

And now, what did she hear?

That Ron, who was too thin on her, actually killed a Celestial Dragon!!

This news shook her heart, she had been in Mary Joya, and she also understood what kind of supreme position the Draconians were in the world, and killing a Draco people would be a big thing that would cause a huge shock in the whole world!

"That guy ... The empress muttered to herself, "He would have killed the Celestial Dragons! "

The empress's heart was fluctuating, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time!

And at this time, in the political center of the world government, the most important place in the whole world, and also the holy place where the Draconians live, Mary Joya, great turmoil was being generated.

Countless Celestial Dragon families gathered and came to the main hall where the Five Old Stars were located.

"The Draconians have been killed, and you guys don't send someone to punish that pariah?" one of the Draconians shouted angrily, looking at the eyes of the five old stars as if they were about to erupt into flames.

"Kill those untouchables!" another male Draco shouted murderously, "Immediately, immediately, let the three admirals of the Navy go out together!"

"There is a pariah who dares to attack us Draconians, it is unforgivable, he must be killed!" the other Draconians also roared.

The five old stars and the five people looked at each other one by one at this moment, their brows were furrowed, they were pushed out by the Draco people as the supreme leader of the world government, and they themselves represented the interests of the Draco people, and even they were members of the Draco people, and when they heard the news that Ron had killed the Draco people, they immediately knew that it was not good!

This matter is going to make a big fuss!

"What should I do?" the short and fat five old stars first calmed the Celestial Dragon Man in front of them, and then walked back to the other four and asked in a low voice.

"What else can I do?" the Fifth Old Star with a long knife said in a deep voice, "Ron dares to kill the Celestial Dragon, it is absolutely unforgivable, and he must be exterminated with all his might!"

"However, we've been busy judging Ace recently, and that's the most important thing!" the tall and thin Five Old Star frowned, "If you make a big deal for Ron now, it will delay a lot of time!"

"Ace's matter can be delayed backwards, now that the Celestial Dragons have been killed, the matter is too big!" said a sturdy Five Old Star, "We can't stay still!"

"Yes, you can't stay still!" The last five old stars also said: "If you don't move, you can't do it, if you can't kill Ron, all five of us will step down!"

"However, Ron's strength ... The tall and thin five old stars hesitated: "How to deal with him?"

"Don't think about it, now there are three of the Seven Martial Seas gathered in the Navy Headquarters, and we will also send the strongest secret force CP0 here, and then let the Navy Headquarters follow the dispatch of the Admiral to go over and besiege Ron with all their might! There are still two Celestial Dragons there, and the lives of Rhodes and his daughter must be guaranteed! The Celestial Dragons can't die anymore!"

"Yes, there can't be any more accidents, now give the order immediately!"


The Navy Headquarters received an order from Mary Joya to attack with all its might, and Sengoku looked awe-inspiring, understanding that this matter was even bigger than he expected!

He didn't dare to slack off, and immediately ordered all the staff to attack, as for the trial of Ace, there was no choice but to delay it backwards.

As a result, Admiral Yellow Ape, as well as Akainu and Pheasant in the New World, also received the news that they were going to the Chambord Islands to support, and immediately set off from the New World.

The naval fleet, led by the Yellow Ape, headed for the Chambord Islands.

At the request of the Navy Headquarters, the three of the Seven Martial Seas also headed towards the Chambord Islands.

At the same time, Mary Joy's side also sent CP0, the strongest secret force under the World Government, to attack, and the scientific troops under the command of Sentomaru also attacked at the same time, rushing to the Chambord Islands with pacifists!

The purpose of such a big battle is to rescue the two Dracons and eliminate Ron who dares to kill the Dracons!

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