"I don't know what's wrong, that's right, I'm really a little bit ignorant, what can you think of me, if you're really angry, then you can seriously fight me!"

In Auntie's opinion, even if the two of them have some short-term union, but more, the two of them still exist as enemies, so many years of grievances and grievances, although on the whole, no one has taken advantage of anyone, but, how can things be so simple.

The two of them have been calculating each other for so long, how can they turn their rivalry into jade silk like this, they are both people who want each other to die, and it is really unrealistic to unite.

Even if Ron completely trusts her, she can't trust Ron completely, maybe in the eyes of others this is a very simple thing, but in fact, all aspects of it are very complicated.

Although my aunt has always been in a hurry, as if she has never been a brain, her heart has always been very detailed, and she thinks more about problems.

"Fight a fight, we can't be friends, we can only be enemies, this time I will never be soft-hearted, be prepared to fail!"

Ron closed his eyes and calmed himself down, it was right for the aunt not to unite with him, and their grievances had accumulated too much, although what he said could not care about the previous things, but sometimes it was really not a good feeling when he thought about it.

After all, this is a gap in their hearts, and it is also a gap between the two people, if this account is not settled, not only Ron, but even the aunt will be very uncomfortable.

"Wait, let's not be in a hurry to fight first, let's settle the previous accounts first, all the grievances and grievances will be resolved today, and we will not interfere with each other in the future, no one will bother anyone, what do you think?"

Auntie was really a little tired from the fight just now, and the fight really couldn't solve the problem, just now she may have been angry for a while, so she didn't think about the problem comprehensively, and now after calming down, I feel that Ron's proposal is still desirable.

Although they can't unite with each other, but they can at least not interfere with each other, being an enemy is really too much to lose, even if one of them dies, what can he do, he can't get any actual benefits, so why do it?

It's always good to have one less enemy, but they really can't be friends, so it's good if they can die old and not get along.

"Okay, I accept your proposal, then let's settle the accounts today, from now on, we will never get along, and neither of us can challenge each other. "

Ron and Reilly glanced at each other, and Brynn also came out of it at this time, nodding at Ron, they both knew deeply that this was the biggest concession that Big Mom could make.

"Okay, since you agreed, then let's do the math!" said the aunt, and the man had already jumped onto Ron's boat, and Ron didn't stop him.

Napoleon was afraid that his aunt would be in danger, and just wanted to come over, but he saw his aunt wave his hand, signaling that he didn't need to come, and Napoleon had to go back and watch quietly.

The two of them started from the beginning of the contradiction and slowly liquidated, in fact, they can't remember many things clearly, because the time is too long, but it is still not much worse.

Some of them have been forgotten, but they can't affect anything, they have been fighting for most of their lives, and they can't solve it in a sentence or two.

Aunt yawned, feeling that it was too troublesome to liquidate this kind of thing, but when she thought that if the liquidation was completed today, there would be one less big enemy, and Aunt would be motivated again.

"Unconsciously, so many things have happened between us?" the aunt looked at Ron in surprise, as if she didn't believe it, but when she thought about it carefully, what they said was true.

"Otherwise, we've been fighting for most of our lives. "

Ron sighed, already talking about what had happened recently.

"I arrested you, but Brynn also let you go, and you later wanted to kill me, but Brynn saved me again, and later, there was a fight between us, and it was Brynn who risked his life to make us stop fighting, although there were some accidents in the middle, which put Brynn himself in danger, but our later cooperation was also tacit and rescued Brynn......"

Saying this, Ron was a little reluctant in his heart, the intersection between them can actually be said to be over here, but he doesn't know what happened, Ron was a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Then this matter can be uncovered in one go, I'm sorry for you, you're sorry for me, and besides, Brynn has done so much, she can't let her do it in vain!"

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