The other side.

Without the pursuit of warships, Lin Hai was galloping on the blue sea with dolphins.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: Say to the navy present, you guys are just scum, and after five minutes away from the navy’s pursuit, the mission completion will earn 200 death points].

【Get 200 points】

Lin Hai, who was sitting on the fish at this time, rubbed his sore shoulders.

After solving the seven warships with all his strength, Lin Hai’s breathing also became a little heavier, and the whirlwind on his body shook a few times, and finally completely calmed down.

“Sure enough, it’s still too reluctant.”

This powerful slash is a great load on the body, although usually Lin Hai also pays attention to the cultivation of the body, but now the strength of his body is still not enough.

It seems that it is necessary to learn domineering as soon as possible.

If you learn to arm your domineering colors, you will be able to improve your defense and attack power.

【Ding! A sufficiently strong growth of the host was detected. 】

[The phased mission ‘Call from the Revolutionary Army’ detects that the host’s strength has met the requirements of the C-level mission and opens the C-level mission. 】

[C-level mission content: Arrive at the Holy Land of Mary Joa within a month. 】

The task of the revolutionary army was triggered again? But after seeing the content of the task, Lin Hai faintly had a bad premonition.

The Holy Land of Marie Joa, home to the headquarters of the World Government, is located between the first and second half of the Great Voyage, the pinnacle of the Red Earth Continent, and is one of the two paths to the New World.

The same place was also the residential address of the world’s noble Draco, and Lin Hai always felt that it was not a good thing for this system to let him go to the Holy Land.

This is a dead system….

What strange death tasks will appear after Tianxiao gets the Holy Land, it seems that he must improve his strength as much as possible before going to the Holy Land, otherwise he will not know if he is killed.

“But it’s not easy to reach the Holy Land within a month.” Lin Hai touched his chin and frowned and thought: “Leaving aside the problem of distance for the time being, the guys who encounter some trouble on the road are complicated, the death system will not be obediently divided for a month, and I also want to go to Daughter’s Island to see.” ”

Fortunately, Daughter’s Island is also on the great shipping lane, which can barely be regarded as a smooth way.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the Navy Thousand Slash, Navy Dreader, and the title has been upgraded to LV2. 】

[Navy Fearer LV2: Your strength makes the navy feel jealous and fearful, after equipping the title, there is a 35% chance that the ordinary navy will retreat without a fight, and there is a 10% probability of subduing an admiral. Currently in the state of wearing].

“Hey, what the hell is a thousand people chopping, it’s easy to misunderstand the word.” Lin Hai couldn’t help but complain with a broken mouth.

However, he did not expect that he could still obtain the title against the Navy, and this death system did not seem to deal with the Navy?

Lin Hai opened the interface of the system and took a look.

Host: Lin Hai

Identity: Enemy of the Navy

Abilities: Wind Sword Inheritance (Full Version), One Heart Sword Art, Secret Kunpeng Getaway.

Status: Healthy

Points: 4050

Items: Time Machine X2, Pokémon Egg (unhatched).

Wearing title: Navy Dread LV2.

[Navy Fearer: Your strength makes the navy feel jealous and fearful, after equipping the title, there is a 35% chance that the ordinary navy will retreat without a fight, and there is a 10% probability of subduing an admiral. ] 】

Currently in progress:

Mission 1: ‘Call from the Revolutionary Army’ Completion 3/6! The host is performing a C-level task within a segmentation task.

Mission 2: ‘Upgraded System’ Completion 2/10! Please collect more Devil Fruits and complete the system upgrade as soon as possible.


Collect devil fruits, you must know that devil fruits are also rare in the One Piece world, and each one is worth hundreds of millions of Baileys, which is definitely not easy to get.

Seeing his points soar to 4,000, Lin Hai thought of another thing.

Just now, about Captain Tina’s death mission, just kissing each other, you can get 500 death points, almost catching up with the time he fought to the death in Rogue Town!

There are two possibilities, one is because this death system is particularly ‘caring’ for the navy, but this possibility was quickly sent by Lin Hai, because Smog is also a navy, and he didn’t see a lot of points when he faced so many navies in Rogue Town.

There is also a possibility that the death tasks related to women can obtain particularly high death points, and the more you do it, the higher the points.

This is very reliable.

After all, when he was in Frost Moon Village, his death points for facing Gu Yina were not low!

Thinking about it, Lin Hai, who had been expecting it, muttered: “If this is the case, then wouldn’t it be higher to die on Han Cook, who is a female emperor?” Well, this matter is worth looking into. ”

At this time, Lian Hai saw from a distance that a red mountain appeared in the direction of his voyage, which seemed to lead to the sky, which was the only way to enter the great passage, the Red Earth Continent.

On the Red Earth Continent, you can clearly see that there is a rapid water flow, like an upside-down waterfall, which actually rushes to the sky against the gravity factor!

“Is that Upside Down Mountain? It’s spectacular! Lin Hai couldn’t help but sigh.

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