Hundred meters, five hundred meters, kilometers, five kilometers!

[-] meters!

The invisible air wave, with a smell of rolling, completely covered half of the Marin Vatican square in an instant.

Wherever they passed, one after another, the figure of a dumb chicken fell heavily on the ground.

Rolling his eyes down, he fell into a coma. Under the stumble, he just didn't wake up.

Just like a hurricane passing through the country, the rice field is harvested, and the fallen figures have brought a huge visual impact.

Whitebeard sitting on the pirate ship and Kaido the beast standing on the bow of the ship, their pupils could not help shrinking.

"Hurry back, this is a domineering tyrant. Without sufficient psychological preparation and strong physical fitness, there is no way to resist!"

The roar resounded through the entire naval headquarters in an instant.

Looking at the fallen figures, the absent-minded admirals woke up one after another, intending to take action to temporarily retreat the unprepared naval soldiers.

However, looking around, the huge Marinfando Square, hundreds of thousands of naval soldiers, at this moment, there are only a few thousand of them.

With some soldiers stationed in the more marginal places, they looked at the crowd with a stunned expression on their faces. .

Chapter 238 Battle Star


The generals who had reacted had no way to recover.

Looking at the densely packed navy soldiers lying on the ground in the field, the spine was still chilled.

In the face of it, there are also the figures of the so-called chief and middle officers, and the scene in front of them can be described as sweeping.

"What's going on here, the overlord is domineering, I'm afraid it won't reach this level, they are all the elites of the navy~ soldiers!"

The voiceless exclamation sounded instantly on the high platform.

Huoshaoshan, as the commander-in-chief of the soldiers this time, was full of lingering shock on his face.

In order to deal with the big event of the four emperors coming together this time, he personally checked and gathered all the physical and best naval soldiers here.

Originally, I planned to use this as a huge threat weapon to shock the heroes in the field.

However, it never occurred to him that he had spent all his efforts and barely closed his eyes in seven days, so he could barely gather the elites.

In that moment, he didn't give up at all.

If I hadn't witnessed this scene with my own eyes, Huoshaoshan would definitely not believe that it was all true.


Looking at the scene in front of him, the entire Malin Fando fell into a dead silence.

Do not!

It should be said that the whole world has become silent at this moment.

As long as you witnessed the live broadcast of the phone bug, the beating of your heart seemed to stop.

If we say that just a moment ago, Charlotte Lingling's domineering arrogance swept through thousands of people, it was just a simple dismount, so that ordinary people could see what the majesty of a king is.

So, now in front of everyone's eyes, the cold words are simply swallowed, and there is a heart-warming scene in front of them.

Only then did he fully interpret what the existence of the emperor among emperors was, and what kind of confidence the supreme and arrogant might had.

"Katakuri, do you think you are qualified to be my opponent?"

In the dead silent environment, the cold questioning voice suddenly came out, like an invisible heavy hammer, pulling back the nerves of everyone.

He turned his eyes and looked at the fallen crowd, mingling with them, preparing for a sneak attack. Among the three dignified generals in the Four Emperor Pirates, Katakuri, who offered a reward of one billion bailey, stood out from the crowd. It's an inexplicable feeling.

As a long-established celebrity, with a reward of one billion Baileys, it is a monster-level existence that will be domineering and cultivated to the extreme.

But it is mixed among the pirates, waiting for an opportunity to attack, obviously a bit out of status.

However, the most unbearable thing is the huge gap in identity.

The long-established pirate who offered a reward of [-] billion, was scolded by a newcomer with a reward of [-] million, in front of people all over the world.

Even the battle-hardened Katakuri never imagined this scene.

"What's the matter, you are in control, and you have cultivated to the extreme of seeing and hearing domineering. Could it be that you didn't foresee such an embarrassing scene?" Ye Zhige looked at him coldly.

The four eyes met, and the cold words seemed to be squeezed out between the teeth.


The words are like thunder, rolling away, bringing an inexplicable feeling of suffocation.

Not only Katakuri, but also Charlotte Lingling, who was the fourth emperor, turned ashen to the extreme in an instant.

Feeling the gaze cast on him in the field, Katakuri couldn't hold back his breath.

Charlotte Lingling's hysterical roar detonated Katakuri's resentment.

"Katakuri, kill him for me!"

The roar that ripped apart the heavens and the earth shook people's eardrums.

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