The huge repulsive force, like the rolling of Wan Jun Dashan, was completely imposed on Kizaru.

With Kizaru as the center, the enormous oppressive force, even the rocky land like Marin Fando, can't bear it.

Accompanied by the sound of 873 breaking out suddenly, one after another extremely ferocious cracks quickly spread around.

A huge deep pit with a diameter of five or six hundred meters was formed in the next moment.

The seemingly tedious scene is really investigated, but it is only a short period of time.

During this process, they just saw the square of Marin van Dou, which sank abruptly.


A miserable cry rose into the sky, and under the sound of the rocks breaking and the rock formations moving, it seemed extremely disturbing.

At least, at this moment, this scream overshadowed everything.


Uranus, the king of heaven, rolled in the sky, and finally fell heavily on the deck of Kaido's ship.

At this moment, as if it was worthless, a huge hole was smashed crookedly.

Whether it was Kaido, the beast, or Hades like a wise general, their attention was completely attracted by Ye Zhige's sharp attack.

Do not!

It should be said that the entire Marin Vando, and even anyone in front of the live call bug, was staring at the screen of the live call with bated breath, and even raised his brows.

In his mind, inadvertently, he kept repeating Katakuri who was KO by a strong blow among the three generals.

They desperately wanted to know if Kizaru, who had hit this blow, would retake Katakuri's fate.

The sky was filled with dust, accompanied by an untimely breeze, and it completely collapsed into the void.

The sound of a dry cough fell on everyone's ears like a death urging.

A thin figure, standing in the ruins, has completely become a straw that breaks people's nerves.

Qi Shushu's eyes turned and looked eagerly at the ruins.

Abruptly sinking into a deep pit of more than ten meters, at this moment, a familiar nerve is lying quietly.

The rolled eyes and the motionless body, like a brand, lingered in his mind.

Everyone who witnessed this scene felt a sharp blade pierced deep into their hearts, and they felt like they couldn't breathe.

This is the Admiral of the Navy, known as the headquarters of the Navy, one of the top three major forces.

In one face, they were instantly KO'd by the other party. This result was completely beyond their control. If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, I'm afraid no one would want to believe that all this was true.

"Kizuna, stand up for me!" Akainu and Qingzhi appeared at the place where Ye Zhige was standing.

Among the three generals, the speed possessed by Kizaru is far superior to the two of them.

In terms of speed, he can definitely stand out from the crowd, and if he really fights, I am afraid that only the thunder fruit owned by Anilu can match.

Ye Zhige has Shunpo, but if he really cares about it, he is still lacking.

If it hadn't taken advantage of the distance, it would have shortened the distance by half compared to Kizaru.

Kizaru's attention was mostly on the body of the Heavenly King Ulanus.

At the same time, the task of containing Ye Zhige was placed on Akainu and Qingzhi, ignoring the defense of the back, and Ye Zhige could not strike a powerful blow in one go.

The most important point, Ye Zhige clearly remembered that Black Arm Zefa once commented that Kizaru blindly pursued and relied on the development of Devil Fruit abilities, completely ignoring the improvement of his physique.

It was for this reason that Ye Zhige was able to strike this fatal blow when he was unexpected.

"Kizuna, stand up for me!" Akainu still growled with a livid face.

It's a pity that he was left alone, no matter how hysterical, the yellow monkey lying on the ruins remained motionless.

This scene, placed on the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando, is simply a slap in the face.

"Don't worry, Huang Yuan is only temporarily unconscious!" Ye Zhige said with a chuckle.

The arrogance of the armed color wrapped around his right hand gradually faded away. The conversation changed and he said in a cold voice, "Only, I would like to say that the Admiral is the same, although he has developed the power of the Devil Fruit to the extreme."

"It's just that it ignores what is refined physique. Katakuri may not be able to compare with Kizaru in overall strength, but in physique, it is significantly higher than Kizaru, and even Katakuri can't match this. Hit, do you think Kizaru can still stand up?"

The cold voice reverberated in this piece of sky, with a fascinating taste.


Akainu's face turned ashen to the extreme, but there was no way to refute it.

After all, it is not the first time he and Kizaru have heard of these comments.

And it still came from the mouth of their mentor, Black Wrist Zefa.

However, Akainu never imagined that this weakness would make them lose face completely at such an important moment.

If it is said that the defeat of Katakuri just a moment ago was just a joke to the Navy headquarters.

So now Kizaru is performing the same scene, but it makes them feel that they can't adapt.

At least, in their eyes, this kind of scene should definitely not have happened to Kizaru.

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