So what is the situation of the yellow ape who is attacking violently now.

At least, in the eyes of Akainu, Kizaru's betrayal made him completely unacceptable.

This is an admiral who has been carrying justice for decades, and a friend who graduated from the same period.

Among the three generals, if Akainu's trust is more inclined to which person, I am afraid it is only Kizaru.

It's a pity that the scene in front of him was completely beyond Akainu's expectations, and even Qingzhi couldn't figure it out.

Subconsciously looking at Ye Zhige's face, Qingzhi finally understood why the young man in front of him was so calm.

This hole card completely subverted their cognition.

Kizaru's betrayal may be a fatal blow to the World Government's implementation of justice.

The lava that filled the sky was out of the control of Akainu, like a waterfall, pouring down to the ground.

Ainilu, who lost his interception, grabbed the iron box and returned to Ye Zhige's side like a ghost. .

Chapter 251 Bailey's Hands

"Kizuna, what the hell is going on, are you crazy?" Akainu reacted and growled hysterically.

The sturdy body was trembling with anger, and lava emerged from the body, and bubbles rose up one by one.

Unfortunately, in the face of Akainu's remarks, Kizaru still had a joking look on his face, and had no intention of answering.


Ye Zhige didn't hesitate any longer. When Anilu returned, he couldn't wait for the system to scan.

The slightly moving gesture awakened Qingzhi, who was absent-minded. He couldn't figure out the betrayal of Kizaru.

However, I intuitively told Qingzhi that all of this was probably related to the Supreme Being. To understand the ins and outs of it, he could only be left behind.

Chaotic thoughts flashed through Qingzhi's mind, and the Frost Sword clenched in his right hand suddenly flicked his wrist and slashed straight to Ye Zhige's neck.

"Zhu Xian Sword Formation!"

Ninety-nine lines of white cold light dissipated instantly like a ghost, stabbing straight at Qingzhi's body.

At the same time, a light blue light agitated on Ye Zhige's body.

After resisting the Great Spitfire of the Burning River, Susanoo, who was relieved, unfolded again.

The frozen sharp blade, with a clang, slashed on Kasusanoo.

Under absolute defense, the ice crystal blade may have a freezing effect.

However, in the face of Susanoo, it was obviously too difficult to break through this layer of defense.

Quickly covering, the swollen Susanoo, the repulsive force generated, slammed into Qingzhi's body heavily.

At the same time, ninety-nine Immortal Execution Swords stabbed Qingzhi directly with Xiao Sha's piercing sound.

If this blow really hits, Qingzhi will definitely become a hornet's nest.

"Ice Age!"

The words swept across the audience like a cold wind passing through, with an inexplicable feeling of suffocation.

A icy cold wind, centered on Qingzhi, exploded instantly.

A white wave of air instantly enveloped a radius of kilometers.

Even some of the molten pulp that was assimilated by the Akainu Devil Fruit's ability was instantly frozen.

After the white fog cleared, Qingzhi was already dozens of meters away from Susanoo, and the Immortal Execution Sword that pierced down was fixed in the void, motionless.

The huge Susanoo was even more frozen.

Witnessing this scene, many admirals couldn't help showing a hint of joy on their faces.

"Did you succeed? Qingzhi-sama has frozen the Supreme Being!"

"I heard that no one can leave alive under this trick!"

A series of debates spread out in Marin Vatican Square. After many changes, there are people who can still stand here.

Everyone was at the level of a general, looking at the frozen scene, there was a hint of joy on his face.

Listening to the chatter, Qingzhi's brows couldn't help but twitch, staring silently at the frozen Susanoo in the arena.

That motionless gesture gave him an inexplicable feeling.

At least, in Qingzhi's eyes, this move alone might not be enough to solve the Supreme Being.

Unfortunately, with the passage of time, there is still no movement in the behemoth in front of him.

"Is the Supreme really defeated?"

In Qingzhi's mind, this idea could not help but sprout, and there was an inexplicable sense of urgency in the depths of his pupils.

If this blow really works, then he will become a hero of the navy.

"Successful scan, [-] billion Baileys, is there a red-letter limited lottery!"

Compared with the excitement of the people outside, Ye Zhige couldn't help but feel excited when he looked at [-] billion Baileys.

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