In the end, the victory will be criticized in the eyes of others.

However, they never imagined that under the siege, Ye Zhige still had this kind of mind to speak in the wind.

Staring with anger, the four eyes met, and the six-pointed star's reincarnation eyes turned frantically.

Ye Zhige, who was standing on the ruins, didn't show any dodging gesture in front of everyone's eyes, his hands clasped together suddenly, a wave of light blue air, centered on him, quickly swept up.

The half-body Susanoo in the form of a skeleton quickly condensed frantically with Ye Zhige as the center.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a ferocious skeleton shape more than ten meters high. After undergoing the transformation of the second-order reincarnation eye, the shape became more solid.

The scorching hot lava filled the sky, the icy cold wind, the white lines in the waves that cut like sharp blades, and the flashes of light that fell from the sky, madly attacked Susanoo.

The intensive offensive caused the light blue light on Susanoo's body to be like an ancient pond, stirring up a circle of ripples, giving people a feeling of precariousness.

Looking around, it is like being in a raging tide, capsizing a boat that is swallowed by the waves at any time.

"It's this kind of defense again, no wonder it's a little bit of a breath!"

Suddenly, a cold voice suddenly sounded in this stalemate.

A ghostly figure, with a strange posture, instantly appeared behind Ye Zhige.

The huge body of more than ten meters, sharp fangs and tigers, flashed out in the absolute cold wind of Qingzhi.

"It's the fruit of the phantom beast, the direwolf!"

The scarlet beast's eyes, full of bloodthirsty taste, are within a short distance.

The gigantic figure stood up, and the sharp claws, the size of a grinding disc, were heavily photographed towards Susanoo.

The dark armed color is domineering, and there is a strange white cold light circulating.

The sharp claws slammed into the sky, making a loud collision sound like the sky, as if mixed with ten thousand strength, and an invisible air wave swept the audience.

Under the huge impact, the devastated earth seemed to be overwhelmed, and it quickly cracked like a spider web.

The ground on which Susanoo was standing was abruptly crushed into a huge deep hole.

The most surprising thing is that where the sharp claws touched, the cold air lingered, and the ice crystals spread rapidly. Under the domineering armed color, the five fingers suddenly tightened, and the sharp nails, like sharp blades, buckled on the surface of the ice crystal.

A crisp cracking sound came out, and under the joyous expressions on everyone's faces, under the many attacks, the precarious Susanohu's absolute defense was finally broken. .

Chapter 258 Dilemma?

Hades, who witnessed this scene, also flashed a hint of joy in the depths of his pupils.

After many battles, Hades has been analyzing the endless means that Ye Zhige possesses.

In his calculations, in addition to Shinra Tianzheng, who has the strongest attack power, Ye Zhige's strongest defense is in the Sila Archipelago, in the final competition with the beasts Kaido, using the Susaneng almost.

Under the resistance of many powerful attacks, Hades was aiming at Susanoo's defense, and when there was a slight omission, he chose the timing of the violent attack.

"Supreme, I have already seen through your weakest means of defense. If you don't have him and face the oncoming intensive attacks, I just want to know if you can still show a calm face, or Terrified ~ I can't help it!"

The direwolf, the corners of his lips were slightly upturned, revealing upside-down fangs, and the dull and thunderous words spit out, and roared loudly.

"Wolf Fist, tear!"

The white cold air circulated wildly on the surface of the direwolf, like grinding disc-like claws, and the sharp fingertips suddenly increased sharply.

A wisp of white air wrapped around it, turning more than three feet into it, piercing through Susanohu's defensive coat, and the protruding muscles tensed directly.

The right claw suddenly pulled, like an indestructible blade, quickly tearing Susanoo's coat apart.

Seeing that the absolute defense was pierced, and there was a fatal flaw, Akainu and others couldn't help showing a hint of joy.

Perhaps, they are in the position of the navy and carry out absolute justice.

However, in the face of the thorny existence of the Supreme, it is obviously confirmed that the last military order of the Warring States period.

For the time being, the conflict with Kaido of the beasts will be abandoned, and the purpose of all is to obliterate the Supreme.

At such a critical moment, even joining forces with Hades would not be a problem at all.

"Dover, completely restrict Sovereign's movements. Qingzhi and I will join forces to kill him. Kizaru, you prevent Sovereign from escaping!" A sharp look flashed in the depths of Akainu's pupils, and he said angrily.

Brother Doflamingo has his own arrogance, but as far as this is concerned, he has no arrogance at all.

Locking Ye Zhige's eyes, he just wanted to kill him urgently.

For Akainu who gave orders to him privately, he didn't take it to heart, and took a big step forward.

Awakened by the ability of the Devil Fruit, the whole earth came to life again, and the white silk threads gathered together to form a hundred-zhang python-like shape.

"The White Snake Prison!"

The right hand grabbed it from a distance, and the moment the five fingers were tense, the condensed hundred-zhang python, as fast as a thunder, went straight to attack Ye Zhige.

Under the check and balance of Hades, the distance of a mere several hundred meters, under the extreme speed of the white python, instantly wrapped around Susanohu's body frantically.

Under the position that bypassed Hades, a face-to-face room intended to turn Susanoo into a cocoon, shrouded in an airtight manner.

Akainu and Qingzhi looked at each other, looked at Brother Doflamingo, and used silk threads to completely block Ye Zhige's actions.

The two of them stepped on their feet and hurried towards Susanoo.

After a brief confrontation, both Hades and Akainu and Qingzhi, who were generals, knew a little about Ye Zhige's offensive and defensive means.

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