"I'm sorry, this time I barely succeeded!" Ye Zhige showed a cold smile.

Putting his hands together, the muscles of the ten fingers tensed and intertwined, and he shouted in a cold voice, "Heavenly obstacles!"

The voice like the god of death urging 823 to disappear with the wind.

The air pressure, which was as heavy as the top of Mount Tai, became heavier in an instant.

The air waves madly rolled down from the sky, forming a sinking airflow, and the sea centered on the naval headquarters set off huge waves and waves.

An extraterrestrial meteorite has already shrouded Marin Vando in a situation of destruction.

If another extraterrestrial meteorite appeared now, under this double blow, it would be a bit difficult for Akainu and the others to free up their hands to prevent Ye Zhige from leaving.

Garp, a naval hero, is known as an iron fist, and even more so when he fights against the green peppers of the Eight Treasures Navy, he uses the mountains to practice his fists.

The value is not enough, now facing two extraterrestrial meteorites at one time, a little careless, I am afraid that the [-] naval soldiers stationed in the naval headquarters will fall into a state of doom.

At that time, I am afraid no one wants to see this scene.

Looking at the evolution of things, step by step beyond their imagination, the face of the Warring States period is even more livid.

Subconsciously, looking at the live phone bug, he felt a little more regret in his heart.

Regret, this time the auction of the King of Heaven held in Marin Vando was shown to the eyes of the whole world.

The most important thing is that CP0 and others have already chased the King of Heaven. As the people of the world government, it is difficult for them to take the lead. .

Chapter 261 Military Order

The rolling wind, with the feeling of tearing the world apart, the meteorite falling from the sky, with a diameter of one kilometer, is like an invisible big hand, clenching the heart tightly.

The pale pentagram reincarnation eye, with the traces of scarlet blood remaining on the corner of the eye, looked shocking.

Ye Zhige greeted him recklessly, the eyes from everyone, the corners of his lips pursed lightly, and said, "I'm sorry, I have to leave first, I hope Marine Headquarters and Malin Fando can survive this wave of offensive. ."

"Otherwise, it will easily become a joke in the eyes of others!"

The small sound, when the meteorite fell from the sky, dissipated with the astral wind.

Susanoo, who was shrouded in his body, had already collapsed between heaven and earth because his pupil power was exhausted.

With the cold light flowing from behind, the Wings of Immortal Zhuan abruptly incited, Ye Zhige rose into the air under the eyes of the public, turned into a stream of light, and quickly swept away to the rear.

"Bastard!" Warring States roared, and in the case of anger, the heart-piercing pain from the wound on his back made his face change slightly.

Looking at the rapidly disappearing figure and the meteorite rolling down from the sky, a hint of hesitation flashed on Zhan Guo's face, and he finally shouted in a deep voice: "Go ahead and solve the crisis of Marin Fando first, all generals, all Help Garp!"

The rolling orders fell under this sky.

Garp finally moved, jumped down, and rose into the air with the help of the moon step, his hands and ten fingers were suddenly clenched, and the muscles all over his body were suddenly tense.


Accompanied by the crisp cracking sound, the jacket and cloak, which symbolized the identity of the lieutenant general, were instantly shattered inch by inch.

The exposed muscles and prominent tendons bulged like hills under the forcible agitation.

The body that was originally more than two meters suddenly soared to more than three meters in an instant.

In the next moment, like a hurricane passing through the border, the dark and domineering armament color instantly covered Karp's body, and the cold light that circulated was even more captivating.

"Akainu, Qingzhi, Kiabou, stop all the gravel for me"!" Garp roared, and under the moonwalk, his seemingly old posture did not limit his physical fitness at all because of his age.

The distance of a kilometer, between the rise and fall of the red dog, instantly appeared under the meteorite falling from the sky, the pitch-black fist like ink was suddenly clenched, and the five fingers even heard a low sonic boom.

The dignified naval hero, known as the Iron Fist Garp, instantly became an eye-catching presence.

"Fist bone · Kongpo!"

The sound of the roar shook the world, and the heavy punches hit the air. The air in the whole world seemed to stagnate for a moment.

A ring of ripples visible to the naked eye, centered on the fist at the next moment, quickly swept away.

The low sonic boom burst like thunder, and under the impact of the powerful airflow, the translucent gas turned into an angry dragon.

The impact of the airflow with a diameter of [-] meters, the huge body, the moment of sudden twitching, the meteorite that fell straight to the sky, crashed away.


The heavy collision sound rolled and dispersed, and the [-]-meter airflow plunged into the meteorite with a destructive attitude.

The shattered cracks, like a horned dragon, quickly spread on the surface of the meteorite.

Originally mixed with rolling down, the meteorite with the power of Wan Jun, the posture of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, was instantly broken.

One blow, another blow, the whole sky seemed to be shaken, and the downward trend of the meteorites that were crazily rolling down in the sky stagnated a little.

The shattered rocks splattered wildly, forming a dense rainstorm that fell on the naval headquarters.

Under the heavy blow of Karp, the impact may have been weakened.

However, if it really falls on the naval headquarters, it will also cause devastating damage.

Warring States has been watching, looking at the meteorites that fell like a meteor shower, and immediately couldn't hold back his anger and roared: "Akagi, Qingzhi, Kiabou, take action to stop the gravel!"

This time, Ye Zhige's attack was completely beyond their expectations.

As any naval admiral, they also have enough strength to deal with meteorites falling from the sky.

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