Seven ghost-like figures flashed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, they formed a closed posture, blocking Ye Zhige and Wuerji.

The guards of the auction also rushed up, surrounding the two of them.

"You bastard, Ulansir, you heard him, this arrogant murloc, intends to kidnap us, and is as useless as Saint Charles. If this matter has been passed back to the Holy Land Mary Joa, it will be an absolute shame!"

Charles said angrily.

Unfortunately, as soon as these words fell, the nerves of many people were instantly tense.

Kidnap the Dragons?

Ordinary people do not know this secret, but now that it is revealed in one sentence, a thousand layers of waves are instantly aroused.

However, the most shocking thing is that the Supreme has personally kidnapped the Tianlong people.

The current arrogant murloc would also kidnap the Tianlong people. Whether there is a certain relationship between the two is simply intriguing.

Lu Qi's face also darkened instantly. As the leader of CP9, he also has a certain keen sense of touch. He met Ye Zhige's gaze coldly, and said coldly: "What is your purpose, do you know what you are doing? It's a matter, Tianlong people are not ordinary people, they can provoke them!"

The sound of roar tensed everyone's nerves, whether it was Shiping or Xia Li, along with the white horse Cavendish and others who wanted to leave, they also stopped, and turned their attention to Ye Zhige, waiting for his answer.

"My original purpose was very simple, I just wanted to invite someone to board the ship, but you taught me to realize that a fist is an iron rule. Since there is going to be a trouble, then the Chambord Archipelago will be completely broken. !" Ye Zhige said with a chuckle.

The old woman had a gloomy face, and her fist was the word of the law, but she said it herself.

Now I never thought that Ye Zhige would bring it up on this occasion, and if the auction would be disrupted, it would be passed back to the family.

The old woman knew very well that Doflamingo would definitely be punished severely.

Thinking of this, the old woman shouted angrily: "Okay, what a murloc boy, so you want this coated old man to board the boat, but if you dare to break the rules of our auction, I will be in front of you, personally This old man was killed, and someone came to press the old man up!"

Undoubtedly Xiao Sha's words echoed in the auction house. As the top person in charge, the old woman has the power to adjudicate any commodity.

However, the almost roaring sound disappeared, but unfortunately the sound of monotonous footsteps came from behind.

The old woman hurriedly turned her head to look behind her, and caught sight of the lousy old man in his mouth.

The few guards who were originally stationed had fallen to the ground at some point.

However, what shocked them the most was the joking voice that fell in their ears.

"Rayleigh, I didn't expect that you would choose to hide in the human trafficking auction house in order to avoid my invitation. If someone really treats you as a bad old man and takes it down, do you really intend to be a slave?"

Chapter 278 The person who dares to invite Hades

Reilly clenched an iron jug tightly in his right hand, raised his head and drank the spirits, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and said, "Hehe, I have no intention of being a slave, this is just a pretense, as soon as you leave, I'll run away!"

"You're still the same. You tried to gamble for [-] Baileys, and you were able to sell yourself, but now it's worth [-] million Baileys, so you've made a lot of money!" Ye Zhige said with a chuckle.

As soon as the conversation changed, he said sharply, "However, since we are all greedy for money, we can do anything for Bailey's sake, why don't you board my boat, and we will continue to cause trouble in this sea!"

Troubled this sea?

There was a trace of reminiscence on Rayleigh's face, and there was a trace of light on the monocular, and he said with a chuckle: "If you say a familiar sentence, if you say it in other people's mouth, I will definitely sneer, but you are this one. Boy, you have indeed turned this sea into trouble, you have this qualification~, say these words!"

Your words are like my words, and the slightly defiant behavior seems extremely obstructive in the huge auction house.

The old woman's withered bark-like cheeks showed a trace of extreme anger, her right hand clenched the ready-made detonation button, and shouted angrily: "Bastard old man and murloc, dare to underestimate our auction house, I will execute_ you!"

Under the watchful eyes, the old woman pressed the red button.


A dull thunderous explosion sounded.

Unfortunately, the scene that came into view shook everyone's nerves.

Rayleigh's slender right hand, like lightning, clasped his five fingers on the explosion ring, and the moment he suddenly exerted force, he forcibly tore it off.

The moment the explosion triggered, he was thrown directly into the sky.

With the sound of the shocking explosion, Rayleigh still stood in place with a smile on his face, shocking everyone.

"This, what's going on here, who are you!" The old woman stared at the scenes that were happening on the field, her heart was full of throbbing.

As a human trafficker, in her definition, the most fundamental means of controlling the lives of slaves is the explosive device around the neck.

This method, but a hundred attempts are not satisfactory!

However, it was instantly broken by someone today. This result was undoubtedly beyond his imagination.

Moreover, the old woman is very clear that this kind of person will definitely not be an unknown person who can instantly disintegrate the crisis and use a means faster than the explosion of the detonating device.

"Hehe, the news of your auction is really blocked. A commodity worth tens of billions can be auctioned for a cabbage price. If Dover finds out, he will probably vomit blood!" Ye Zhige said with a chuckle.

Billions of goods?

Listening to these words, many people present were stunned. A mere old man can shoot tens of billions of dollars. This kind of crazy talk is completely beyond their control.

However, if it is true, as Ye Zhige said, an old man worth tens of billions of dollars, what kind of existence is this?

"It's Rayleigh, it's Hades Rayleigh, we found him!"

A rapid voice came out from under the cloak, and with this brief respite, Hancock finally recognized Rayleigh's identity.


This time, whether it was Shiping or Xia Li, the expressions of everyone present turned ashen to the extreme.

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