Reiju sighed.


At this moment, a strong wind blew past Leiju's side, and then when she looked up, she saw Ye Zhige unfolding his demon wings, flying straight into the air, crossing an arc and landing on the Nine Snake Pirates.

"This rash guy, even if he is confident in his own strength, can't be so reckless!"

Reiju looked helpless.

"Enemy attack!"

"This man can fly!"

"Is it a Devil Fruit Ability?!"

Seeing this, the female warriors of the Nine Snake Pirates became even more vigilant, and immediately surrounded Ye Zhigori on the third floor and the third floor!

Some of the female warriors held bows and arrows, some held spears. Even though they were all a group of women, the aura on their bodies and the murderous aura in their eyes were no less than those of the soldiers who had fought for many years!

"Wow~ Seeing the world's number one beauty up close, it really feels different!"

Ye Zhige didn't care about the female warriors who surrounded him at all. Instead, he stared at Hancock, the arrogant and domineering female emperor standing on top of You She's head, and praised.


"How dare you be rude to Lady Empress? Courting death!"

"Lord Empress, there is no good thing for a man, order him to be executed!"

The female warriors took a step closer, their sharp eyes as if they were about to tear Ye Zhige to pieces.

"Get out of the way!"

Suddenly, Empress Hancock shouted loudly, and the crowd gave way. She walked towards Ye Zhige step by step with graceful steps.

I saw the female emperor Hancock came straight to Ye Zhige. The distance between the two was less than one meter. The fragrance of the girl rushed to his face. Ye Zhige took a deep breath, feeling that the whole person was about to sink in.

She deserves to be the number one beauty in the world, she is very mesmerizing when she looks at it~ People, this smell is even more intoxicating!

"Is the concubine beautiful?"

The female emperor Hancock showed a coquettish and shy expression and a sweet voice, which made people have a kind of primitive impulse!

"Beautiful! So beautiful!"

Ye Zhige looked like a pig, his mouth was full of saliva, almost dripping to the ground.

"Since your concubine is so beautiful, you must be willing to... become a stone, right?"

As soon as the female emperor Hancock's voice fell, her originally coquettish and shy appearance suddenly became fierce and cold, her hands put on a gesture of love, and circles of heart-shaped light radiated out!

Sweet and sweet!

The female emperor Hancock is a sweet fruit person. Don't underestimate the sweet fruit. The light it releases can instantly petrify all the men who are tempted by the female emperor Hancock and turn it into a stone!

"Turn to stone? Sorry, I don't want to!"

It turned out that Ye Zhige's eyes suddenly became clear and bright, and he looked like a pig brother, the corner of his mouth grinned, and the demon wings behind him wrapped his whole body in it!

The sweet and sweet wind fell on Ye Zhige's demon wings, like mud flowing into the sea, and it had no effect at all!

"Pirate Queen Boya Hancock, the attitude of welcoming guests is not good!"

The demon wings unfolded, Ye Zhige said with a smile.

"It's useless?!"

Empress Hancock was stunned, and a hint of surprise flashed across her beautiful eyes.

She just saw clearly that the other party has already moved, and in front of her sweet and sweet wind, she has no resistance at all... Even if there is something blocking it, it will be petrified!

But now, this man has resisted!

Could it be that... he just pretended to be like that?

How could Ye Zhige not know that the female emperor Hancock has petrifying abilities?

He was always on guard, especially when the Empress Hancock approached... Those appearances were all faked by him, and this is what he wanted!

The Devil's Wings have a function almost like a sea floor stone, which can block the influence of any Devil Fruit ability.

"Guest? You are not qualified yet!"

Empress Hancock snorted and said coldly.


"Look at this one?"

Ye Zhige looked around, and the demon wings behind him suddenly shook, causing a strong wind to shatter the deck directly under his feet. At the same time, the surrounding female warriors seemed to be shaken back by an invisible force!

The next second, Ye Zhige's figure turned into an arrow from the string, heading straight for the female emperor Hancock!


When Empress Hancock saw this, her eyes narrowed, and she immediately swept out to meet Ye Zhige!

Write a round eye!

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