Under the bluff, the raised thumb was even more fixed in the void.

When the Tianlong people carry out important affairs, the five old stars behind the world government will distribute golden telephone bugs as the last line of defense to defend the safety of the Tianlong people.

All along, in the eyes of Ulansir and Charles, as long as they encounter any threat.

Exposing the golden phone bug is enough to make people feel terrified.

However, now Charles Saint told him that the so-called killer has become a blackmail call in the hands of others.

This scene undoubtedly exceeded their expectations...  

"Okay, I'm running out of time, this extortion call is made by you or by me!" Ye Zhige regained his senses in his consciousness. After listening to the re-approved Bailey, the corners of his lips showed. A playful smile.

Originally, I just wanted to invite Pluto Rayleigh to board the ship, but I never imagined that he would be involved in this farce.

Looking at the two Tianlong people who were undecided about their moves, Ye Zhige's right hand probed into the air, and under the attraction of Vientiane Sky, he instantly took the golden phone bug away.

The violent scene was completely beyond the expectations of Charles and Ulancir.

Under the eyes of the public, the golden phone bug fell into Ye Zhige's hands, and the button was pressed immediately.

However, the golden phone bug, the bridge that originally connected to the Navy headquarters and the highest office, was broken in an instant, and the answer it gave gave people a feeling of being caught off guard.

"Sorry, the communication could not be connected, no matching phone bug could be found, please try again later!"


Ulancir and Charles were stunned in place. They never imagined that the golden phone bug, which has always been regarded as the trump card at the bottom of the box, would suddenly become misfired at this moment.

"What the hell is going on here!" Charles suddenly reacted in his absence, and asked hysterically.

what happened?

This question also troubles many people. Unfortunately, the answer given by Urgi, 2.7, has shaken everyone's soul.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the lonely Tianlong people would not know that the naval headquarters was destroyed, and it is still being rebuilt. Even the people of Judicial Island will place their misty hopes on this, which makes people feel ridiculous. !"

In the ruins, Urki walked to Charles and Ulansir step by step, and said, "Don't linger, since you are planning to bid for the mermaid, you should bring enough Bailey, otherwise you will be blamed by Laozi and moved. Rough!"

"You bastard...!"

Charles roared angrily. As a dignified Tianlong person, he was not only threatened and kidnapped now.

Moreover, the phone bug that even presses the bottom of the box is also misfired at a critical moment.

It's a pity that these angry remarks have not been completely exhausted, and the heavy slaps directly made Charles stunned. .

Chapter 285 Give You A Face


The crisp slap echoed on the ruins, causing many people to be confused.

Whether it was Hancock and others, or Spandam, and the white horse Cavendish, they couldn't react.

This is the dignified world noble Tianlong, and it is worthy of awe in any place.

However, now, just like the Antmins who were taught by the Tianlong people on weekdays, they were greeted with a slap in the face.

Most importantly, the person who slaps the palm is not the arrogant Supreme, but the little-known little guy under his command.

If they didn't see this scene with their own eyes, they would definitely not believe it.

"You... how dare you hit me, since I was born, even my father is not willing to do anything to me..." Charles said in anger, feeling his hot cheeks.

"That's right, even your father didn't beat you, and it proves that the Tianlong people are very expensive!" Urgi muttered to himself.

Hearing these words, a look of joy appeared on Charles' face, and he was about to open his mouth to continue arguing.

It's a pity that the voice has not been spoken, and a slap slaps in the face, and the scolding voice makes the stiff cheeks of the people present twitch.

"His grandmother, if I were your father, I would have beaten you to death already, didn't you hear what my boss said? Now it's kidnapping and robbery, you fucking talk nonsense with Laozi, even if you call me a father, I will also draw you to doubt life."

Urki almost roared at the end.

It was the first time that he was able to abuse the high-ranking Tianlong people, but his heart was bursting with joy.

The heavy slap fell heavily on Charles' cheek, and the huge impact made him fly to the ground.

"Okay, good fight, his mother's, I really want to get a share, the five billion is worth it, I have long wanted to watch this coward get drawn!"

The cheers rang out suddenly in the ruins, and Saint Charles could not wait to applaud.

Watching the high-ranking world aristocrat Tianlong being beaten, there are Tianlong people cheering next to him.

At this moment, excluding Charles, everyone present had a feeling of doubting life.

The huge impact caused Charles to fall heavily to the ground. He was so precious, how could he have suffered this kind of anger on weekdays.

A few teeth were also directly broken, and with a mouth full of blood, he asked for help in a rush: "Ulan Xier, hurry up and contact the Navy Headquarters, we are dignified Tianlong people, once the Admiral finds out, we will be arrested. When the little pirates attack, a general will be dispatched to destroy him."

"At that time, we will be able to see with our own eyes that he has been slashed with thousands of swords, and Charles Saint Charles, who has lost his face, will be sent to the trial court."

An almost mad roar echoed in the ruins, mixed with hysteria.

It's a pity that the voice just fell, and Charles looked at Ulan Xier, doubting his life again.

"Saint Charles, do you think we are childhood sweethearts? I only have [-] billion baileys with me. Can you get me and the Supreme a discount for an old customer?" Ulancier rubbed his hands together and said with a dry smile.

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