The huge hull, after losing its support point, lay down on both sides, exclaiming and screaming into the sky.

Da Siqi clenched the phone worm tightly, watching the shocking slashing, forceful gesture, and the slightly trembling right hand, enough to see the shock in his heart.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

Tea dolphin's pupils can't help shrinking, looking at the blow that was completely unresponsive, hurriedly grabbed the phone bug, roaring and asked: "Flying squirrel, what do you know, why didn't you inform us in advance, if we launch an attack, what will happen? result!"

"Yes, Shichibukai, the Hawk-Eyed Mihawk of the world's No. [-] swordsman? Is he here to save the sand crocodile Crocodile?" The intermittent voice, with a sense of urgency, came out of Dasqi's mouth. .

At this juncture, she wanted to urgently seek answers.

Smoka's hand took off the cigar on the corner of his lips and said in a deep voice: "Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, don't make a fuss, if it's Hawkeye Mihawk, Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin and I, with you, should be able to Repel him!"


However, these words just came out of Smoka's mouth. The next moment, the cigar clamped by his right index finger instantly loosened, and it fell straight to the ground, a look of shock quickly emerged on his face.

"Death, if you attack, it will be a dead end. If the person in this merchant ship is Hawkeye Mihawk, I will never be afraid, but the person sitting inside is the Five Sovereigns, That arrogant and infinitely arrogant pirate who slaughtered Tianlong people!"

"Hurry up and escape, don't try to resist, this is the last order given to you by the Warring States Marshal!"

The hysterical voice came out from the phone bug, echoed in this sea, and could not disperse for a long time. It was like a ghost full of shadows, imprinted in the brain and lingering.

Da Siqi trembled slightly, clenched his fists, and before he had time to think about it, he drank in panic: "Everyone turn around, treat the wounded as soon as possible, throw away the supplies, and run away immediately!"

"Master Dasqi, the U-turn is against the wind, we can't run at all!"

against the wind?

Dasqi was stunned for a moment, and then said in a hurry: "Think of a way, quickly think of a way, we have to escape as soon as possible!"

The panic-stricken voices echoed in this sea. Seeing that the commander, Da Siqi, was so rude, the naval officers and soldiers present were even more unbearable.

After hurriedly chasing around, the idea retreated.

It's a pity that this move obviously made things worse, causing the entire fleet to fall into endless panic.

"It's too late, I can't go!".

Chapter 294 Monsters Gathered

"What should I do, how can I escape!" Da Siqi was in a panic, and her clenched hands trembled rapidly.

Huo Ran turned around and planned to continue to say something, but unfortunately, Smoka had already grabbed his wrist, and the words that fell into his ear completely shook his nerves.

"It's too late, we can't leave, everyone take up arms and fight!"

The low voice, with the taste of determination.

Dusky looked behind him in a hurry, and the No. [-] warship, which was divided into two, was replaced at an unknown time.

A huge merchant ship appeared in front of me without warning in the sea a thousand meters away.

The raised white flag was planted at the top of the mast. With the impact of the sea breeze and the blast of the sword gang, it finally broke the shackles of the red rope with a bang and rose into the wind.

The white flag and the red fairy were like straws that broke the nerves, making "[-]" Da Siqi couldn't help but take a half step back.

He stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

If it wasn't for Smoka, who stabilized his body in time, I'm afraid he would have already fallen to the ground.

"Yes, it is the banner of the goblin, it is the supreme emperor of the five emperors!"

The exclamation was like a wave, and once it was detonated, it instantly swept the audience.

Tea dolphin and Smoka witnessed this scene, their faces sank, and their right hand hurriedly grabbed the weapon.

However, after being caught, a slight crackling sound suddenly sounded.

The ghost-like figure instantly appeared behind him, and his body was still wrapped in a silky arc.

"Don't mess around, or I don't mind, I'll kill you all!"

The playful voice suddenly sounded, and the frightened eyes were locked on the ghostly figure.

At this glance, many people's pupils suddenly shrank, and the exclamations continued.

"Yes, former admiral, Anilu, the God of God who offers a bounty of one billion baileys!"

Before he became an admiral of the navy, he offered a reward of [-] million when he first arrived in Qinghai, and he was promoted to admiral by exception. This may be part of the plan of the Warring States Period.

However, these still cannot allow them to directly erase Enel's prominent identity.

At least, in the battle of the top, Anilu showed the terrifying strength that a general should have.


The roar of the cloud-piercing cracking stone seemed to penetrate the soul, a huge shadow was cast down, and the outline of a huge body could be vaguely seen through the clouds.

"The original Kaido Pirates, one of the three major disasters, offered a bounty of [-] billion Baileys to assassinate the natural disaster Sears Phoenix of the Warring States Marshal in the battle of the top!"

Exclaimed again, Sears Phoenix's identity was instantly broken.

Looking at the big men who appeared one after another, the battle order issued by Smoka a moment ago, the only trace of fighting spirit in my heart disappeared in an instant.

The palm of the hand clenching the weapon was already soaked with hot sweat, and the whole body trembled slightly.

As soon as I remembered the battle on the top, the trio of mere members broke the naval headquarters. One hundred thousand naval elites, and the three generals took action in person. There is still no one left behind. The Pirate King, they alone can't fight.

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