Brother Doflaming's face darkened, and he was a little unhappy when he looked at the kiwi who opened his mouth and closed his mouth.

It's just that at this point, he couldn't allow him to say more, nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will put Bailey in the safest place. If there is no unique key, I believe that this world, No one can break it!"

For the confident Doflamingo, Qingzhi and Kizaru were silent.

On the other hand, Ye Zhige's powerful mental power enveloped the entire Dexrosa, and the pervasive power was blocked by one place.

"Is it an artificial fruit cultivation base made of Hailou stone?" Ye Zhige muttered to himself, thinking of something in an instant.

In the huge Dex Rosa, it is placed in the eyes of everyone in the One Piece world.

The most sturdy and most defensive thing is probably only the sea floor stone.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhige took a step, and with the help of Shunpo, he disappeared in place.

In just two or three minutes, Ye Zhige finally appeared in front of the Hailoushi prison, and as soon as he appeared, he was immediately discovered by Senor who was stationed here.

A group of pirates rushed up, intending to stop this uninvited guest.

However, this look made their pupils shrink, and they exclaimed and blurted out.

"It's the newly promoted Five Sovereign Sovereign, why is he here, hurry up and inform the young master!"

Senor's complexion also changed drastically. He knew very well that at this time, when he met the new Supreme with a reward of [-] billion baileys, there was no chance of winning the battle.

However, Senor knew exactly what was in the Hailoushi prison, and what the supreme businessman's essence was this time for.

"Hurry up and escape, even if you escape one, you must notify the young master, and I will stop it!" Senor said solemnly.

The voice just fell, and the whole person jumped forward suddenly. At this moment, the solid concrete ground was like the surface of the water, and it was directly smashed out of the water.

At a distance of [-] meters, the whole person quickly rushed towards Ye Zhige, in order to create time for his soldiers.


It's just that Senor just moved, and a slight vibration came from the air, which made him stunned in place.

The invisible rippling impact swept the surrounding area of ​​[-] meters, and the pirates who had just escaped a few steps fell to the ground one after another.

"Is it a tyrannical domineering?"

Senor's face changed drastically, and he didn't have time to think about it. He turned around and tried to sneak into the ground, intending to escape temporarily.

Unfortunately, as soon as he moved, an invisible attraction instantly enveloped Senor.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

"What the hell is going on, hurry up!" Senor exclaimed, struggling.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he struggled, everything seemed a bit futile.

After realizing it, Senor had already come to Ye Zhige.

The four eyes met, and the white eyes made Senor's whole person seem to be penetrated, and he said in a hurry: "Even if you kill me, I will not hand over the key, this sea tower stone. No one can break the prison, so you should save your mind!"

Senor, staring at Ye Zhige, intended to find a trace of discoloration on his face to appease his unease, and to use the key to the Hailoushi prison to make him retreat.

It's a pity that this thought just surfaced in his mind, and the answer that fell in his ear the next moment made his face change drastically.

"Don't worry, I just have a way to open this Hailou stone prison!" Ye Zhige said with a chuckle.

The pentagram reincarnation eye, turning frantically, a trace of black flames sprang up on the surface of the Hailou stone prison.

With the blazing high temperature overflowing, Senor's whole body was stunned.

The originally indestructible Hailou stone prison was quickly burned out at this moment, with a hole more than one meter in diameter.

"Scanned Bailey, whether to enter it!" A mechanized voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

Ye Zhige couldn't help but look surprised by this swift and violent situation. This time, his purpose was to target Bailey.

Now that it is in front of me, of course, there is no reason to give up, so I quickly ordered the entry.

"Enter [-] billion Bailey, and the balance is [-] billion Bailey. Will the lottery be held immediately!"


Ye Zhige raised his brows, looking at the red letter limited lottery, he couldn't help feeling eager to try.

He now has god-level eyes, god-level blood, and god-level physical abilities. The remaining parts are the hands, feet, and tail.

The dragon claw fist on the hand, combined with the Shen Luo Tianzheng, has exerted the attack power, which has already satisfied Ye Zhige.

As for the legs, with the explosive speed of Ye Zhige's Immortal Executioner's Wing and Shunbu, it was enough to cope with the current battle.

Now to exchange, the remaining parts, only the tail.

The power of the tail has always been the tail of the nine beasts hovering at the S level, and the tail of the guard crane at the S level.

Both of these are incomplete tailed beast powers, and for the current Ye Zhige, they are extremely tasteless.

If next, you can use the red letter limited lottery to get the god-level tail ability, then the power you will get will probably have many unexpected surprises.

"Host, is there a lottery draw!" The urging voice sounded again, pulling back Ye Zhige's thoughts. .

Chapter 301 Unexpected

"Host, is there a lottery draw!" The mechanized voice turned around in Ye Zhige's mind, pulling back his thoughts.

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