Mahabais was also puzzled as to why Ye Zhige was not affected by the childlike fruit's ability.

However, when he thought that the sugar was related to Doflamingo's rule over Dexrosa, Mahabais couldn't hold his breath and wanted to rescue the sugar.

"Tens of thousands of shocks!"

Mahabais roared angrily, and in the face of the Supreme, he chose to go all out as soon as he shot.

During several ups and downs, Mahabais appeared in front of Ye Zhige, clenched his fists, and punched out a [-]-ton punch. If he hit the Sea Kings head on, he would be killed or injured.

However, this swift attacking stance fell into Ye Zhige's eyes, but a playful smile appeared on his face, and the reflection in Mahabais' pupils made him shudder.

The words that fell in his ears made his expression change drastically.

"Just in time, I was just about to try the ability of Tongqu 5.5 fruit, and someone sent it to my door!"

The next person to deal with is one of the four emperors, Ye Zhige is confident that he can retreat completely.

However, he also didn't want to plan a slight miss. Looking at the [-]-ton fist coming in, Ye Zhige grabbed Xia Tang's little hand and touched Mahabais's hand.

This time, it was completely beyond Mahabaise's expectations, but unfortunately, at such a close distance, he couldn't allow him to think too much.

The only thing that can be done is to exclaim in exclamation.

"Sir Sugar, don't!"

Xia Tang didn't even think that Ye Zhige had already seen through her plan.

In addition to the drastic change in his face, it was too late to withdraw his hand. The only thing he could do was to pray for the ability of the Devil Fruit to be invalid again.

However, is it possible for this scene to fall on other people? .

Chapter 310 Hunting and Killing the Four Emperors

With a slight sonic boom, Mahabais directly turned into a toy soldier and fell heavily to the ground.

If it is an ordinary person, and Mahabais knows something, at this moment, if you don't get the permission of Sugar.

Memories related to Mahabais will be erased instantly.

However, with the help of the eye of the gods, Ye Zhige completely dispelled these negative effects.

Everything that happened just now is still clearly remembered in my mind.

"Haha, my ability is effective again, Mahabais, wait for me first, I will subdue the Supreme now, and then help you remove the change!" Xia Tang looked at Mahabais, who had turned into a toy, with a look of surprise. Hi, burst into laughter.

Originally, the distance between the two was close at hand, and at the same time, Ye Zhige was still grabbing her wrist.

To really touch Ye Zhige, it is as simple as moving a finger.

However, when Xia Tang was full of passion, he went to Ye Zhige to catch him.

The moment she started, she was immediately stunned.


Still ineffective!

Looking at Ye Zhige, who still didn't change a bit no matter how many times he touched it, Xia Tang couldn't hold back his breath 15.

He hurriedly turned around and walked away, constantly catching the modified creatures imprisoned around him.

Change, change, change!

Looking at whether it is a human being or an animal, the moment she touches it, it will directly turn into a toy.

It's a pity, when Xia Tang once again probed the black hand to Ye Zhige, it was invalidated again.

"You, who are you, and why is my Devil Fruit ability not effective for you!" Xia Tang couldn't hold back his breath and asked hysterically.

"Pure soul!"

Ye Zhige said solemnly.

Looking at the wretched uncle who had invited to see the goldfish just a moment ago, but now he opened his mouth and shut his mouth, mentioning his purity of heart. This reality made it difficult for Sugar to accept.

It's a pity that, with the Devil Fruit's ability invalidated and without any foundation in physical skills, there is absolutely no way for Xia Tang to face Ye Zhige.

After struggling for a few minutes, he decided to give in temporarily, with a pitiful look on his face, inquiring about Ye Zhige's intentions.

However, when he heard that Ye Zhige was going to use her to deal with the Four Emperors, Xia Tang quit immediately and ran away yelling again.

"What the hell is going on!"

Outside, in front of the Emperor's Heights, Katakuri and Smoothie opened the way in front, followed by Charlotte Lingling and a group of family members.

When they came, they were still thinking about how to carry out a tripartite alliance, kill the Supreme Being, and express their grievances.

It's a pity that when I saw the ruins of the Emperor's Highland, which was cut off by the middle, and razed to the ground, I couldn't help shaking my heart.

At this moment, Katakuri and the others realized what happened to the big explosion that shook the sky just now.

"Mom, have you contacted Brother Doflamingo?"

Katakuri looked at the razed Emperor's Heights, and his heart was a little lost.

He has the arrogance of seeing the future, but unfortunately at the moment of seeing the emperor's highland, he has a feeling that he can't see through.

This feeling has always only appeared on the body of the Supreme.

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