Seeing Princess Jade's face blushing and saying these words, Ye Zhige couldn't help but stretch out his hand to embrace Princess Jade in his arms, smelling the fragrance emanating from the girl's body, Ye Zhige only felt that the phenomenon peculiar to men in the morning was there. manifested in himself.

Princess Emerald seemed to be aware of this, and immediately said with a blushing face: "Tap... I'm the first time."

Then Ye Zhige threw the Emerald Princess onto the bed like a hungry tiger.

After the cloud and rain, Ye Zhige let out a sigh of relief, and looked at the emerald princess beside him with a flushed face and closed his eyes as if he was still immersed in the wonderful feeling just now.

Putting the quilt over the Emerald Princess, Ye Zhige picked up the paper handed over by the Emerald Princess and watched it carefully.

"Chez Tavern?" Ye Zhige couldn't help pondering when he looked at the only four words on the paper.

Just as he was thinking about it, when he turned back, he found that Princess Jade had already changed her clothes and looked at Ye Zhige with a smile.

"Let's go."

Ye Zhige raised his eyebrows, then quickly changed his clothes, and then took the Emerald Princess and walked to the Chess Tavern on the other street.

When the two set off, something was happening in the Chess Tavern at the moment.

That fat Chase was actually staying in the tavern at the moment.

"Mission failed?" Fatty sat on a huge chair 883, looking down at the trembling crowd below.

The two previous brothers were also present, and when they heard what Chess said, they immediately stood up.

"Lord Chase, the news from the gate of the underworld is that they have not found the two people to carry out the task. We cannot rule out the possibility of failure of the task for the time being, because we saw Princess Emerald come out of the royal city early this morning!"

Hearing what his brother said, Chase turned his head and narrowed his eyes.

"Have you caught Ye Feng before?"

Hearing that Ches suddenly asked about Ye Feng, the younger brother stood up.

"Lord Chase, Ye Feng has been locked in the basement, do you want to bring it over?"

Fat Chase nodded.

Then the younger brother ran directly to the basement and lifted a scrawny man up.

"Report to Lord Chase, because this guy seems to be related to Ye Zhige, so he didn't take care of him, and he didn't give him food or drink these days."

Fat Chase waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter."

After he finished speaking, he stood up, and the fat all over his body trembled, as if the sea had set off a frenzy and kept swaying.

Then he came to Ye Feng who couldn't even lift his eyelids.

"I heard that the backstage of your kid is Ye Zhige? Is there any way for you to make Ye Zhige submit to me and do things for me?".

Chapter [-] Cruel means!

"What? You want my eldest brother to do things for you?" Ye Feng raised his head, it could be seen that he was very tired, and it was very difficult to even raise his head at this moment.

There was a smile on Chase's fat face.

"As long as you tell me how to get him to do things for me, I'll let you go. As for your investigation into me, I can let it go."

Ye Feng had already known about his investigation, but he had never dealt with him, because it was useful to keep it.

"Hehe, want my big brother to do things for you fat pig? Eat shit!" Ye Feng let out a sneer, and then spit a big mouthful of phlegm on Ches's face.

Chase was stunned for a moment, then touched the foreign object on his face with his hand, and the fat all over his body began to shake violently.

"You fucking don't want to live anymore, do you?!" Chase was furious and kicked Ye Feng directly. Ye Feng, who couldn't stand "Seven-Nine-Three", was under the foot of Chase. , was kicked directly to the door, and smashed the door into a big hole!

As for Ye Feng who vomited blood repeatedly in the air, his body is already weakened to a level that is close to the limit. Naturally, he can't withstand such a violent attack. If Chase used magic, Ye Feng would be a real one now. A corpse!

Chase looked at Ye Feng, who was already half-dead on the ground, and wiped the foreign objects on his face with toilet paper.

"Tie him up for me, how dare you spit on my saliva, it's better to die if I don't torture you!" Ches still seemed puzzled, and beckoned to the two brothers next to him.

The two brothers did not dare to hesitate, and hurried up to tie up Ye Feng, who was powerless to fight back.

Ye Feng's body was shaky, and when he was tied up, he almost fainted.

"Lord Chase, this guy's physical condition is already very bad. If he does it again, he will really die." The two brothers felt a little sympathetic when they saw Ye Feng's physical condition at the moment.

Chase glared at the two of them, and said in a very dissatisfied tone: "You two brothers also want to be like him, right? If you ask again, I will let you experience it."

Hearing Chase's words, the two suddenly closed their mouths and quietly tied Ye Feng.

Chase touched his face again, and said again: "Wait a minute, and gag his mouth for me too! Bring a knife over here!"

"Yes!" The two didn't dare to be slighted, the elder brother brought a rag, squeezed it into a ball, and stuffed it into Ye Feng's mouth.

The younger brother also took out a long knife from the basement and handed it to Ches respectfully.

Chase took the long knife, and then walked to Ye Feng, and used the cold long knife to gently stroke Ye Feng's haggard face.

"Do you regret it now? Regret not telling me how to get Ye Zhige to do things for me? Regret that you shouldn't have spit on me just now?" Ches had a morbid sneer on his face.

"But these are useless. I don't need you to provide Ye Zhige with a way to do things for me, because then, I will find him myself! If he dares not, I will kill him!"

Hearing Chase's words, the expressions of the two brothers changed, and they wanted to remind Chase of Ye Zhige's strength, but looking at Chase's current situation, if they really speak now, it is estimated that the end will not be worse than the night. Feng Hao!

"When you are about to pass out, I will use this sharp long knife to gently cut through your skin, so that you will stay awake because of the stinging pain. You will feel the excruciating pain. !Hahaha!"

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