Princess Jade gave Ye Zhige a deep look, and then nodded obediently.

He helped Ye Feng to stay at the door, leaning against the wall.

Ye Zhige, on the other hand, walked slowly towards Chase.

"I heard that you are the richest in the whole flower, but you are the most powerful rich man? I don't know, how many powerful mages are around you?"

Ye Zhige showed a gentle smile as he walked towards Ches.

However, this gentle smile, in the eyes of the two brothers, is like a smile from the devil in hell, cold and frightening!

But Chase didn't seem to notice this.

"You still have some knowledge, let me tell you, no matter how strong you are, Ye Zhige, can you beat ten S-level mages to join forces? Can you beat a holy ten-level mages? Impossible Yes! So you'd better submit to me, if you want, I can give you 1 million J right away, how?"

Chase is a businessman. He likes to spend money on things that cannot be solved. Money can buy peace of mind and peace of mind.

This is his biggest mark as a businessman!

"1 million J? It doesn't sound attractive." Ye Zhige smiled, getting closer and closer to Ches.

Chase felt that something was wrong now, and he stepped back quickly, but kept persuading in his mouth.

"You have to think about it, 1 million J is something that most people can't earn in a lifetime, that is, your strength is good, and it is just right for us, so I will spend such a big price to invite you, and it would be absolutely impossible to do other times. There may be such a price!"

After hearing what Chess said, Ye Zhige shook his head.

"It's better to think about it this way. If I kill you and take your place, wouldn't I have as much money as I want?"

As soon as Ye Zhige said these words, Ches's expression suddenly changed.

"Kill him for me! If anyone can kill Ye Zhige, I will give him 10 billion J, and I will give it immediately!"

If it was placed on the street, maybe no one would pay attention to Chase, but now this is Chase's tavern. As soon as he said this, the atmosphere in the tavern suddenly became weird.

Except for Princess Emerald and the two brothers who fought against Ye Zhige, everyone else looked at Ye Zhige with hot eyes, as if they had seen a peerless beauty naked.

"So many people want to get 10 billion J? It seems that if you have money, you can still have some effect." Ye Zhige looked at the people around him with a smile, but he didn't care.

"Do it, as long as you kill this guy, there will be 10 billion J, which can't be spent in a lifetime! What will you have by then?"

"Fight, as long as this guy is hacked to death, he will make a fortune!"

Everyone suddenly let out a wolf howl, and then rushed towards Ye Zhige like a hungry tiger rushing towards food.

Among them, there are many wizards who directly activate magic, and all attack magic is used.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the whole tavern became tense, almost everyone rushed towards Ye Zhige. It seems that they also knew that one person might not be Ye Zhige's opponent, so they were ready to attack him in groups. No matter how strong Zhige is, it is difficult to have many enemies!

"Ye Zhige, be careful!" Princess Jade's attention was always on Ye Zhige. At this moment, seeing countless people rushing up around her, she immediately shouted loudly.

Ye Zhige looked at the people rushing over, his expression did not change at all.

Then he stretched out his left hand.

"Rebound!" Ye Zhige snorted in his heart.

At this time, the offensive magic used by the sorcerer had already arrived, and then fell in front of Ye Zhige. The next moment, it seemed to have increased a lot by 910 and bounced back!

At this moment, there are people all around, and the sudden magic made everyone stunned, but it was too late to dodge, so they could only try to resist!

But there are also many ordinary people among them, who have no magic power, no magic, and are not monks. They were hit by magic, and they were directly thrown off, mounted on the wall, and then unconscious!

Seeing that their magic was being bounced back, those magicians became angry instead of being alarmed, and threw them at Ye Zhige as if they didn't want money.

But these magics were all bounced back by Ye Zhige's left hand.

Then, such a scene appeared in the whole tavern.

Many wizards threw magic at the man standing in the middle, and then shot more magic from the middle-aged man to attack the others who were attacking him!

But in the blink of an eye, many people were already lying in the tavern, some of them were ordinary people, and some were monks, but the number of magicians was the least!

Everyone seemed to have noticed the strangeness of Ye Zhige, and instead of rushing towards Ye Zhige recklessly, they stopped and looked at Ye Zhige vigilantly.

"What's that method? Why are all our magic being bounced back, and our teammates have been injured a lot?"

"I don't know, what a strange magic?"

"It shouldn't be magic, I don't feel magic from him!".

Chapter [-]: The Scared Chess

"Give it to me, what are you doing, just take Ye Zhige's head off, and the 10 billion J will be given to you immediately!" Seeing that everyone was hesitating, Ches immediately shouted again.

In the end, on both sides of greed and rationality, there are still many people who prefer 10 billion J. For them, as long as they have money, any problem can be solved!

So even for this 10 billion, I will not hesitate to do my best!

"Go! Don't use magic anymore, this guy can bounce magic and attack him directly!" Someone incited and shouted.

Under such circumstances, as long as one person dares to take the initiative to step forward, it will definitely be able to arouse the emotions of others!

"That's right, this guy can bounce back magic. As long as he doesn't use magic and attacks him at close range, he will definitely be able to kill him!"

"This hateful guy, as long as he gets close, he will no longer be the opponent of so many of us!"

This group of people became arrogant, and their gazes towards Ye Zhige also became indifferent, and even in their words, Ye Zhige was regarded as fish on the chopping board, and they were allowed to be slaughtered.

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