Outsiders don't understand the relationship between the two and think they are good friends.

After all, their conversation at the moment is like that.

Hearing Feiyu's words, Fusing was completely unbelievable. He snorted coldly and questioned Feiyu: "Since you don't care, why do you want to come with me? Wouldn't it be beautiful to go back to your north to be with the beasts?"

Feiyu smiled indifferently, then looked at Fuse with a smile, and asked: "Fuse, the price that the boss offered this time is very high, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't say this to me, usually it's direct hit me!"

As soon as he said these words, Fuse's complexion changed, and then became gloomy, staring at Feiyu.

"You bastard, how dare you use my words!"

Fei Yu spread his hands.

"Even if you don't tell me, I can ask the boss, it doesn't matter."

Fuse stretched out his spear, then pointed at Feiyu, and said coldly: "This is my mission at 910, don't take action, or don't blame me for being rude!"

After he finished speaking, he went straight to Ye Zhige.

Fei Yu smiled and said nothing, but he really didn't catch up.

Ye Zhige looked at the man holding the spear in front of him, his face was as calm as water, he still stretched out his hands and placed them in front of him, this posture seemed a bit strange.

"You want to do something to me too? Let me remind you, if you do, you will die." Ye Zhige's calm words spread throughout the tavern.

Hearing Ye Zhige's words, Fuse hasn't spoken yet. Feiyu, who was sitting on the giant beast, suddenly burst into laughter, he pointed at Fuse, and deliberately said: "Haha, Fuse, you are underestimated, in this flower All, it's the first time, it's fun, it's really fun!"

Meltdown's face was ugly now, so gloomy that it seemed to drip out of water, he glanced at Ye Zhige with a strong killing intent in his eyes.

"I will die? Then let you see, who is going to die!" Fuse snorted coldly, the spear in his hand shook, and then a magic circle suddenly appeared behind him. As soon as the magic circle came out, it seemed Let his speed increase several times!

The speed of this sudden surge (bfaf) pulled into the distance between Ye Zhige and Ye Zhige in an instant, and then he raised the long spear in his hand, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Let you see the power of the first shot of Fiore Kingdom!"

"Tear it apart!"

Meltdown gave a light drink, and the long spear in his hand burst into a very dazzling light at this moment. The light was colorful, as if it had a special ability. It's all stopped!

"Time and space magic! Time and space rupture!"

Just at the moment when the colorful rays of light bloomed, the spear tip shook violently, and then he saw that the space where Ye Zhige was located was broken in an instant!

And Ye Zhige remained motionless, allowing his body to disintegrate inch by inch in the shattered space!

"Tsk tsk tsk, every time I look at it, I feel very shocked, the lost magic of Fuse!" Not far away, Feiyu couldn't help but sigh when he saw this move of Fuse.

As for the Emerald Princess and Ye Feng next to them, they seemed to be stunned. They didn't know what was going on here. Their eyes fell on Ye Zhige, and their eyes were still filled with worry.

"It's such an easy person, boss, I'll accept it with a smile of 100 billion." Fuse never looked at Ye Zhige again. In his opinion, his move, in the entire Huadu, was not enough for a few people. Stop it!

But as soon as he said these words, Feiyu's eyes, who were sitting on the beast's body, suddenly widened!

"What? How much? 100 billion? Boss? Is what he said true?"

He glanced at the circuit breaker in disbelief, and then quickly looked at Chase inquiringly.

Chase didn't expect that the circuit breaker would solve Ye Zhige so easily. He thought that even if he could win, he would have to go through a decisive battle, but he didn't expect it to end so quickly.

"If I knew it earlier, I would say less, 100 billion..." Ches felt a little pain in his heart, but when he saw Feiyu's inquiring look, he sighed and nodded.

"My Nima..." Fei Yu only felt that his chest was a little blocked. If Ye Zhige had not been shattered by the space, so that the body was completely shattered, he would have wanted to rescue Ye Zhige and then kill him by himself. .

That's 100 billion!

When did the boss be so generous? !

Just thinking about it, he saw the boss's eyes suddenly widen, looking in a certain direction, his eyes showed incredible.

He followed Chase's gaze in confusion, and then his face showed joy!

"The opportunity is here!"

Where his gaze was, Ye Zhige was standing there intact!

Although he was a little puzzled, why Ye Zhige didn't die in the time and space magic, but he didn't think too much, because he had already abandoned his IQ by the 100 billion bonus!

Now he only has one idea, that is to kill Ye Zhige, then take Ye Zhige's head and go to the boss to pay back the money!

At this moment, in his eyes, Ye Zhige seems to have equaled 100 billion J!

After that, he didn't make a sound, and suddenly patted the beast sitting down, and then the beast under him slammed towards Ye Zhige!

At this time, Ye Zhige also saw Fei Yu's actions.

"It seems that both of you are going to do something to me? 100 billion J is very important to you?" Ye Zhige looked at Feiyu, who was riding a demon beast, and asked indifferently.

Fei Yu didn't pay attention to Ye Zhige's question at all, but Fuse, who turned back confidently, suddenly widened his eyes, and then turned sharply, looking at Ye Zhige who was completely intact!

"How is it possible? He didn't die?!"

Just when he was surprised, he saw Fei Yu who had already rushed up, and immediately gritted his teeth.

"Damn, so sinister!"

Hearing Fuse's words, Feiyu didn't care, and said with a smile: "You are too confident to kill the target, so it is reasonable for me to take action!"

After he finished speaking, he ignored the circuit breaker, because he had already come to Ye Zhige.

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