The soldier suddenly looked solemn, and then quickly said: "Reporting to the commander, His Majesty the King, I saw... I saw a young man who was staying by the window of Her Royal Highness, doing...doing..."

"What are you doing, you can finish it in one sentence!" The head of the Sakura Regiment simply wanted to slap the soldier's face directly, how could he not finish a sentence?How did you get this kind of talent!

The soldier was shocked, and then hesitantly glanced at the king before saying, " something dirty..."

"Dirty thing? What exactly is it? You should make it clear." The head of the Sakura Regiment flushed with anger, walked directly to the soldier, and then slapped him with a slap.

The soldier also blushed and lowered his head, not seeing the movements of the head of the Sakura Regiment, and then said loudly, "That young man is rubbing Her Royal Highness's chest!"

He didn't say chest directly, but used chest instead, just because some of it couldn't be said.

However, the meaning of this is very clear, so the hand of the head of the cherry blossom group stopped in the air.

"That person is actually rubbing Her Royal Highness's chest...chest?!" The head of the Sakura Group doubted that he had heard it wrong, so he repeated it.

But this time the soldier did not dare to speak, but nodded.

"Break the door! Smash the door open for me! Then arrest that guy who doesn't know what to do!" After the head of the Sakura Regiment reacted, he immediately issued an order in anger.

This is simply unbearable, doing such a dirty thing to the princess is comparable to humiliating the country.

After giving the order, the head of the cherry blossom group couldn't help but look back at the king, and then he saw that the king's face was darker than coal, showing that he was extremely angry!

Following the order of the head of the Sakura Regiment, more than a dozen soldiers rushed to the door, then pulled out the saber around their waist and slashed at the door.

After all, the material of the gate was only made of wood, and it was quickly destroyed. Then the soldiers broke into the door, and then they saw a young man in the room looking at them indifferently.

"What should I do?" The soldier in front of him trembled after seeing the coldness in Ye Zhige's eyes, then looked at his companion next to him, and couldn't help asking.

The soldier reacted almost like him, trembling all over, then turned his head to look at the man beside him, and slapped it.

" do I know?!"

The soldier was stunned, and suddenly became a little dazed, and then heard the angry voice of the head of the Cherry Blossom Regiment behind him.

"What are you still doing at the door? Rush in to arrest the criminals, a bunch of rice buckets!"

The two soldiers standing at the front glanced at each other, then gathered up their courage and charged towards Ye Zhige.

"Damn it!"

"Rush rush!!"

As soon as the two rushed out, the soldiers behind them were also led and rushed up.

Ye Zhige looked at the twenty or so soldiers in front of him, stretched out his left hand expressionlessly, and then waved it gently.

"Get out!" Ye Zhige opened his mouth softly and spat out a cold word!

As the words fell, an invisible force suddenly appeared in front of the soldiers, and then the soldiers couldn't control their backs and exited the room directly.

Among them, the head of the cherry blossom group who was about to go inside was also included.

It seems that he has received great resistance, and this kind of resistance, he is completely unable to resist? !

"Who the hell is that man?!" The head of the Sakura Group changed dramatically, and the other party actually possessed this ability, and he would definitely not be an ordinary person!

This kind of character really wants to do something to Her Royal Highness...

At this moment, the head of the Sakura Group didn't dare to think about it any longer.

After Ye Zhige completed this series of actions, he then raised his head and glanced at the two soldiers he had deliberately left here.

"You look good." Ye Zhige said suddenly.

This surprised the two soldiers who were so nervous that they didn't know where to put their hands, and then looked at Ye Zhige subconsciously. 857

At this moment, Ye Zhige just raised his right hand and placed it on Princess Jade's forehead.

Immediately, an invisible turbulence rippled. Even if the two soldiers had not been exposed to this kind of power, they felt this kind of turbulence, and their eyes widened for a while.

Then I saw the Emerald Princess, whose complexion was pale because of excessive blood loss, turned ruddy.

It didn't take long for Princess Jade's complexion to be the same as usual, and even more complex.

Such a miraculous scene suddenly appeared in front of the two of them. For a moment, the two soldiers were shocked and forgot that their jaws were about to dislocate, and looked at Princess Jade's beautiful rosy face in disbelief.

"I'm saving Jade, it's not that you're doing nasty things to her." Ye Zhige seemed to explain, but as if he didn't explain, he withdrew his gaze, and his right hand moved from Princess Jade's back again. The eyebrows were folded, and they were placed on the wrist of the Emerald Princess again.

The next moment, Princess Emerald's eyebrows suddenly moved.

The little finger of the right hand also bounced!

The two soldiers were keenly aware of this, and they were even more shocked.

This man, actually really cured the Emerald Princess?

Or this magical method that has never been seen before, just reach out and put it between the eyebrows of the Emerald Princess? .

Chapter [-] Secret

Under Ye Zhige's confident gaze and the incredible gazes of the two soldiers, Princess Jade finally frowned and slowly opened her eyes.

"I... what's wrong with me?" Princess Emerald stretched out her hand blankly, and then spit out such a sentence.

"You were injured and almost died." Ye Zhige held Princess Emerald's injured wrist and said with a smile.

"Injured..." Princess Jade didn't look at Ye Zhige, but when she heard Ye Zhige's words, she suddenly thought of something.

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