During this period, Ye Zhige would often give opinions to Habib, what should be thick-skinned, be more courteous, and run more errands.

Habixin thought it was true and did it, and then he was sprayed with all kinds of poisonous tongues by Xia Lulu, so Ye Zhige couldn't stand it anymore.

As for Xia Lulu, she kept apologizing, she couldn't help it, she was like that.

Ye Zhige stayed on the second floor drinking wine and sighed that his life was really comfortable.

When Ye Zhige was sighing, Erusa walked up in armor and looked at Ye Zhige with respect.

"Lord Ye Zhige, thanks to you for the Six Demon Generals, I really don't know how to repay." Erza came over and saluted, her tone full of sincerity.

Ye Zhige was also embarrassed to be saluted by a little girl, and immediately waved his hand.

"That's not something on 890. I just happened to be passing by and grabbed something along the way. It was also for myself, so I don't have to worry about it."

Hearing what Ye Zhige said, Elsa also showed admiration on her face. She was indeed an expert, and only an expert would show such an extraordinary attitude.

"Lord Ye Zhige, I have encountered some problems with magic recently. I don't know if I can ask for some advice?" Erza thought, and suddenly saluted again, her attitude became more respectful, of course, she was also a little nervous. Ye Zhige disagreed.

Hearing Ersha say this, Ye Zhige suddenly became a little embarrassed.

It's really terrible, he doesn't know anything about magic, and he only looks like magic because Makarov taught him a trick to defend against the Three Pillars of Magic.

"Cough, tell me, what's the problem?" As a supreme god, of course Ye Zhige couldn't refuse, he could only ask.

Elsa's pretty face suddenly showed joy, and then she raised her head and nodded her delicate chin.

"It's like this. When I use transformation magic these days, I always feel a little... I don't know how to describe it. It's that kind of awkward feeling, like magic repels me."


Erza spoke out her question.

"Lord Ye Zhige, do you know why this is?"

Ye Zhige was immediately embarrassed.

He doesn't know why, and he doesn't understand magic, but after thinking about Erza's words carefully, his eyes lit up, and the magic power repels his body. It's not necessarily a problem with magic or magic, maybe it's Erza Is there something wrong with your body?

Thinking of this, Ye Zhige raised his head and his eyes narrowed. In his eyes, there seemed to be some kind of mysterious energy, but it was extremely subtle and rare, so it was generally not clear.

Ye Zhige observed Elsa's body and tried to find out some problems.

But while observing, Elsa was a little restless, because she found that under the eyes of Lord Ye Zhige, she seemed to be stripped, and she was clearly seen, she subconsciously wanted to block her main parts , but remembered that he was wearing armor.

She suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and she didn't know where to put her hands in the air, so she could only continue to maintain that posture, which looked like a penalty stand.

Ye Zhige observed for a while, and while frowning, suddenly, Ye Zhige's eyes fell on Elsa's chest, where there seemed to be a small wound the size of a pinhole!

This wound is really too small. If Ye Zhige hadn't been completely focused and focused on Erza, he might not have noticed it.

"This wound seems familiar." Ye Zhige looked at the small wound, and suddenly remembered when he found the poisoned Suhanfeng in the open space. At that time, there was such a very similar wound on Erza's shoulder. .

When did you get one more chest?Why didn't you find it before?

Ye Zhige frowned, he didn't think he would miss this detail at that time.

Seeing that Ye Zhige's eyes fell on her chest, Elsa suddenly blushed slightly, and then she couldn't help shouting: "Lord Ye Zhige..."

Ye Zhige was awakened by Ersha's voice, so he raised his head and looked at Ersha.

"Oh, regarding your magic power, I think I know the reason." Ye Zhige said confidently.

When Erza heard this, she immediately looked at Ye Zhige excitedly.

"Really? Lord Ye Zhige, is there a solution?"

Ye Zhige nodded, then pondered for a while.

"It's hard to say. I need to take a closer look. At present, only one wound has been found. Maybe there are other places with equally inconspicuous wounds!"

When Ye Zhige said this, Elsa was stunned for a moment.

"Wound? Lord Ye Zhige... My question is about magic..."

Ye Zhige nodded.

"That's right, the reason why your magic power has such a rejection phenomenon should be because of the magic power of another attribute in your body, and this magic power conflicts with the magic power in your body, so the current Happening."

These are not Ye Zhige's nonsense, but a basis. Although he doesn't know much about magic power, he also has magic power and has a basic understanding of magic power, so different attributes of magic power are mutually exclusive. Still very clear.

And those small wounds were obviously left by Cobra, one of the six demon generals, and it is very likely that his magic power remains in it, so thinking about it like this, it is easy to analyze it.

Elsa was shocked.

"Lord Ye Zhige...you...can you see the wound on my body?"

When Ye Zhige heard Elsa's words, he was stunned for a while, and after thinking about it, he didn't hide it.

"Well, specifically, I can feel it. I am very sensitive to the human body, so I can clearly feel and make judgments."

"So that's the case, since that's the case, Lord Ye Zhige, what do you need me to do next, you can say whatever you want!" Elsa nodded, her pretty face showed firmness, she looked at Ye Zhige, and said quickly .

Ye Zhige smiled and waved his hand.

"Don't worry, you don't need to do anything too big, you just need to stand still."

"Standing still? How can you heal?" Erza didn't know why, but she just asked such a question, and then she stood there quietly and didn't move.

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