Just as Ye Zhige was thinking, when he looked a little dazed, Xiugboyi had already rushed over!

When he saw Ye Zhige's dazed appearance at the moment, he suddenly felt that his dignity was being challenged, and he shouted angrily.

"Take it seriously! This is a soldier challenging you!"

However, after Hugboy said this, he lost consciousness!

Because the back of the head was cold and the whole body lightened, he passed out.

Ye Zhige's figure was still in front of him, but just a second later, Ye Zhige had already appeared behind Xiugeboy, still maintaining the posture of hitting a knife.

"This is a punishment." Ye Zhige murmured, then withdrew his right hand, raised his eyes, and landed on Faust, who was talking about some of his abhorrent deeds through the microphone!

Faust is giving a speech, and this kind of thing is quite normal in the royal city.

But the abnormal place is, this time, His Majesty the King actually said some dark history about himself? !

How is this going?

Originally, the pedestrians on the road only regarded it as a funny thing to listen to, but the more they listened, the more ugly their faces became!

When they heard that the king lied about the magic power data of the treasury, the excited crowd couldn't help but pointed at the king's nose and cursed!

Seeing that the crowd's emotions were aroused, Faust didn't dare to continue talking, because before he finished shooting himself, someone couldn't help but come up to kill him!

He turned around and wanted to cast a look at Ye Zhige asking for instructions, but found that when he turned around, Ye Zhige had disappeared!

Only Xiugboyi was lying unconscious on the floor at the moment, and the sword of roses in his hand also fell to the ground!

Faust's complexion changed, and then he turned and ran into the castle. The order went on, and the king's city opened the highest defense level!

After doing these actions, Faust had time to calm down and think about what happened when Ye Zhige appeared just now.

His left arm was broken, and the broken arm was also taken away by Ye Zhige. Next to him, Xiugeboy was fine, but he was knocked unconscious and was not injured.

".〃What is the origin of this person? Why do you have to oppose me? Could it be that the magic power that I converted through my soul has something to do with him? Or? Is there his partner?"

With such a conjecture, Faust couldn't help frowning. He knew how to convert a person whose soul was converted into a magic crystal, but he didn't know how to convert it back!

If it is what he thinks, then that person will definitely come back, and if he can't think of a solution, he will definitely be killed in the end! (from Lee)

Faust cherishes his life very much. This can be seen from the fact that he is the king, but he humiliates Ye Zhige and obeys his words!

In order to survive, he could even abandon his dignity!

At this moment, he began to think hard about Ye Zhige's countermeasures.

And what about Ye Zhige?I have already left the castle at this moment, and the things to do have been done. Next, I just need to wait for Natsu and the others to complete the plot tasks, and then they can come out to absorb the power of incense!

Ye Zhige's plan was very simple. First, let most people lose their trust in the king, and even disgust them.

After that, Faust will do as the plot develops, then the entire Edras will become lifeless again, and then he will stand up and save the people!

The power of faith is at your fingertips!

This is his plan, and the development of things is quite a victory.

Now everything is ready, just owe Dongfeng! .

Chapter [-] In the Tavern

After Ye Zhige left, in the castle, Faust still had lingering fears, and he was always on guard for Ye Zhige's reappearance.

Some secret actions were also secretly put down by him.

The entire King City of Edras seemed to become quiet in an instant, and nothing happened.

And those things that happened before are gradually forgotten!

Ye Zhige did not appear in the royal city, but Natsu from Fairy Tail, Lucy Wendy and the others were still active in the royal city.

Lucy was caught, Natsu and Wendy were sucked out of the dragon slayer magic!

These things are happening in secret, of course, not by Faust, but by his right-hand man!

Chief of Staff Bai Luo!

After the series of events that happened to Ye Zhige, Faust found Bai Luo directly and told him about it!

When Bai Luo heard a series of strange things that Ye Zhige had done, he couldn't help but wrinkle and wonder.

How could anyone do such a thankless thing?Could it be a fool?

But with the disappearance of Ye Zhige, they gradually forgot about Ye Zhige, and the plan was back on track!

In the entire King City of Edras, the situation is now quietly changing. First, the magic crystal that was placed on the central square was shattered, and then a woman exactly like Erza appeared!

Even the fighting style is exactly the same as the 880, but the weapons are different!

The Royal Army and Fairy Tail officially started the battle, but the battles all took place in the castle, and the people in the royal city were not greatly affected.

At this moment, Ye Zhige was staying in the tavern in Wangcheng, drinking wine silently, and staying in the city of Edras, reminding him that when he was in Huadu, he would take Yefeng and Emerald Princess with him when he had nothing to do every day. Go drinking, life is very moisturizing!

It's just that the peaceful days are only temporary after all, he can see that the atmosphere in the entire royal city has become weird, and there is a tendency for the whole city to be on guard!

The next day, it was reported that two transcenders had betrayed Her Lady Queen and were called Fallen Heaven, and the whole city was wanted!

The moment he heard the news, Ye Zhige knew clearly that it was Hubby and Xia Lulu, and when the news came out, it meant that the battle was about to break out.

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