"What I'm saying is the truth. Even if you bring people over, you won't be able to ask anything."

"Haha, it's not you who has the final say if you ask or not!" Seeing Ben sneered, his magic power was pulsing, and it seemed that he was ready to do it!

Makarov responded with a sneer.

Do it?He will let this arrogant boy understand what the name of the Holy Ten represents! .

Chapter [-] Arrival at the Council

Just when Makarov and Jianben were about to fight, Ye Zhige suddenly stood up.

"The president really doesn't know anything, but I know what happened. It's complete. If you want to take me, take me."

Ye Zhige suddenly stood up, and instead of calling Makarov's name directly, he called the president, making Makarov stunned for a moment.

"Ye..." Just as he was about to ask, he saw Ye Zhige cast a reassuring look at him.

Although Makarov had a thousand doubts in his heart, he had to answer.

Mira Jane also looked at Ye Zhige who came out on her own initiative.

Ye Zhige stood up, but Jianben and the two men under him were stunned for a moment.

"Hey, there are people who are reasonable." After seeing Ben's reaction, he glanced at Ye Zhige lightly, and looked at Makarov with mockery in his eyes.

I was a little disappointed in my heart. I could have forced Makarov to do it directly. If I don't manage it, I can take this opportunity to deal with Fairy Tail properly. Unfortunately, this opportunity was not seized.

But he didn't care too much. Isn't this a guy who stood up?It's the same when we start from him again!

15 "Ye...Ye Zhige! Be careful!" Makarov originally wanted to call Ye Zhige a teacher, but thinking of Ye Zhige's eyes just now, he quickly changed his words, and finally became a word of caution.

Ye Zhige waved his hand, signaling the two not to worry.

"Okay, it's not parting from life or death. We asked the president of the council to just take him over to ask about the situation, as if there would be some danger." See Ben sneered and glanced at Makarov.

Makarov also returned his cold eyes, but he did not speak again.

Seeing that Ben was obviously not going to stay here any longer, he turned around and shouted directly.

"take away."

So after seeing themselves, the two of them rushed to Ye Zhige's side and raised Ye Zhige up.

Immediately Makarov was about to step forward, but Ye Zhige stopped him with his eyes.

"What? Afraid of me running? Since I took the initiative to stand up, I won't run away again." Ye Zhige said calmly.

However, Jianben glanced at Ye Zhige indifferently.

"Show me well."


In this way, I saw Ben walking at the front alone, with Ye Zhige supported by two members of the council behind him, heading to the headquarters of the council in a mighty manner.

In other words, the headquarters of the Freshman Council.

The Freshman Council was far away from Magloria. He climbed mountains and mountains all the way, and when he came down, Ye Zhige didn't feel anything, but the two members who were beside him were tired.

"See... see Mr. Ben, we... we really can't walk." The two made weak voices.

Seeing Ben, who was walking at the front, frowned and looked back at them, his eyes stopped on Ye Zhige who didn't even catch his breath.

"It's really two pieces of trash, and nothing in the trash guild has lasted as long!"

Seeing Ben's rude remarks made the two of them look ashamed. As for Ye Zhige, as if he hadn't heard what he said, he turned a deaf ear and just stood there with his eyes closed.

Seeing that Ye Zhige was so calm, Ben didn't say much, just said to rest in place, and the four of them stayed here for a while.

Then continue on the road.

On the way, Ben also began to ask some basic things about Ye Zhige.

Because along the way, he found that Ye Zhige did not seem to be simple.

"What's your name?"

See Ben suddenly asked.

"Ye Zhige."

"Ye Zhige?" When I heard this name, I don't know why, I felt a little familiar, but I couldn't remember where I heard it for a while.

"How long have you been in Fairy Tail?"

He didn't think much, and asked again.

Ye Zhige raised his eyes, glanced at Ben, then closed it again and replied, "A few months."

This time, Ben was stunned for a moment.

"It's only been a few months since I joined Fairy Tail? Then why do you want to stand up for them? Such a trash guild, what's so worthwhile for you to work for him like this?" The tail is deeply prejudiced.

"Why in your eyes, Fairy Tail is a trash guild?" Ye Zhige asked instead without answering.

See Ben's answer without hesitation: "Fairy Tail is causing trouble everywhere, people are not living well, and there are reports everywhere. Such a guild that everyone accuses is not a garbage guild, so what else could it be?"

Ye Zhige chuckled when he heard this.

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