This guy has a problem!

"If you want to ask me a question about Edras, feel free to speak." Ye Zhige spoke suddenly, interrupting the old man's momentum in the room.

The old man suddenly raised his head, glared at Ye Zhige, and then squinted again.

"The question of Edras can be put down for the time being, but it's you, young man. If you see me, even if you're rude, you should introduce yourself?"

The old man said these words, but Ye Zhige looked at Jianben next to the old man.

"I don't need the introduction. Your subordinates over there should have already told you."

Seeing Ben's face change, he gave Ye Zhige a vicious look.

The old man's face was very calm, he was all old, and his mood fluctuations would not be so intense.

"It seems that the young man is quite smart, but about Edras, just if we ask, your answer is too slow, and the accuracy is somewhat difficult to determine."

The old man spoke slowly, without finishing his words directly, he paused deliberately, and then looked at Ye Zhige with a smile.

"Just say what you want to say, don't beat around the bush." ​​Ye Zhige frowned, he had already sensed that something was wrong, the old guy had not been kind to himself since he came in.

Sure enough, the old man coughed and finally exposed his fox tail.

"It's very simple. I have a method here that can reduce the time of inquiries and confirm the accuracy of things! I wonder if the young man is interested?"

The corners of the old man's mouth lifted slightly, looking at Ye Zhige.

However, Ye Zhige's answer made the old man's expression stiff.

"I'm sorry, don't be so troublesome, just ask me and answer it, hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

When Ye Zhige said these words, not only did the old man's face stiffen, he even widened his eyes when he saw Ben, and he almost couldn't help but directly attack Ye Zhige.

Did this kid do it on purpose?Just because he embarrassed him along the way, deliberately disgraced his teacher at this time?There is such a time-saving and labor-saving thing, why not agree to it?

After the old man's sclerotic face calmed down, he looked at Ye Zhige curiously.

"Oh? I don't know if there is a reason for your refusal?"

Seeing that the old man was still trying to put himself in the trap, Ye Zhige became impatient.

"Do you still ask? If you don't ask me, you can leave!"

Ye Zhige's words made the old man's face look completely ugly. It's okay if you refuse me, but you dare to ignore me, do you really think I have a good temper?

"Go? Without my permission, you don't even have the qualifications to leave this house!" In anger, the old man stomped the crutches in his hand, and the room suddenly shook.

Then Ye Zhige saw that there seemed to be a trap on the door, and it fell down to seal the door.

".〃Oh? It's not going to be soft, you're ready to be tough? But why do you close the door? You don't believe in yourself or are you afraid that I'll go out and sue?" Ye Zhige sneered at this and said indifferently.

This time the old man didn't bother to talk to Ye Zhige any more, and after seeing Ben's instructions to his disciple, he walked directly to the door.

"catch him."

Seeing that Ben heard his teacher's order, the whole person's momentum also rose directly.

Then he looked at Ye Zhige with a sneer.

"At least you didn't do it along the way. You are lucky. What else do you want to say now?"

Ye Zhige glanced at Jianben and admired the man's confidence.

After thinking for a while, he still responded cooperatively: "Yes, what are you trying to do to me?"

Hearing Ye Zhige's words, Ben laughed as if he saw the scene where Ye Zhige knelt down and begged for mercy. (Money Zhao)

"As expected of a piece of trash that came out of a trash guild, after so long, I still don't know that I have taken the initiative to send it to my door."

After a taunting, he held back his emotions, and then looked at Ye Zhige with a chuckle.

"Anyway, you'll have to forget something later, so it's okay to tell you."

Ye Zhige looked at Jianben with a nonchalant expression on his face.

Then I heard Ben said.

"The way to make you agree just now is to ask the teacher to use a special magic on you. This magic can directly extract the memory in your mind, saving time and effort. It is not unreasonable."

Halfway through, he paused, deliberately glanced at Ye Zhige's expression, and found that Ye Zhige was unmoved, so he continued.

"However, this kind of magic has side effects when using it. As I said just now, you will forget about it anyway."

"Because once the magic is realized, your memory is equivalent to being transferred out, so...".

Chapter [-] Finally Get Started!

"Get my memory, this is your goal? But even if you get my memory, you can only know about Edras, right? What's the point of this?" Ye Zhige asked inexplicably.

Seeing that Ben heard Ye Zhige's words, he immediately sneered and wanted to explain, but before he could finish speaking, he heard a light cough behind him.

He turned his head and saw the old man looking at him with a serious look.

"Don't waste your time!"

"Yes, teacher!" Jian Ben hurriedly lowered his head, then turned around and snorted coldly.

"Almost let your kid drag on for too long, get ready to do it!"

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