It is not easy to build a city at such a high altitude. This is also the result of the joint efforts of the former elders of the council.

As if seeing Ye Zhige's thoughts, Yajima suddenly smiled.

"This place used to be very desolate. At that time, a few old friends and I took a fancy to it, and then we started to build such a city for the members and their families to live in, but later found that it was a bit far from the council, so the members The residence has been changed to the council."

Hearing Yajima's explanation, Ye Zhige nodded and looked at the gate of the city, which was covered with snow and ice, so he couldn't see the big characters on it.

"This city still has a name?"

Yajima smiled embarrassedly.

"I used a name before, but I just thought of it casually, and then engraved it outside the door, but under the ice and snow, this name has never appeared."

"Oh? What's it called?"

"I'm afraid of the teacher's jokes, let's forget it." Yajima said a little embarrassed.

Ye Zhige shook his head, and then the whole person suddenly soared out of thin air, jumping to the top of the gate, and then with a light stroke of his right hand, the ice and snow on the top instantly disappeared, and finally the few big characters on it, Also see the sun again.

"City of Ice and Snow?" Ye Zhige looked at the four characters above and couldn't help but nod his head.

"Although it is indeed a bit vulgar, it is quite in line with the theme of this city. After all, it is built on the snow-capped mountains." Ye Zhige patted Yajima's shoulder with a smile, and then entered the city of ice and snow together with Yajima. .

Inside the city and outside the city are two different appearances.

It was frighteningly cold outside, and although it was cold inside, it was much warmer than outside.

Although these are the same for Ye Zhige.

After Yajima walked in, he took off his coat.

"Teacher, it's not bad. When the city was established, a huge magic circle was specially built, which could ease the temperature a little bit, so it wouldn't be so cold."

Ye Zhige nodded.

".〃 It's really good, it's very suitable for living. It's not easy to build a magic circle like this, right?"

Yajima sighed.

"It was built by me and a few old friends of the council, plus the help of the pony. If I were to build another one, I probably wouldn't have that ability."

Ye Zhige nodded and sighed. When they were young, they were all top mages. Now it is almost impossible to gather so many mages to build a magic circle to adjust their lives.

Therefore, the entire Fiore Kingdom is the only one!

"Having said that, I think this city of ice and snow is much more precious than the new student council." Ye Zhige joked with a smile.

Yajima also laughed and shook his head.

After that, without saying anything, he took Ye Zhige directly into the city.

Yajima is also very famous in the city of ice and snow, and the pedestrians (Zhao Nuozhao) who meet on the road will greet Yajima with great respect.

Even some children who are only a few years old will stop and shout kindly when they see Yajima: Grandpa Yajima.

Ye Zhige couldn't help but sigh.

"Looks like Yajima, you come here a lot, don't you?"

Yajima nodded.

"I usually go to the top of the snow mountain to see the scenery when I'm fine, so I always come to see it when I pass by."

"Is there a higher place than here?" Ye Zhige couldn't help asking.

Yajima shook his head.

"It's not higher. It's just that on the other side of the city of ice and snow, there is a mountain top. There are two mountain tops in this snow mountain, and there are on the other side, but the weather there is colder and harsher."

"That's a good place to practice." Ye Zhige nodded and said.

Yajima also nodded.

Then he raised his head and quickly said, "Here we are."

Ye Zhige also looked up when he heard it. .

Chapter [-] The Girl on the Snow Mountain

The first thing that caught my eye was a low-rise small bungalow, which looked a bit shabby, but the buildings in the entire city of ice and snow are generally in this style, and there are all low-rise bungalows next to them. Ye Zhige also No surprises.

After probably remembering the appearance of the room, Yajima had already opened the door with the key.

Ye Zhige stepped forward, and as soon as he reached the door, he smelled a faint rotten breath.

It seems that there are no people living there for some days.

Yajima waved his hand to disperse all the dust that splashed when the door was opened, then walked to the window, pushed it open, and suddenly another stream of dust was scattered in the air.

"Teacher, you go out first, and I'll clean the room right away."

After Yajima finished speaking, he raised his right hand, and the gentle magic power spread from his palm, and then he saw layers of water mist suddenly appear, and then wrapped the dust in the air.

There are also some water mist directly attached to the wall, table, ceiling.

Immediately, the adhered dust dissolved in the water, and Ye Zhige saw it without any accident.

"Okay teacher." Yajima said quickly.

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