"Cut, brag, is there a more powerful profession in this world than a sorcerer?"

Ye Zhige laughed, and then suddenly stretched out his hand to face the girl.

"Who said no?"

As soon as his voice fell, the girl didn't take it seriously, but then she became excited.

Because her body began to fly into the sky uncontrollably, as if a special force was falling at her feet and dragging her.

"Wow! I'm flying! I'm flying!" The girl suddenly shouted excitedly, her face slightly red.

Ye Zhige saw this, and the curvature of the corners of his lips became larger.

Then he suddenly stopped.

The girl who was still immersed in the joy of flying suddenly screamed, because at this moment her body was falling rapidly, and she was about to hit the snowy mountain.

Ye Zhige then stretched out his hand again.

At the moment when the girl was about to land, she suddenly stopped.

The girl was still a little frightened, and her mind was even more dazed. She stood motionless on the spot, her face was pale, and she was obviously frightened.

Ye Zhige did not wake up the girl, but waited silently with a smile on his lips.

"Wow, Ye Zhige, how did you do it? Even the wind magician can only control himself to fly, how did you do it?" After the girl reacted, she didn't blame Ye Zhige. Instead, he instantly became extremely excited and ran in front of Ye Zhige.

"How do you feel?" Ye Zhige didn't answer, but asked such a question.

The girl responded with joy.

"It's so exciting!"

Ye Zhige smiled without saying a word. If someone else faced the scene just now, he would probably be scared to wet his pants, but this girl actually said it was very exciting?

What an interesting girl.

"Want to learn?" Ye Zhige asked again.

The girl's eyes suddenly lit up, and she responded quickly.

"Think about it, I dream of learning."

Ye Zhige ignored the girl, turned around and left.

The girl saw that Ye Zhige went straight away, she didn't understand what it meant for a while, and immediately followed in a hurry.

"Ye Zhige, can you teach me? Please."

Ye Zhige was unmoved, did not say anything, and continued to walk forward.

The girl was really in a hurry now, grabbed Ye Zhige's thigh, and hugged her whole body on it.

"Ye Zhige, Ye Zhige! Please!"

"Teach me."

Seeing that his legs were restrained, Ye Zhige couldn't help but pouted, and then turned around.

"You keep saying that you want to learn, don't introduce yourself, don't even have a teacher, how can I teach you?".

Chapter [-] The Weird Snow Mountain!

Ye Zhige's remarks made the girl stunned for a moment, and then she realized that she quickly released Ye Zhige's thigh, and then knelt on the ground.

"Mr. Ye Zhige, it's Li'er's fault, please punish him."

Seeing this series of actions by the girl, Ye Zhige nodded with satisfaction, and then asked again.

"Your name is?"


"Huh? Just this one word?"

Ye Zhige was stunned for a moment.

When the girl heard Ye Zhige's words, her eyes suddenly dimmed.

"Well, not long after Li'er was born, his parents went out to perform tasks, and he never came back. He never had a name. Later, when he grew up, the old grandmother in the west of the city gave me a name, saying that it was for me to remember, yes Mom and Dad abandoned their own _!"

After listening to Li'er's narration, Ye Zhige couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

The residents in the city of ice and snow are all members of the council members' families, and Li'er's parental status is obviously in the council council. The two of them went on a mission together. If they haven't returned for so long, it is estimated that their life and death have long been unknown.

"How old is Li'er?" Ye Zhige couldn't help feeling a little distressed and asked.

"Li'er is thirteen years old this year. I heard from the grandmother that at the age of eighteen, you can leave this snowy mountain and go to the outside world. Li'er really wants to go outside to see it." When Li'er talked about the outside world, she was beautiful His big eyes were full of anticipation.

"But the grandmother said that as long as you become a wizard, you can also go to the outside world. She also said that the outside world is very dangerous. Teacher Ye Zhige, is this really true?"

After speaking, Li'er looked at Ye Zhige curiously.

Ye Zhige thought for a while, then smiled and shook his head.

"The outside world is not that dangerous. If Li'er wants to go out and have a look, the teacher can take you outside to take a look."

Hearing Ye Zhige's words, Li'er's eyes suddenly lit up.

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