"Maybe, but the time is only ten days, and it is not allowed to delay even a minute!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Lan took Jianben and left the room majestically.

It can be seen that their master and apprentice are already very excited, because Ye Zhige's move is like a doorstep for them.

After the two left, Yajima walked up to Ye Zhige with a complicated expression.

".〃Teacher, is it really good to do this? Speaker, it's really not so easy to be!"

Hearing Yajima's words, Ye Zhige showed a relieved smile.

"Don't you believe me? My reputation must be enough to make me a small speaker."

Yajima's expression became more complicated when he heard this.

"Teacher... You don't understand, even if your reputation is extremely high, even bigger than Speaker Gulan, you still can't pass the last hurdle, because to replace the previous speaker, you need the unanimous approval of all senior councilors!"

Hearing what Yajima said, Ye Zhige was stunned for a moment.

"There is such a thing? Why didn't you say it earlier..." Ye Zhige was also very speechless, but then he waved his hand.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I've already gambled, so it'll be a little more troublesome then." After speaking, Ye Zhige opened the door and walked out.

Yajima sighed, and then followed Ye Zhige out.

(King Nuo's) Thinking of the bet, Yajima felt a panic in his heart. In order to ease this emotion, Yajima changed the subject and asked Ye Zhige.

"Teacher, have you read Li'er's information?"

Ye Zhige nodded and glanced at Yajima.

"It's over, what's wrong?"

Yajima was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but ask again.

"Don't you find the information a little strange?"

"Strange?" Ye Zhige scratched his head.

"What's weird?"

Yajima's head was covered with black lines, and then explained.

"In the information about Li'er, there is actually no mention of everything about Li'er's parents, name, background, and even his status in the council, nothing at all!"

Hearing what Yashima said, Ye Zhige raised his eyebrows.

"Oh? It turns out that this was not deliberately left by your council? I thought that because I was just an outsider, the information was not too detailed."

Ye Zhige's remarks immediately made Yajima's head full of black lines. .

Chapter [-]: Li'er's Life Experience

"So is there any problem here?" Ye Zhige looked straight at Yashima.

Yajima nodded quickly.

"Generally speaking, any member of parliament, even if it's just an ordinary member of parliament, will record it in the file, and will not say a word. Regarding the files of Li's parents, I deliberately checked it in the intelligence department, and there is absolutely nothing!"

Ye Zhige also frowned.

"That is to say, is there a problem with Li'er's life experience?"

Yajima nodded.

"Specifically, it should be the identity of Li'er's parents. It may be a little special in the council. Of course, this refers to the original council!"

Ye Zhige pondered for a moment, then asked again.

"Could it be that the information about Li'er's parents was hidden, so you couldn't find it? Or because of the previous incident, some information in the council was lost, including the information of Li'er's parents?"

When Yajima heard Ye Zhige say this, he thought for a while.

"The second possibility is unlikely. Li'er's information has not been lost, and the identity of Li'er's parents is not introduced at all. It should be deliberately hidden."

"Who could do this in the original council? Hide the members' information?"

Ye Zhige looked up at Yajima and smiled.

110 After discussing about Li'er, Ye Zhige returned to his room.

Although it is a bit strange to know the identities of Li'er's parents, they are not ready to investigate immediately, because there are still some things that need to be resolved in the council.

Ye Zhige took out the confidential crystal from his arms, and had another headache.

According to Yajima, this memory crystal can only be opened by a specific person. If it is forcibly opened, the information contained in it will also be directly destroyed!

So first of all, Ye Zhige had to find someone who could open the secret crystal.

"Who can open this thing?" Ye Zhige was very troubled by this.

There are still five days before the news about Ye Zhige from Huadu, and eight days before the ten-day bet.

In the past five days, Ye Zhige has been running into the council. Because of the gambling contract, Ye Zhige's actions have not been restricted. Except for some places where Ye Zhige cannot enter, it can be said that other He went in and visited all the places of the council.

And Yajima is still training Li'er these days. After Ye Zhige's reminder, Yajima specially let Li'er learn the basics.

Although I haven't learned a few magic (bfcd) techniques now, my foundation is solid and my magic power is very pure.

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