"Well, it feels better to say that," Elizabeth said.

At this time on the top floor, Aldridge was still there waiting for Tony Stark, the Iron Man, and he didn't know that Tony Stark would not come up.

After the next morning, Iron Man Tony Stark took Elizabeth back to the new base of the Avengers. Now Ye Zhige's laboratory has also migrated to the new avenger that Ye Zhige has built with the Avengers. The base of the alliance is inside. This new Avengers base is very large, including buildings for living, training venues, warehouses for storing weapons, aircraft and other warehouses, as well as various laboratories.

"Wow, look at what this place looks like, they must have had a big New Year's party last night, and they said at first that they would come to see me in Switzerland during the New Year, but no one came. , they are really hateful." Iron Man Tony Stark saw that the base was very well arranged, but it was morning, and everyone hadn't gotten up yet. There were only Iron Man Tony Stark and Elizabeth in the hall.

"Nine One Seven"

"Isn't this bad, because you went to Switzerland to attend this academic exchange meeting to know me, or do you regret knowing me now?" Elizabeth said,

"Oh, how is this possible, of course I'm very happy and lucky to meet you, but I'm just not very happy about them secretly hosting a grand New Year's party behind my back, they must be sleeping now, wait for me To wake them all up, hum, tell them to throw a big party behind my back." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"It's not good to wake others to sleep," Elizabeth said.

"It's alright, we're all old friends, and I'm going to tell them that you're joining the Avengers, which is a big deal, because you're not just a great scientist who can provide us with experimental technology, you're still my daughter Friends, of course I have to let my friends know you first." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"You hate it." Elizabeth said, and then Elizabeth lowered her head shyly after listening to the transformation of Iron Man Tony Stark. Iron Man Tony Stark ran directly to the upstairs lounge,

"Okay everyone, everyone got up, got up." Iron Man Tony Stark said loudly,

"Iron Man Tony Stark, how come you came back so early and woke us all up." Captain Steve Rogers of the United States came out of the room and said,

"I have something to announce to everyone, and it's a very happy thing," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"Is it about the academic exchange meeting you went to Switzerland? I guess you must have gained something, and it was a great gain." Ye Zhige also walked out of the room at this time and said, and then everyone was stunned by steel. Tony Stark woke up and walked out,

"Hey guys, I want to tell you something, I met a scholar who has a very strong research on biological resilience at an academic exchange meeting in Switzerland yesterday, and I invited her to our revenge. It's coming from the League of Legends." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"Really, where is she now?" asked US captain Steve Rogers.

"She's in the hall downstairs, let's go, I'll introduce you to you." Iron Man Tony Stark said, and he led the crowd downstairs.

"This is the lady I mentioned who is very good at the research on biological resilience. Her name is Elizabeth." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"Hi, everyone, I am honored to be able to work with you in the days to come." Elizabeth said,

"Oh, yes, Elizabeth is not only a member of our Avengers now, she is also my girlfriend." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"Wow, this is really the most incredible thing I've heard this year. Tony Stark, our prodigal son, Iron Man, turned back." Ye Zhige said with a smile,

"Haha, although we have known each other for a very short time now, through our short time together, we both found that we are very suitable for each other, so I am very serious this time." Iron Man Tony Shi Tucker said,

"Okay, then I'll trust you, the prodigal son of your love, for once, but don't let Elizabeth down. How can I say that she is also a member of our Avengers now, if you dare to bully our colleagues, Then we can't spare you." Ye Zhige said,

Afterwards, everyone cleaned up the mess left over from last night's New Year's party, and then went home and continued to rest. After all, yesterday was a carnival for nearly a night, and was woken up by Iron Man Tony Stark so early in the morning. , Ye Zhige and Pepper will also rest in their own home.

After Iron Man Tony Stark took Elizabeth to find her temporary residence, Iron Man Tony Stark also returned to his home.After making a cup of coffee, Iron Man Tony Stark turned on the TV, and then he saw a video of a terrorist on the TV. The scene in the video seemed to be in the Middle East, and a large group of terrorists with guns were surrounded. led a group of civilians, and then shot and slaughtered all these civilians brutally,

At this time, the leader of these terrorists appeared in front of the camera and said: "Some people call me a terrorist, I consider myself a teacher, America, are you ready for another lesson, [-], Sands, Crodo State Brook, US troops waiting so friendly Cheyenne warriors to go out hunting, waiting to attack and slaughter their families, and then seize their land, thirty-nine hours ago, an air force base in Kovik Ali was attacked, I, What I did, it was an old military church full of women and children, the soldiers were out for drills, the warriors were gone, President Ellis, you know who I am, but you never know where I am, you never know where I am When will I come?"

At the same time, a lot of videos about terrorist attacks were being played on the TV, and then the TV channels returned to normal, "There has just been a hacking incident of a US radio and television station. Since the video of the terrorist attack has just been broadcast, Then let's talk about these terrorist attacks." At this time, the host of a news channel said, and then Iron Man Tony Stark switched to another news channel. At this time, President Ellis, who was just named, was publishing press conference,

"With regard to this high-level crisis, we already have a way to deal with it. He is Colonel James Roddy. To all Americans, he is a steel patriot..." President Ellis said,

"This is President Ellis' response? Also, the name I'm Iron Patriot is really bad." At this time, Iron Man Tony Stark and Colonel James Roddy were sitting in a restaurant and eating , they were good friends before,

"MechaWarrior is a bit over the top again, right? This sounds pretty good," James Roddy said.

"Why didn't President Ellis come to us Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. to help them solve the problem, but found you to come over and tell me what the specific situation is like." Tony Iron Man Stark said,

"This can be classified information, well, there were nine explosions in total, and the public only knew about three. The problem is that no one can find the equipment they use, no bomb casing." James Roddy said,

"You know, I can help, just look for me, I have a lot of high-tech, adaptive navigation equipment, and I also have bomb disposal equipment to catch bombs in the air." Iron Man Tony Stark said. ,

"When was the last time you had a good night's sleep," James Roddy said.

"Einstein only slept three hours a year, look at his achievements." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"Iron Man Tony Stark, everyone is worried about you, and I am very worried about you." James Roddy said,

"You worry about me too?" said Iron Man Tony Stark.

"I don't want to act like a jerk..." James Roddy said, he saw a little girl walking by next to him, and he had to pay attention to language and civilization in front of the children.

"Can you sign for me." The little girl said to Iron Man Tony Stark,

"If James Rhodey doesn't mind, do you mind James Rhodey?" said Iron Man Tony Stark.

"No no, I'd love to." James 3.9 Thrody said, and then Iron Man Tony Stark signed the little girl,

"Look, the Pentagon is freaking out, after the butter gram incident, the aliens, please, they have to be stronger, and now our priority is to stop the Manchurian, who is the leader of that terrorist organization, but. ' said James Roddy,

"But that's not a superhero thing, right?" said Tony Stark, Iron Man.

"No, of course not. Frankly speaking, it's a national thing," James Roddy said.

"Okay, I understand." Iron Man Tony Stark said. After this, Iron Man Tony Stark fell into a deep anxiety for some reason.

This anxiety is the same fear from the last time they fought the Ultron robot, the fear that he had been aroused in his heart by Wanda the Scarlet Witch, who is now a member of the Avengers, using her psychic abilities, and now Iron Man Tony Stark always had an ominous premonition in his heart after watching the video that could be a terrorist. Then Iron Man Tony Stark walked out of the restaurant and was about to put on his Iron Man machine to check it out. , .

Chapter [-]: Killian's Research Results

"Okay, help me check the heart and brain." Iron Man Tony Stark said to the intelligent system in the steel mecha,

"There is no sign of heart or brain abnormalities at all," said the intelligent system.

"Okay, so I'm poisoned?" Iron Man Tony Stark asked,

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