"Hey, Ye Zhige, do you know the news that appeared on TV recently?" said Iron Man Tony Stark.

"I saw it on TV, and I already knew who was doing the shit, and one of them was a guy you met at the academic exchange you attended in Switzerland the other day, and his name was Aldridge. , he sneaked into Elizabeth's room after you and Elizabeth left the room, and then Aldridge stole the experimental research theory and data of Elizabeth's ultimate creature,

He quietly copied all these data, and then took the experimental data of the ultimate creature without anyone finding it. Finally, he returned to the laboratory called Killian. It turned out that the two of them were It's all a gang who've made breakthrough research on Elizabeth's ultimate creature,

After all, how could the research speed of Elizabeth alone catch up with the research speed of their entire experimental team, and the direction of Elizabeth's research on the ultimate creature is to help humans cure diseases, while Aldridge and Killian's group research the ultimate creature. The direction is to create weapons of mass destruction,

And they are so bold that they dare to come to my company to find Pepper to discuss cooperation. I think those who like to engage in terrorist activities seem to have no brains. Now I will start to pay attention to this matter, since They have involved Pepper, so I can't stand by and watch, but I don't intend to get too involved in this incident, I also want to let Pepper go through some things, so that she can have a better understanding of the bad people in this society. I have a good understanding, and I will be able to deal with more emergencies more calmly in the future, so until the critical moment, I will not be born to help you. At most, I will give you some tips on the information first. "Ye Zhige said on the phone,

"Don't worry about this, Ye Zhige, it's just a group of brainless terrorists who always want to overthrow the U.S. government, plus some scientists who will do anything for money and interests. I believe I should be able to take it easy. to deal with all problems." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"Haha, you are still as confident as always, but Iron Man Tony Stark, don't be too confident, and then capsize in the gutter." Ye Zhige said,

"If I really fail carelessly, then you are helping me behind my back." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"Okay, let's do this for now. If there is any problem, I will come to you." Ye Zhige said, and after that, Ye Zhige hung up the phone.

"Pepper, are you sure you really want to deal with these problems on your own? Do you really need my help?" Ye Zhige said to Pepper who was sitting next to him. Take the initiative to say that Pepper will face those dangerous things by himself, which is what Pepper himself asked,

"Don't worry, Ye Zhige, I'm almost thirty years old, and I'm not a three-year-old child. I know how to deal with some things, and this experience will be very beneficial to me in the future, and I don't have you. The Destroyer that I sent me back then? Besides, even if the Destroyer doesn't work, isn't there still you? I want to exercise my abilities more so that I can encounter anything in the future. At that time, I won't be panicking to support your hind legs, maybe I can help you a lot at that time." Pepper said,

"Okay, then I'll listen to you, I'm really not good at you, but from now on I will always use my divine sense to observe the situation on your side. If I find (bffa) that you are in any danger, then I'll instantly move over to help you. You can't be stubborn with me on this point. This is my last bottom line. If it doesn't work, then I won't allow you to handle this matter alone. "Ye Zhige said,

"Okay, okay, then I promise you," Pepper said.

The next morning, Pepper got up early to make breakfast for Ye Zhige and put it on the table, then Pepper quietly opened the door and went to work in the company.At this time, Iron Man Tony Stark is adjusting some data of his steel robot in his laboratory,

"I edited a database about the Manchus for you, Mr. Iron Man Tony Stark. These materials were intercepted by intelligence from S.H.I.E.L.D., the FBI, and the CIA." Tony Shi, Iron Man Jarvis, Tucker's smart housekeeper, said,

"Okay, let's see what his origins are?" Iron Man Tony Stark said, and he opened the information on the full man sent to him by Jarvis,

"Well, his name is the ancient Chinese name for war counselors, which means the king's counselor, South American rebellion tactics, he speaks like a missionary, the place where the event took place is a celebration, and many theaters are closed, The heat generated by the explosion was as high as more than [-] degrees Celsius, and any objects within a range of [-] yards evaporated instantly, and no bomb fragments were found within three feet of Huaxia." Jarvis said,

"Start the virtual crime scene reconstruction." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

Then Jarvis started the restoration of the scene when Gilbert was bombed that night. In front of Tony Stark, the iron man appeared when Gilbert was blown to the ground. I saw Gilbert Lying on the ground, his fingers pointed in one direction,

"When is a bomb not a bomb." Iron Man Tony Stark said, and then he found a box at the simulated explosion site, and there was a necklace in the box, which was a military-specific necklace,

"Has there been any military deaths recently." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"No sir," Jarvis replied,

"Take the biothermal signature again, and factor [-] degrees Celsius into the statistics." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"The cloud has completed the calculations, connecting with satellites to generate bio-caloric records for the last twelve months," Jarvis said.

"Cut out all the places where the Manchurian has done terrorist attacks." Iron Man Tony Stark said, and then showed a lot of relevant information in front of Iron Man Tony Stark, Iron Man Tony Stark quickly looked write,

"That." Iron Man Tony Stark said, saying that Jarvis opened the file,

"Are you sure it's him? It happened before any known terrorist attack in Mandalay, it was a suicide bombing incident, and the heat signature is pretty similar," Jarvis said, and Jarvis opened the In the relevant photos in the data, I saw a photo of a soldier appearing in front of Tony Stark, the Iron Man, and this person was the Hada Mountain who Gilbert said he was a lewd man, right in front of Tony Stark, the Iron Man. When I was about to go further to check this person's information, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Can anyone come knocking on the door? Shouldn't we be in complete security block now? I just threatened a terrorist yesterday, who is knocking on the door?" Iron Man Tony Stark complained,

"I can only do so much, sir, who told you to tell the world your address," Jarvis said.

At the door, a woman was standing at the door knocking on the door, and then the door opened automatically, the woman walked in, and then she saw Tony Stark, the Iron Man, walking out wearing a steel mecha.

Chapter [-]: Iron Man's laboratory was attacked

"You're not an adult, are you? Are you?" Iron Man Tony Stark said, putting down the mask on his helmet,

"Don't you remember? You sure don't." The lady smiled and didn't speak.

"Don't worry about it, I forgot what I had for breakfast today." Iron ~ Man Tony Stark said,

"Grain waffles, sir." Jarvis' voice came over at this time-,

"Okay, I need to talk to you alone, but I can't do it at the door. It's very urgent." The lady _ said,

"If it was before, I would have no problem, but I have an official girlfriend now." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"Tony Stark, is anyone here?" Elizabeth's voice came from upstairs at this time,

"Yes, Maya Hansen is here, a friend in the field of botany, not too familiar." Iron Man Tony Stark replied loudly,

"Don't tell me, I have a twelve-year-old kid I've never seen sitting outside waiting for me in the car." Iron Man Tony Stark whispered to Maya Hansen,

"No, he's thirteen years old, haha, no, I need your help." Maya Hansen said,

"What do you need me to help you with? Why do you want to help now?" said Iron Man Tony Stark.

"Because I read the paper today, I don't think you will live this weekend," said Maya Hansen.

"I'll be fine," said Iron Man Tony Stark.

"I'm sorry, Gilbert is in the hospital, I thought there would be no guests coming." Elizabeth walked downstairs and said,

"Ex-girlfriend?" Elizabeth said.

"It's not like that," said Iron Man Tony Stark.

"It doesn't look like it, in this way, you really avoided this bastard." Elizabeth said,

"Hey, is this an emergency now?" Maya Hansen said, pointing to a TV in Iron Man Tony Stark's lab.

I saw that the TV channel in the TV was invaded by terrorists again, and now the picture playing is an external picture of Iron Man Tony Stark's laboratory shot in the air, and then Iron Man Tony Stark and the others. I saw a missile flying over quickly towards his laboratory, and then Iron Man Tony Stark and the others immediately turned to look outside,

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