"Okay, we know, then let's go out and see the world in the virtual reality." US captain Steve Rogers said,

"Okay, let's go, let's gather here at Marvel Entertainment in an hour, I'll wait for you here, and then when you all come back, we'll go back to the real world to discuss the specific training. plan." Ye Zhige said.

Then the US captain Steve Rogers and Iron Man Tony Stark walked out of Marvel Entertainment and went outside to see what the virtual reality world looked like.An hour later, Captain America Steve Rogers and Iron Man Tony Stark have all returned to Ye Zhige's Marvel Entertainment,

"Wow, it's really surprising Ye Zhige, if no one told me that this virtual reality world created by Marvel Entertainment Company is a virtual world, then I really can't see it. What is the difference between the world in the virtual reality and the real world, it's just a direct copy and paste." Captain Steve Rogers of the United States praised,

"Okay, since you have all seen it in the virtual reality world now, and I believe you have a certain understanding of the virtual reality world, then let's go back to the real world and agree on training together. Let’s plan, because in the real world after we negotiate the training, we can directly adjust the virtual reality world on the virtual reality machine to better help us train.” Ye Zhige said,

"No problem, let's go, by the way, as long as we say leave the virtual reality." Iron Man Tony Stark said, and then before Ye Zhige could answer, Iron Man Tony Stark asked disappeared out of nowhere,

"Uh, Iron Man Tony Stark is right, now in the real world, the virtual reality machines you enter are all guarded by staff members, so as long as you say a word to leave the virtual reality, then we The staff guarding the side will immediately turn off the virtual reality machine and let you return to the real world." Ye Zhige said,

"Okay, we got it, leave the virtual reality." Captain Steve Rogers left the virtual reality world after he finished speaking, followed by Romanov the Black Widow, Wade Wilson and the others who also left the virtual reality together. The real world, and then Ye Zhige himself returned to the real world directly through time and space.

In the real world, when Iron Man Tony Stark and Captain America Steve Rogers came out of the glass bin inside the virtual reality machine, Ye Zhige and Pepper were already waiting for them outside,

"Okay, everyone come out. Let's go to the conference room upstairs to discuss the specific training plan." Ye Zhige said.

"Okay, let's go." US captain Steve Rogers said,

Then Ye Zhige and his party took the elevator to the conference room on the third floor. Everyone sat around a round table and experienced the virtual reality technology of Ye Zhige's Marvel Entertainment Company. After that, everyone's expressions were full of surprises. On the one hand, they were surprised by the power of this virtual reality technology. On the other hand, they were also happy that they could finally have a good, efficient, and safe way to improve their actual combat experience and strength. Methods,

"Everyone has already experienced the world in the virtual reality, so, do you have any opinions on the training plan in the virtual reality? Let us all have an idea, let's discuss it together... .." Ye Zhige said,

"Let me tell you, first of all, we have all experienced the reality of the world in the virtual reality, and it is not to say that the speed of the flow of time in the virtual reality is very slow, then I think, we can live in the world of virtual reality. There are various military skills exercises in it, and strive to allow each of our Avengers superheroes to master enough military skills, so that they can use these military skills to deal with many unexpected situations, such as time bombs , reconnaissance, camouflage, etc., these are all very practical skills." US captain Steve Rogers said,

"The captain of the United States, Steve Rogers, said it well, and I agree with him very much, but I think what we can practice in the virtual reality world is not only military skills, but also many other practical skills, such as Computer hacking technology, lock picking technology, etc. In short, as long as it is useful to us, we can practice it. Anyway, the flow of time in the virtual reality world is so slow, we have time to learn and practice a lot of skills, we When practicing in the virtual reality world, we must not only master as many useful skills as possible, but also try to master those skills as much as possible.” Black Widow Romanov said,

"Well, this proposal from the two of you is good. It can be included in our training plan. Do you have any other training proposals?" Ye Zhige 4.8 said,

"By the way, Ye Zhige, can you control everything, the environment, and the weather in the virtual reality world?" said Wolverine Logan.

"Yes, in the virtual reality world, we can control everything." Ye Zhige said,

"In this case, then I also have a training opinion, that is, we can carry out targeted training according to our own ability characteristics and weaknesses, such as me and Deadpool Wade Wilson, who have a very strong recovery ability. , but our weakness is also more obvious, that is, we do not have any special ability in terms of attack ability, we can only fight like ordinary humans, relying on various weapons and our own physical fitness, so like With the two of us, we can exercise our physical fitness in a place with a very harsh environment, and then we can learn the use of various cold weapons and hot weapons." Wolverine Logan said,

"Oh, brother, I also think your idea is quite good." Deadpool Wade Wilson said.

Chapter [-]: Looking for Special Skilled Talents

"Well, yes, Wolverine Logan's proposal can also be included in our training plan. After we discuss it for a while, we can find a trainer to formulate a special training plan for each of you, and also Do you have any other proposals?" Ye Zhige asked.

"I don't have any suggestions, Ye Zhige, do you have any ideas?" Iron Man Tony Stark asked,

"Well, I still have an idea that can help you quickly increase your combat experience." Ye Zhige said,

"What is the solution, let's see." Captain Steve Rogers of the United States said,

"This method is that we regularly hold duels and battles between the superheroes of the Avengers in the virtual reality world, which can be divided into two forms of battles, one is the ring game mode, one-on-one, The winner goes on to challenge the next one. There is another mode that is more cruel, that is, stand on your own, you and yourself are on the same team, and everyone else is your opponent. If all the superheroes of the Avengers are defeated, it will be considered a victory." Ye Zhige said,

"Wow, this is really cruel, but can we kill them in the process of fighting? After all, you know, people like Deadpool Wade Wilson and Wolverine Logan, as long as You don't beat them if you don't kill them." Iron Man Tony Stark asked.

"Of course you can, anyway, in the virtual reality world, there is no death at all, so the way to determine the victory of our 15 two games is to completely kill each other, so I will say that this method is relatively cruel, But it is precisely because of this that you can quickly absorb combat experience in the experience of life and death, and the strength gap between you is not very big, anyone has a chance to win, so that you can hone the best Efficient combat skills." Ye Zhige said,

"I agree with Ye Zhige's regular battles between the superheroes of the Avengers, and I also think that this can speed up our growth and allow us to learn a lot of fighting skills, so that if we meet in the future When it comes to powerful enemies, we can be more calm when fighting against them, so that when we are fighting a difficult life-and-death battle, our hope of victory will be greater." US captain Steve Rogers said. ,

"Okay, if you don't have any other opinions, then our training plan will be decided first." Ye Zhige said,

"No problem, this plan is already relatively complete." Captain Steve Rogers said, other Avengers superheroes also tacitly agreed,

"Okay, let's find a professional trainer now to formulate a professional training plan for each of you." Ye Zhige said,

"Ye Zhige, I think if we want to formulate a training plan for us, I don't think we need to find any professional trainer to formulate it for us. I think you are the best candidate, after all, apart from ourselves , you are the one who knows our Avengers superheroes best, you have experienced so many events with us, I believe that under your perception of that extraordinary perception, you should be the one who knows our every A person's strengths and weaknesses, so Ye Zhige, you are the most suitable candidate." US captain Steve Rogers said,

"The US captain Steve Rogers is right, and I also think you are the one who is most suitable for a special training plan tailored for us." Thor said,

"Well, I do know each of you relatively well, so let me make a personal special training plan for you, but we always have to find someone to train you those military skills, and unlock locks something." Ye Zhige said.

"Well, in terms of military skills, I know some people in the military. They are very powerful in this regard. It can be said that they are also top-notch in the best special forces." US captain Steve Rogers said,

"Huh? Steve Rogers, Captain of the United States, when did you recognize such a powerful person? Generally, the personnel in the special forces should not be very good at keeping secrets, especially those in the special forces. The top-notch special forces, how can you recognize them anywhere." Romanov, the black widow, said suspiciously,

"Uh, you know, I used to be in the army, so I usually like to stay with the soldiers, which will make me feel very familiar, but now the control in the army is very strict, I can't stay in the army, and the soldiers have their own things to do, I can't keep pulling them there to chat with me, so the place I usually go to is the military retired nursing home, and I'm even in it When I bought a house, I met a lot of people who have retired from the military, including the special forces I mentioned with great military skills." Captain Steve Rogers said,

"You still bought a house in a retired military nursing home? Well, you really have it." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"Okay, now we have found the people who will help us with our military training. Now we only need the people who will provide us with special skills teaching. Do you have any suitable candidates?" Ye Zhige said.

"I do know some people who are proficient in these special skills. I used to have to deal with various people in the society when I was performing agent missions and assassination missions. Some of them are thieves who specialize in stealing. This is not the same as those ordinary pickpockets on the street. These are big enough to be stolen from the most advanced safes stored in international companies with the highest security facilities. The things inside are so small that as long as they are five meters away from you, he can steal anything from you without knowing it. The simple task of opening a lock is for them. It’s not worth mentioning, but they can even crack all kinds of fingerprint locks, password locks, and even iris locks, which are very powerful.” Black Widow Romanov said,

"So powerful? Then why is it rare to see any big news saying that valuable antiques have been stolen." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"The thieves who have reached their level are no longer stealing things casually. They pay more attention to morality. What they worship is the thief of ancient China, so they don't steal everything, they only steal the big ones. The things of the evil people, and the things of those who are the most evil people are basically invisible things, so after being stolen, they dare not report it to the police, they can only find it themselves, so there is no report. On the one hand, it is also because there are not many people who can have the super-high technology known as the thief." Black Widow Romanov said,

"Are you sure you can invite them to teach us these skills?" Ye Zhige asked.

"Those people who collect intelligence or something are easier, as long as they have enough money, they can be hired, but it is a bit difficult about the thieves. After all, none of these thieves are short of money, and they also I don't care about money, but I have a good relationship with one of the thieves. I will visit him when I get there and ask him if he can come and teach us these techniques." Black Widow Romanov said,

"Okay, then the meeting will be over. You 880s should contact us first to help us train our skills. If we can't figure it out, we will come back and think of other ways. If it doesn't work, I will directly use the power of the mind gem. Control them, but I don't want to do it unless I have to. After all, we need their help, so try to convince them. When I go back, I have to start formulating a set for each of you. Exclusive training plan." Ye Zhige said,

"Okay, I understand, I will try my best to convince the thief to come and help us." Romanov, the black widow, said,

"Okay, then, that's it for today's meeting. If you have nothing to do, you can go back and prepare first. Let's meet in my Marvel Entertainment company in a week. A week should be enough. You should contact those who help us train." Ye Zhige said,

"Okay, a week is enough," said U.S. captain Steve Rogers.

"Yes, enough," said Romanov the Black Widow.

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