"Let's discuss this issue later. Next is Mr. Fantastic Reed Richard, Invisible Woman Su Stone, Human Torch Johnny Stone, and the Thing Ben Grimm, the four of you have always been in one group. In addition to individual training, you will still have team combat training." Ye Zhige said,

"Okay, this is very good, our cooperation has been very tacit understanding." Mr. Fantastic Reed Richard said,

"Tell me about your personal training first, Mr. Fantastic Reed Richard, your ability is to stretch your body like rubber. I wonder if you have ever watched a Japanese anime called One Piece, which contains The protagonist is called Luffy, and his ability is exactly the same as your ability. Both of you have the ability to fight like rubber, so I got inspiration from Luffy, with your ability, You should be able to do the same thing as Luffy, and I asked people to make some videos about the rubber skills and skills that Luffy used. When the time comes, you can take those videos to see, Then learn how Luffy on the video uses his rubber ability to exert his powerful fighting ability." Ye Zhige said,

"One Piece? Luffy? I haven't seen this anime, but is Luffy's fighting ability really strong?" Mr. Fantastic Reed Richard said.

"That's right, Luffy's fighting ability is very strong, especially in all kinds of physical combat. In this respect, Luffy can be said to be the strongest person, there is no one, Luffy is in this For example, he has a trick that can greatly improve all aspects of his body, especially speed and strength, and the method is actually not difficult for him, and it should be the same for you." Ye Zhigo said,

"Is there such a way? How did Luffy do it?" asked Mr. Fantastic Reed Richard.

"Yes, this method is only suitable for rubber people, because Luffy's method is to improve his physical fitness by controlling the blood in his body and the speed of the heart beating. He only needs to greatly speed up the speed of his heart. Jumping to the speed and the blood flow speed, then the various abilities of the body will be greatly improved, just like the injection of adrenaline, but the effect is many times stronger than the adrenaline. Among them You should be very clear about the principle, Mr. Fantastic Reed Richard." Ye Zhige said,

"Who is this Luffy? He can think of this method to improve his strength, but I have to say that Luffy is really a genius. Because his body is rubber, he is very tough and can bear it. The acceleration of the blood inside the body brings the impact on the blood vessels and various internal organs, and the heart can also withstand the ultra-fast beating. If it is an ordinary person, it is impossible to withstand it, because human The various organs in the body are the most vulnerable parts of the human body, and we have no way to exercise and strengthen the organs in our body, this method is really amazing." Mr. Fantastic Reed Richard said,

"Yes, Luffy's move is indeed very powerful, he can defeat many powerful opponents with this move alone, and Luffy has many more moves, which are basically based on his The rubber-type physique was developed by yourself, and you are also a rubber-type physique. Since Luffy can use it, then I believe you can do it too, Mr. Fantastic Reed Richard, your training plan is only watching. And the task of learning Luffy's moves. In other aspects, I think you have done enough now. As long as you can learn half of Luffy's melee combat, then it will be enough for you to fight in the future. used." Ye Zhige said.

Chapter [-]: Control and Application

"Is this the only training mission?" said Mr. Fantastic Reed Richard.

"That's right, don't underestimate this task, it's not so easy for you to learn Luffy's moves, when you watch Luffy's video, and then try training yourself, you'll know Luffy What's going on with your move?" Ye Zhige said.

"Uh, I have a question, is it that Mr. Fantastic Reed Richard has learned Luffy's moves, and I have also learned my melee combat skills, but in the end I still can't beat Mr. Fantastic Reed Richard "Deadpool Wade Wilson said,

"Although Mr. Fantastic Reed Richard has learned Luffy's fighting style, his combat power will indeed be higher than yours, but what you have is a powerful recovery ability, if you can have a very strong will power, then you are already invincible." Ye Zhige said,

"Well, in that case, it's still acceptable." Deadpool ~ Wade Wilson said,

"The second one is the Invisible Woman Su Stone. In fact, your abilities are very powerful, one is invisibility, the other is energy shield, you can have two abilities at the same time, and there are very few people who are very powerful in both abilities. , although your two abilities are very strong, your shortcomings are also very obvious, that is, the attack power is insufficient, even if you can have the ability of stealth and energy shield, but if your attack power is too weak to cause damage to the enemy If you do, then your two abilities will not be able to play their role, and they can only be used as escape abilities, so if you can have a strong attack power, then your two abilities will be very suitable. Use it on offense." Ye Zhige said.

"Really? Ye Zhige, these two abilities of mine can still be used in attack?" Invisible woman Su Stone said,

"Yes, think about it, you used your stealth ability to sneak into the enemy's side quietly, and then found the right time to suddenly attack them. As long as your attack power is enough, most people can't react. Yes, and even if your sneak attack fails, you still use your energy shield to leave calmly." Ye Zhige said,

"It seems like this is indeed the case after hearing what you said." Invisible Woman Su Stone said,

"So the plan I made for you is to learn all kinds of assassination, intelligence gathering and other skills with Black Widow Romanov, and at the same time you will also practice some combat skills with Iron Man Tony Stark, because you There are many training tasks, so your training is spaced out, you don’t need to do several training sessions in a day, but you may still be quite hard and tired.” Ye Zhige said,

"Okay, no problem, if it's not hard and tired, can it still be called training? I can do it." Invisible Woman Su Stone said,

"That's good, the next one is your younger brother, Human Torch Johanneston, your ability is also very outstanding, not only is the combat effectiveness high after all, but also one of the few superheroes in our Avengers who can fly Therefore, the plan I made for you is to strengthen your air combat capability, so that in future battles, you can help us master air supremacy." Ye Zhige said,

"Okay, no problem, I like flying in the sky the most." Human Torch Johanneston said,

"So your training plan is to train with Falcon Andrew in aerial combat," Ye Zhige said.

"Then the Fantastic Four is left with the Stone Man Ben Grimm. Your fighting strengths and weaknesses are similar to the Iron Man in the X-Men. The strengths are great strength and high physical defense. The weakness is that it is too bulky and not enough. Flexibility, when you encounter fast and flexible enemies, you will have nothing to do with them, so Ben Grimm, the stone man, you need to strengthen your speed and flexibility training, the specific training methods, I have already Let the trainers of the special forces make it for you, as long as you can make up for your problem, I believe your strength can be greatly improved again." Ye Zhige said,

"Okay, I will train hard," said the stone man Ben Grimm.

"Four of you Fantastic Four have their own exclusive training plan, so you will train separately at the beginning, each to improve your own strength, and after a year of training in the virtual reality world, you will be able to We have trained in the form of a team, but I don’t think you have to have four people together to be able to play a strong role. You can also try a combination of two people or three people. You Fantastic Four can handle more emergencies." Ye Zhige said,

"I think what Ye Zhige said makes sense. We can try to train like this in the future," said Mr. Fantastic Reed Richard.

"Next, Sea King Namor Mackenzie, your ability is very powerful in combat in water, although you belong to the mixed blood of Atlantis and humans, so you can leave the water and live on land just like normal humans. If you are out of water, your combat effectiveness will be greatly weakened. Even if you have the ability to fly in the air, your combat effectiveness after you are out of water is still much worse than your combat effectiveness in water. , so I thought of a way for you, that is, I asked Iron Man Tony Stark to study the shrinking technology of Ant-Man Scott Lang's suit, and then he was able to store water in a large jar Inside, and then shrink the big jar, so that you can carry it with you very conveniently." Ye Zhige said,

"Yes, this technology took a lot of time before I fully researched it, and I also brought those tools that can store water that can be reduced." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"When you need to use a lot of water, you can quickly take it out from the tool that stores water, so your task for now is to familiarize yourself with the water storage tool developed by Iron Man Tony Stark for you. You have to be able to take out the water from the inside and use it proficiently and quickly, and after you have fully mastered the use of this tool, I will arrange other training plans for you." Ye Zhige said,

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"Okay, I understand, I believe I will be able to learn it soon." Sea King Namor MacKenzie said,

"This set of water storage tools is not so simple and can be skillfully operated. Of course, if you are talking about time in the real world, then I can only say that it does not take much time." Iron Man Tony Stark said,

"The remaining Hawkeye Clinton Barton, Quicksilver Pietro, Scarlet Wanda Wanda, your respective special abilities are very outstanding, and the disadvantage is that your physical fitness is not strong enough, but because of your special abilities, you don't have to follow U.S. captain Steve Rogers will train together, but will give you special targeted training." Ye Zhige said,


"Okay, no problem." Hawkeye Clinton Barton said,

"Okay, now there's the last one left, Black Bolt, I have to say, your abilities in all aspects are already very powerful, but that doesn't mean you don't have room for improvement. Your ability to control the powerful energy in your body is still not very good. Otherwise, you don’t have to use the method of not speaking to prevent the energy in your body from going out of control and causing errors. The space seal helps you seal a part of the energy in your body, so that you can now control the rest of the energy in your own body well, but I think you still have room for improvement." Ye Zhige said ,

"Really? Is there still room for me to improve?" Black Bolt said.

"Yes, you have to believe that there is no upper limit to the limit of each of us. As long as you work hard, there will be opportunities. You can strengthen your own strength by strengthening the control of the energy in your body. , have you stopped absorbing the energy free in the space since you discovered that you can't control the huge energy in your body, and you have also put on a hat that can help you discharge the energy in your body." Ye Zhi Go said,

"Yes, since I was a child, I have discovered that I can quickly absorb the free energy in the space, so I diligently absorb the free energy in the space every day to enhance my strength, okay. Let my father appreciate my talent, but since there was too much energy absorbed in my body, I couldn't control it and then when I was talking, the energy was released through my voice ability, causing After the casualties of more than a dozen Inhumans, I began to deliberately slow down the speed of the energy I absorbed every day, but at the back, even if I had stopped absorbing the energy in the space, the energy It is still automatically inhaled into my body." Black Bolt said.

Chapter two hundred and eight: test reward items

"So you put on that hat that drains the energy out of your body?" asked US captain Steve Rogers.

"Yes, it's the hat I'm wearing now. Before Ye Zhige used the space seal to help me seal part of my energy, I relied on this hat to help me discharge energy, and I didn't speak. To prevent the energy in my body from running out of control." Black Bolt said,

"So the training plan I made for you is to improve your ability to control the energy in your body. When your ability to control can easily control the energy in your body, I will untie it for you. The seal in your body releases all the energy in your body, and when you can easily control all the energy in your body, you can start to try to continue to absorb the free energy in the space as you did when you were young. In this way, "eight-five-zero" will not only greatly improve your control over the energy in your body, but also the energy in your body will reach a very terrifying amount, think about it Your body has a huge amount of energy, and you can control it well, how terrifying it will be." Ye Zhige said,

"Okay, then I'll find a place away from the crowd to train when I train." Black Bolt said,

"Okay, now everyone's training plan has been arranged. If you have no problems, you can find a place in the virtual reality world and start your training." Ye Zhige said,

"No problem, we have already prepared for hard training." US captain Steve Rogers said,

"That's good, you all go to training, then I will leave the virtual reality world first, after all, if I wait here for you for several years, that time is really a little too long, I will train with you. I came here from time to time to check on your training situation. By the way, before your tenth year training is over and you are ready to return to the real world, I have arranged an exam for you, as I told you last time, you avengers The superheroes of the alliance are fighting against each other. I have thought about the way of fighting, so let's fight each other. Except for you, the Fantastic Four, the four of you are a team, and the others are on your own team. The way you win is In the virtual reality world, kill all the superheroes of other teams, and the remaining team is the final winner." Ye Zhige said,

"Why are Mr. Fantastic Reed Richard and the others in a group of four, and we are all one?" Iron Man Tony Stark asked,

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