Ye Zhige certainly understands Tomita's thoughts, but he doesn't want to make a rash move. After all, the grievances and grievances between the Qianshou clan and the Uchiha clan will involve the establishment of the Konoha Ninja Village in the future. If he changes the history, the future development may not be the same. controlled.

Of course, he can also force Konoha by himself, but she feels that it is not good. People, not only can't do without their own struggles, but also consider the process of history.

Tomita found that he didn't speak, and felt a little lost in his heart.

However, when he found that the situation in front of him had changed, his heart suddenly moved.

There are fewer people on the other side!

The red-haired man of the whirlpool family opened a huge scroll, and then stood on it.

"What is that?" Bei Shu couldn't help asking.

Tomita's Shaker Eyes stared at the technique: "It's a psychic, a reverse psychic technique."

Ye Zhige was suddenly stunned: "Reverse psychic?"

"A high-level psychic art, most people use psychic beasts to their side to fight, but this technique can channel people's bodies to the place where the psychic beasts are, so it is called reverse channeling. spirit."

Ye Zhige nodded. He seemed to remember that in the original book, Sasuke planned to use reverse psychic to avoid Obito's six purple flame formation. Before Jiraiya died, Toad also thought of using reverse psychic to send Jiraiya away. , but was rejected.

"Isn't it just teleportation?" Ye Zhige muttered to himself.

Tomita nodded, and then secretly pulled out his knife.

With a touch, the red-haired boy of the whirlpool family disappeared.

Almost at the same time, Tomita and Beishu rushed up.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

"Two Swords Fluid Technique, Dance of One Hundred Thousand Willows!"

The two attacked one by one, one left, one right and one forbearance.

The youth of the Thousand Hands Clan obviously did not expect the other party to appear suddenly, but his response was extremely decisive.

"Water escape, water formation wall!"

When there was no water around, a water curtain suddenly appeared in front of the boy. The water escape and the fireballs consumed each other. Not only did they resist the attack of Beishu, but the large-scale steam formed also disturbed Tomita's vision of the wheel.

Qianshou took advantage of this gap to fly high, and then suddenly disappeared.

Ye Zhige, who was watching the battle next to him, was stunned. Is this... a space jump?

No, I remember that space jumping can only be done by the fourth and second-generation Hokage.

Just thinking about it, the young man of the Thousand Hands Clan suddenly appeared in the space, and his hand quickly formed a seal.

"Water escape, water waves!"

The huge water current hit Uchiha Beishu, and Beishu couldn't dodge and was hit, and his body was submerged in the endless waves.

Oops!Uchiha Tomita gritted his teeth secretly.

He thought he could win two-on-one, but he didn't expect that the opponent was a person with extremely rich combat experience. First, he avoided the joint attack of the two with one move, and then concentrated his firepower to hit a weaker person.

And to be able to use such a powerful water ninjutsu from a place without water, it can be seen that the other party has worked hard.

For many years, the Qianshou clan and the Uchiha clan have restrained each other. The Uchiha clan was born with the attribute of fire escape, and some members of the Qianshou clan began to study the water escape. It seems that this young man belongs to this part of the people.

Uchiha Tomita gritted his teeth, the sword in his hand shone brightly.

"Two swords, the dance of one hundred thousand willows!"

I saw that the sword shadow in Uchiha Tomita's hand began to be messy, first divided into two, then two divided into four, then four divided into eight, eight divided into sixteen, just in a blink of an eye, the whole surrounding was Uchi. The Shadow of Hoffuta!

The teenager of the Thousand Hands family was stunned for a moment: "The dance of one hundred thousand willows, are you... Uchiha Tomita?"

Ye Zhige was taken aback, it seems that this Uchiha Tomita is still somewhat famous.

The shadow of the sword all over the sky instantly wrapped the youth of the Thousand-handed Clan.

Uchiha Tomita was overjoyed, this stunt really hurt him.

However, Qianshou, who landed, did not lose his combat effectiveness, and he stood up tremblingly.

"Why, haven't you given up yet?" Uchiha Tomita said.

However, his smile gradually disappeared.

Qianshou's body was recovering quickly, and all his wounds disappeared after just standing up.

Uchiha Tomita felt a little bit of fear, this guy is stronger than he thought.

Such a powerful water escape ninjutsu and recovery ability, coupled with space jumping, and accurate judgment of the battlefield situation...

Uchiha Tomita finally guessed: "You are Senshou Banma!"

Senshou Banma didn't answer, his body turned into a black shadow and quickly reached Uchiha Tomita's side.

Uchiha Tomita hurriedly turned around, and the powerful ability brought by Sharinyan gave her a quick reaction time.

However, the opponent's movements are really too weird, he is not a simple movement change, the second is a weird space jump!

This kind of high-dimensional blow to low-dimensional people cannot be recovered by a person of Uchiha Tomita's strength. After just a few encounters, Uchiha Tomita was severely hit and severely injured.

Oops, it can't go on like this, Ye Zhige thought to himself, I'm still counting on these two to lead me.

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