This remark aroused the approval of the people next to him, many people nodded one after another, and most of them were not optimistic about Sabine.

The battle has finally begun. Uchiha Shuchen is a man who doesn't speak much and likes to express his strength. This is why he became the Xiaochu among the younger generation. Anyone with eyes can see that the battle has been one-sided from the very beginning. Zhuchen has almost always had the upper hand, while Sabin is pressed and beaten in both taijutsu and ninjutsu.His face was pale for a while, and then slowly turned flushed.


It is strange to say that although Sabin was on the verge of failure, he was about to be crushed to death by the last straw, but he was never killed. The straw that crushed the camel came one after another, but the camel was always fine.

The onlookers couldn't see anything, and they started laughing at this time.

"It doesn't look like this Sabine is anything special. Just now, I should have tried to force it, and it will be over soon."

"Yes, yes, after all, Zhu Chen is our genius. How can you say that if you are defeated, you will be defeated? This guy is really arrogant."

"He also said that there is some powerful ninjutsu, so it looks normal. It's not that he was pressed and beaten. I think he lied too much and deceived himself into it. There are always such fools in this world."

At this time, Ye Zhige, who was on the side, saw some clues. He shook his head and said secretly: "No, Zhuchen will lose."

This made the people next to him burst out laughing, and he squinted at Ye Zhige: "Are you pretending to be a master here, are you very maverick? Anyone can see that Sabin is about to lose."

Ye Zhige frowned: "No, Zhu Chen will lose, and he will definitely lose."

He had already seen Sabine's ingenuity.

"Che-" the person next to him said, "It's said that you don't have the ability to pretend, so don't pretend, you see, this Sabine is the end of pretending.".

Chapter [-] Strange Reply Ability

The conversation here has aroused the approval of many people, especially those who are dissatisfied with Uchiha Madara. They have their own hatred for Ye Zhige. When Uchiha Madara was not there, Ye Zhige attracted almost all the hatred. Value, so those who can harm him will harm him, and will never let it go.

"Hehe, you said that Zhu Chen will lose, but you can't speak your mind?"

"This person doesn't even have a system of economics and strategy. Obviously, he wants to be maverick and look like he is awesome, but he doesn't know that he is simply grandstanding and deceiving himself."

There were many sarcastic words, but Ye Zhige was not interested in replying to them, because he knew that Shu Chen would not be able to hold on later.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Zhu Chen to decline. His chakra was not enough to support him to continue fighting, or he didn't expect that the opponent could last so long.

Gradually, he finally became exhausted, and as he moved more and more slowly, he was caught by Sabin and kicked away.

"Pfft..." The man spat out a mouthful of blood and flew out straight.

The faces of the people around began to look ugly. They were still mocking Ye Zhige just now, and they were beaten in the face in a blink of an eye. Many people felt uncomfortable and cast strange eyes at Ye Zhige.

Sabin was very proud at this time, and he raised his hand: "It's just a trick dust, what a trifle, are you still unconvinced?"

This is actually very annoying. After all, Zhu Chen is already considered a master among the younger generation, but he has to continue to provoke and say it is trivial, which obviously scolded many people.

"Damn, this guy just won a game by luck, and he is so arrogant, really angry."

"That's right, looking at how successful his villain looks, Chakra, who has spent so much life and exhausted his spell dust, can win, but he is too embarrassed to say such nonsense. If I say that someone who is a little more powerful can beat him now. "

"That's right, no one jumped out to clean up this guy?"

Just as he said that, a bald head emerged from the crowd.

"I come."

People are boiling, this is actually a young man in the younger generation, Gongzang!

Uchiha Gongzang has bright eyes, a bald head, and must have well-developed muscles. He is different from the general Uchiha clan. He has never opened a drawing wheel, and since the beginning of his practice, he has never planned to do it. Lu Zi, even in this way, he can still defeat the vast majority of his peers. It can be seen that this person's cultivation talent is extremely high.

Sabine smiled slightly and greeted him without saying a word.

Gongzang's strength should be higher than Zhuchen's, and so was his physical strength. He saw that Sabin was more capable of fighting the war of attrition, so he had to fight quickly as soon as he came up, and wanted to rely on physical strength to win.

Sure enough, as soon as Gongzang confronted Sabin, he immediately took the defensive position. He relied on the advantage of Sharinjian to constantly avoid Gongzang's attack, and kept wandering around.

"This guy is really shameless. He wants to use up his work pool because he has opened a writing wheel." Those with sharp eyes immediately saw Sabin's intentions.

Not enough, some people are more powerful, and they can see the difference: "Sabin is still too naive, Gongzang must have his own way to get to what he is now, so what if there is no writing wheel, Yuzhi who was defeated in his hands before. Is there still a small number of people in the Bo family? It is impossible to win Gongzang by consumption."

"That's right," someone immediately echoed this point of view, "and don't forget, everyone, Sabin has played against Zhuchen before, and even if he has exhausted Zhuchen alive, he is definitely not much better. , Now the full state of Gongzang has come, his strength is obvious to all, Sabin is lost!"

The people next to him nodded, and they began to focus on Ye Zhige.

"Hey, you kid," the man said deliberately to him, "why don't you talk? Could it be that you said Gongzang would lose this time?"

The psychology of such a person is really strange, Ye Zhige thought to himself.

He looked at the form on the field, and frowned slightly: "Yes, Gongzang will lose, and this guy is not Sabin's opponent."

Ye Zhige could see clearly, Sabin's current state is very strange, his body is endless like a vast ocean, and the strength and damage that Gongzang hit him will be dissolved in a short time. This kind of recovery ability It was very strange that even if Gongzo had the upper hand, it was impossible to beat him.

But of course other people couldn't see it, they burst into laughter after hearing Ye Zhige's words...  

"Let you say that and you really say it. Did the shit just give you the confidence to talk nonsense, and you don't even look at the situation on the field, you just say it, no matter how you look at it now, Gongzang is sure to win. Is it alright?"

"Everyone, please understand. After all, someone just pretended to be successful, right, so I don't know where I got the courage to say something, but he just said something, let's wait and see."

"Yes, yes, let's wait and see, see how Sabin is beaten by Gongzang..."

The man didn't say the rest, because Sabin kicked it down just now when the situation was still in good condition.


The field was quiet for a while, and then it was boiling. They didn't expect such a situation.

"Who else?" Sabine looked around with an incredible look.

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