"Supreme! If you are lucky today, next time I meet you, I will definitely kill you on the spot!"

Akainu shouted at this time, then turned his head and left!

"Akainu, are you running away?"

"If you have the ability, fight again!"

"Run, you are my grandson!"

Ye Zhige shouted loudly.

When Akainu heard this, he almost stumbled and fell... But he knew that today was a fall. The opponent was able to emit such an unquenchable black flame, which was completely beyond his expectations. It is not a problem that cutting meat can solve! .

Chapter [-] The Escaped Akainu!

Akainu is jealous of evil, and will be angry when he sees evil. No matter how much he pays, no matter how many innocent people he sacrifices, he will do it without hesitation... But this does not mean that he has no wisdom and rationality!

On the contrary, he was able to become a general, and when he was at the top of the war, he turned against Scuardo and made a sword in Whitebeard's body, which is enough to show that he has brains!

Now this situation is the wisest choice for a wise person!

When you don't know how many times the other party can release that unquenchable black flame, it is the most sensible way to choose to protect yourself!

But the only downside of this approach is that it's too embarrassing!

The dignified admiral of the navy, the highest combat power admired by the world, even fled in front of a mere pirate... Just thinking about it makes Akainu feel aggrieved!

But Akainu doesn't want to take risks, and doesn't want to gamble with his own life!

So, he ran away.

"Red 06 dog... ran away?"

Jinbei, Nipton and the others saw Akainu's actions and heard Ye Zhige's loud words, their eyes almost popped out of shock!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be hard for them to believe that the Navy's general Akainu would choose to run away!


"Admiral Akainu actually chose to escape?"

"His speed is so fast! He has left the outer membrane of Fishman Island!"

The pirates of the new fish-man pirates saw this scene, and they were dumbfounded.

Just now, they also saw the clear red dog knocking the Supreme up, thinking that a new round of fierce battle was about to start, and the Supreme would likely be defeated.

Who would have thought that the situation would take a turn for the worse, and in a blink of an eye, before he could fight, Akainu turned around and ran away with a harsh word!

"The opportunity is here!"

Hody Jones, who had been observing the battlefield, suddenly showed a bloodthirsty smile, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes, "Admiral Akainu fled, and the blood is not stopping... He must have suffered a very serious injury!"

"Little ones, now is a good opportunity for our new Murloc Pirates to become famous all over the world!"

"As long as the generals of the navy are killed, from now on, the names of all of us will be written into the inscriptions of history and become legends sung by countless people!"

Hody Jones' remarks made all the pirates of the new fish-man pirate group excited!

That's right, as long as they can kill the highest combat power of the navy here, they can be completely famous!

The Admiral was killed... This is something that has never happened in history!

They will be the first person to give birth to this historical record, an unprecedented one!

"But Boss Hody, that's the Admiral... Just a few of us, will it be a little risky?"

A fish-man pirate asked cautiously.

"Idiot! Don't you know that Akainu is a capable person?"

Hody Jones said coldly, "The sea is a forbidden place for the able, we don't need to fight him at all, as long as we pierce his coating, we can completely kill him!"

"Don't forget! The bottom of the sea is the world of our murlocs! Not to mention the Admiral, even if the Admiral comes, he will die!"

Saying that, Hody Jones directly grabbed a handful of E.S medicine from his arms, and without saying a word, stuffed it into his mouth!

Others no longer questioned, and they took out the E.S medicine and took it directly. The opportunity to be famous for the ages is in front of them. If they miss it, they will regret it for the rest of their lives!

"I am full of power now... Akainu, he is destined to die in my hands!"

Hody Jones seemed to have turned into a vicious fish, with scarlet bloodthirsty gleams in his eyes, and the whole person revealed the terrifying breath of a beast.


Leading a group of cadres who were also shaped like beasts, they swam aggressively in the direction where Akainu fled!

Akainu seems to have already prepared a sure-fire strategy. He has prepared a spare coating for himself in advance. After entering the coating, he can move freely in the ocean without being restricted.

"Damn bastard... I've never been so embarrassed in my life!"

Akainu gritted his teeth, looked back and did not pursue him, but chose Ye Zhige who laughed loudly at him, "I will throw you into the push city sooner or later, wait for me!"

Akainu tried hard to calm down, but the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the anger in his heart couldn't go away.


At this moment, Akainu suddenly sensed the movement, turned his head, and saw the New Murloc Pirates and others who were rushing towards him.

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