Liang Ming's lips moved, and a voice of vicissitudes came from under the long white beard: "Wei Ming, the whole country of the land is willing to comfort this old man like you."

The ninja named Weiming fell to his knees after hearing this, and the tears couldn't stop flowing.

Everyone in the world thinks that there are no criminals, and only a few people know that Wu is actually a ninja who has been trained by Liang Ming for almost a lifetime. The reason why Liang Ming has not stepped down is because he wants to give him more. Without some time to grow, there are too few excellent ninjas, there are even fewer bloodstained boundaries, and there is no one in a million who is eliminated with bloodstains.

Don't you have anything to do, Ryoname's cloudy eyes almost burst into tears. .

Chapter [-] Strange Space

At the border of the Fire Nation, Ye Zhige and other four team members sat together.

They are resting, and they have to rest after less than half a day's journey. On the one hand, they are too nervous and exhausted. On the other hand, they are no longer Konoha's territory after crossing this borderline. The state meets the challenges of the future. Of course, fire cannot be born. Uchiha Jing threw a compressed biscuit to Ye Zhige: "Hey, you can't stop eating."

Ye Zhige snorted coldly. How could the fluorescent light of the rotten grass be comparable to the bright moon in the sky? I don't want to rest at all. He was holding the compressed biscuits. teammates needed.

However, it was just such a trance that something happened, and Hiyori suddenly raised his hand.

Uchiha mirror reacted the fastest. Years of combat experience gave him the most correct choice. He suddenly... got into a bush next to him.

Ye Zhige can't laugh or cry, you are too suspicious.

He slowly walked to the side, and he had noticed that this place was a bit strange from now on. There was a faint smell of blood in the air, but he had Kuna's perception skills at that time, and when he put his hand on the ground, he realized that there was no other than them. Four and no one else.

"Did you find anything special?" Ye Zhige looked at Xiang Rihe.

Hiyori nodded, he walked over and kicked Uchiha Mirror lying in the grass, Uchiha Mirror walked out slowly, and the embarrassed face did not feel embarrassed at all.

"Can you kid not be surprised, you all know that you are far from okay, and you are not allowed to pretend." Uchiha Jing spit out.

Hiyori didn't speak, he squatted down and started fiddling with the grass: "It's very strange here. I only found this thing when I looked directly at it when I was eating."

As he said, he stretched out his hand, and a few people looked over and found that it was just a few strands of sand.

There is nothing strange about this, isn't it normal that there is sand in the grass, Ye Zhige is secretly strange.

Uchiha mirror's rich experience was reflected at this time: "Sand, this is Jinsha, look at the color, he is different from ordinary sand."

Ye Zhige looked at it carefully, only to find that what Uchiha Jing said was really good, and the sand was a little shiny.

On the side of Qiu Daofeng's fat face, a pimple formed on his brows: "It's really strange, how can people from Shayin appear on the border of Yanyin."

Sha Yin, the land of wind?

Ye Zhige only remembered at this time. He remembered that in the original book, Gaara's father used golden sand as ninjutsu. It seems that this Jinsha is an experienced ninja who was accidentally left by the people of Shayin Village or forgotten during the battle. After the battle, the traces of his existence are often disposed of. This person hastily buried his golden sand in the grass, proving that the situation at that time was more urgent.

"Three situations," Uchiha Kyou analyzed earnestly, "Either go to the land of the land to form an alliance, or go to the land of the land to do things, or go to the land of fire to do things."

Several people are embarrassed, anyway, it is impossible to form an alliance with the country of fire, this guy said it is the same as not saying it.

Ye Zhige raised his hand, and the team quickly entered the state of preparation: "Everyone, the next situation will be very complicated. There are other forces involved, we need to pay attention."

Ye Zhige is not worried that he will be killed. With his strength, he will definitely stop people from killing people, but if his whereabouts are revealed, it will be very troublesome. After all, they still have the hidden mission of assassination. .

The group entered emergency preparations, and Hiyori's white-eyed eyes were about to come out again.

Not long after leaving the country of fire, Ye Zhige felt the difference in the situation. This feeling continued until noon, and Rihe suddenly said behind his back: "There is a situation, at three o'clock, there are two corpses."

The spirits of several people instantly became tense.

Land country.

Ryoname held a few documents with trembling hands, and there seemed to be no light in his cloudy eyes. He occasionally changed a few decimals, and then gave some necessary requests.

There was a child who was assisting him. The child was not tall and his nose was not small. His body was not as tall as a desk, but he had a very magical ninjutsu and slowly suspended in the air, holding various documents to review, After reviewing it, send it to Ryo.

If other people read it, they will be extremely shocked, because the child's review is not only watching, but he will also write and modify various documents. It is strange that the Lord Tuying on the side doesn't care at all, and only needs to be reviewed by the child. Just sign the following documents.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

"Little guy, you're not too aggressive like this. You don't have any momentum at such a young age. Look at these batches of you, you're just trying to balance."

The child smiled, with a big red nose: "I just want to balance, and now many children call me the two-day scale."

"Oh hahaha," Liang Ming hasn't laughed like this for a long time since he was not seriously injured, "Two days scales, it's really a suitable name."

"Lord Tuying, you said the same to me." The child was a little unhappy.

Liang Ming looked at the child and sighed leisurely: "Two days of scales, you may not be such a child in the future."


This is actually what Liang Ming said to himself. Of course, he would not expect this child to grow up all of a sudden, but looking at the entire land of the land, this may be the only one who can inherit his mantle, but he is still better than nothing, not much A good seedling, it's a pity to die, it's a pity to die!

Thinking of this cool name, I couldn't help clenching my fists tightly: If there is really an accident in Wuyin Village, I will use the power of the whole country to avenge him!

Unexpectedly, the two-day scale actually said at this time: "It's okay, Lord Tuying, as long as there is no adult, I can still be such a child."

Liang Ming heard the meaning behind it, and his eyes began to change when he looked at the two-day scale: "What did you say?"

Li Tianli smiled like a [-]-pound adult: "I said that I am a child without an adult."

Without the presence of adults, I would not be a child.This is what Liang Ming understood the meaning of this sentence. He looked at the two-day scale in disbelief. He didn't expect this kid to be able to say such scheming words. Liang Ming didn't believe it. He wanted to test the child again. .

"Come here, child, put your hands together, like me, release the chakra metamorphism, and try to merge."

Two days later, the scale did what he wanted, and a white light faintly appeared between his hands.

This white light was so dazzling that it seemed to instantly illuminate Ryona's cloudy eyes. .

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