As soon as I said this, everyone on the field looked at Danzo. This trick made Danzo extremely embarrassed. He was originally on the cusp of the storm. Now, once he opens his mouth, he will inevitably be dragged into the water. How difficult it is to escape. .

"Okay," Sarutobi Hizan finally spoke at this time, he had been silently dealing with them for too long, he had been waiting for Ye Zhige's arrival, and now it seems that he can't wait, "Don't be in a hurry to speak. , I said that the establishment of the root is beneficial to Konoha, you don't have to rush for a while, in a few days, I will show the results of the root to everyone."

"Come on," Uchiha Buzi pressed hard, "it's still the same, the three generations of Hokage, you have been evading this rhetoric for more than two months, you must know that fighter planes are fleeting and changing rapidly, we are working hard in front of us, What if the backyard catches fire? If something happens to Yuyin Village, who will be responsible?"

This is no longer a question, but a threat.

The eyes of the three generations of Hokage narrowed. This is the trump card of the Uchiha family. Recently, the front line of Konoha has become more and more tight. Not only has to deal with the three-front battles of major countries, but inexplicably another Yuyin Village popped up and wanted to do something. Konoha had no choice but to send troops. I wanted to clear this small village, but I didn't expect that the water in Yuyin Village was very deep and surprisingly difficult to hit.

Konoha was suddenly held back by Yuyin Village. If this goes on, the entire battle will fail. In desperation, Sarutobi activated the powerful combat power of the Uchiha clan, and the Uchiha clan was fully responsible for the battle in Yuyin Village. However, this also gave the Uchiha clan the capital to negotiate with the Naruto high-level executives. They were aggressive and wanted to abolish the root organization. Bu Zizhong just said that if something happened to Yuyin Village, the subtext was already on the table.

Sarutobi stood up slowly and looked directly at Buzizhong: "Uchiha Buzizhong, what do you mean by that, do you realize who you are talking to?"

Bu Zizhong realized that what he said just now was a bit too frank, he didn't dare to look directly into the eyes of the three generations, but he didn't want to lose face, he simply turned his head aside and said to himself: "Anyway, the root can't be kept, What's the use of keeping an organization that can't sit on anything."

"Who said the root organization is useless?" The door was suddenly opened, and Ye Zhige strode in. He greeted the third generation and looked at Bu Zizhong.

Sandaimu's body was obviously for a while, and he knew that the waiting for these days had finally come to an end.

But Bu Zizhong didn't know, he didn't even know who Ye Zhige was, so the cowardly look just now turned into a coquettish coax: "What's wrong with what I said, who are you?"

"You don't need to worry about which 860. I'm also a member of the root organization. You said that the root organization is useless, right?" A cold light appeared in Ye Zhige's eyes.

"What's wrong with what I said? Do you have any other tasks besides doing some nasty surveillance work?"

Ye Zhige sneered: "I really want to slap your face now, but I can't. I'm afraid of getting your face dirty on my hands."

After he finished speaking, he took out the cancellation letter from the inside of his chest and handed it to Sarutobi.

Sarutobi smiled and took it out for someone to read. After a while, there was news from outside that the Land of Earth had officially announced the collapse of the Thunder-Earth Alliance.

Ye Zhige raised his eyelids and glanced at the big clans on the field: "Everyone, what else do you have to say?"

Their faces were burning hot, and Uchiha Buzi on the side panicked, and he immediately started looking for the steps to forcefully explain: "No, it's impossible, we've been fighting for so long and they haven't broken, how could they go there? It just broke, absolutely impossible, how can this guy have such a strong strength to complete this kind of task..."

Before he could finish speaking, his body flew out, Old Gao with a swollen face.

Ye Zhige waved his hand, you're not going to stop unless you force me to slap you in the face.

The field was dead silent. .

Chapter [-] Retained Roots

After Ye Zhige smoked Uchiha's patriarch, he turned around and started reporting his work, completely ignoring the stunned patriarchs.

What else do they have to say? No matter how weak Uchiha Buzi is, he is still the patriarch of the Uchiha clan. His strength is obvious to all, but he was simply swept away by Ye Zhige. Who else would dare to question his strength? ?

While Uchiha Buzi struggled heavily, he wanted to find some face to come back, but he couldn't say anything, and he was extremely embarrassed for a while.

Ye Zhige briefly told Sarutobi about the future, because there are so many details that he could not express, including the list of tasks to be performed, he just said that he was ambushed by Sha Yin on the way back, which is worth noting.

Danzang on the side frowned: "Sha Yin? Why is Sha Yin in the land of the earth?"

This is also strange to Ye Zhige. According to their previous inference, some people in Shayin Village were killed by the masked man A Fei, and later they were besieged by Shayin Village and Shiwan Baijue. Paradoxically, unless the masked man doesn't represent Bai Jue, or the Jin Jin who attacked them later is not the one from Sha Yin.

Sarutobi realized that this was very important information. He expressed that he wanted to find out the origin of the Jinsha. Ye Zhige nodded and stretched out his hand. When the Jinsha weapon was formed, he had clamped the hidden weapon with one hand. , unfortunately, the hidden weapon itself disappeared into particles. Ye Zhige could only wrap a part of it with chakra.

"I don't have much on hand. If I don't have enough research, I can extract some more from his face." Ye Zhige pointed to Uchiha Buzizhong.

All the people present looked at Uchiha Buzizhong. It turned out that Ye Zhige just said that hitting him in the face for fear of getting his hands dirty was not a joke, but true.

At this time, he has nothing to say. No matter what the core interests of Konoha are involved, he can't resist on the bright side.

This time, Uchiha's face was completely gone, and the other races left one after another, and the scene was once very embarrassing.

After everyone left, there were only four people left in the office: Ye Zhige, Sarutobi Ri and Danzo. Danzo finally breathed a sigh of relief. Ye Zhige and the others came too timely, otherwise Sarutobi would have been real. Don't know how to end it.

"Where's Autumn Road and Uchiha Mirror?" Danzo asked.

Sarutobi also looked at Ye Zhige, and he already had an answer in his heart.

Ye Zhige and Rihe glanced at each other, and then reported the whole process in detail to the three generations of Hokage. Sarutobi frowned after hearing this. One hundred thousand Shiro is by no means a small amount, enough to destroy a country.

Danzo's hand trembled slightly: "So, these two have already..."

Ye Zhige interrupted Danzo's words. He didn't believe that Uchiha Jing would die there so easily, so he asked the third generation for instructions to go back and investigate the results.

The third generation nodded. He did not give Ye Zhige other helpers. The fewer people who knew about the root, the better, and Ye Zhige had the strength to complete the task alone.

Ye Zhige didn't stop and didn't even take a break. He went back the same way to find the result of Uchiha Mirror, but where there was still half a shadow, he knew in his heart that Mirror and Qiu Dao Qufeng were likely to fall into the ninjutsu at that time. If this is the case No one knows when the mirror is now, is it a month or two or a year or two?Even decades?

No matter what the situation is, Ye Zhige doesn't want to give up even if there is a [-]/[-] chance. He doesn't do anything else for the next few days, wandering around the border of the country of fire all day trying to find clues about Uchiha mirror , he was reluctant to go back, because he realized that the Konoha he wanted to protect might not be as beautiful as he thought.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiizhan had to face the problem that Ye Zhige didn't want to face. The whole thing was too strange. Their team was going to participate in the alliance ceremony the next day. They were attacked the night before, and they rushed back in a hurry. After handing over the contract termination, the other party took out a time barrier to delay it on the same day.

This shows a very terrifying problem that Sarutobi really does not want to believe.

Danzang said at this time: "I know what you are thinking, there is a traitor, right?"

Sarutobi didn't speak.

Yes, no matter how the Uchiha clan makes trouble, it is their own business. In the final analysis, it is still Konoha's own conflict, but now, it seems that there is a traitor inside Konoha, and this traitor has a lot of information, and it is almost locked. in the root tissue.

It's nothing more than Yamanaka Wangfei or Younv Yihan, and if it's not enough, add a Danzo.

On this day, Ye Zhige came back from the border and sat in front of Konoha's memorial tablet thinking about things, and Sarutobi walked over leisurely, with a cigarette in his mouth: "I still can't find it? "

This is a well-intentioned question, but Ye Zhige didn't bother to answer, just raised his head and said, "...〃How come you are free?"

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