This is simply a living encyclopedia. The name of Dr. Ninjutsu is definitely not groundless. If Ye Zhige could know Sarutobi first, he would not have used the clumsy method of touching Uchiha Kuna to explore the system of scriptures. It's enough to fly to give some pointers, not to mention Sannin, Ye Zhige felt like he was going through a lecture while listening.

Even if he was arrogant, he sat on the ground obediently and listened to Sarutobi's rhetoric. Among them, Orochimaru asked the most questions, and they were all on the point. This point, Orochimaru is like a person who praises people in cross talk. Where Sarutobi deliberately set a trap, he asked the question he wanted to hear most to facilitate the development of Sarutobi. Usually, before Jiraiya and Tsunade had understood the previous question, Orochimaru was already pondering how to ask the next question. .

This kind of student is simply the teacher's treasure, Ye Zhige nodded secretly, no wonder Sarutobi's most beloved disciple was Orochimaru, even Ye Zhige felt that such a student was rare.

After explaining all kinds of knowledge, several people responded almost the same. Sarutobi introduced Ye Zhige to the three on a whim, and asked Ye Zhige to guide their actual combat.

Ye Zhige was actually quite reluctant to do this. These children were too weak, and he was not in the mood to abuse the vegetables. But since Sarutobi said it, he reluctantly agreed. The four of them fought each other instantly. After all, they are still just children, not even Shionin. You must know that the three elite Shangren of the root organization are not Ye Zhige's opponents, let alone them, so they were knocked down by Ye Zhige after three or two hits.

Among them, Tsunade's performance was very dazzling. She realized the essence of Chakra's mastery just by the rough guidance of the three generations of Hokage just now. A large number of Chakras gathered on the fist combined with Tsunade's exquisite control ability to play an extremely terrifying one. Fist, the ground cracked a big hole.

And Orochimaru's performance was the most amazing. He not only used ninjutsu reasonably, but also accurately coordinated with his teammates to attack or defend. He was also the one who lasted to the end.

Jirai is also ugly. He was knocked down by Ye Zhige almost from the beginning, and the rest of the work is an endless cycle of mouth guns, attacking, being abused, and then mouth guns. At the end, Ye Zhige was bored. He looked impatiently at Hizan Sarutobi and couldn't help but think in the bottom of his heart, look, there are two better ones you won't let me take, but let me take the most useless one.

The three generations of Hokage laughed and immediately changed the subject. He appeased the other three children, and then told Ye Zhige an explosive news: Hyuga Hiwa was getting married.

This is like a bomb that fell from the sky. Lei's Ye Zhige is stubborn and tender. He knows that Ri He is not boring, but he never thought that there would be such a hot news. He knows about Ri He's daily life. , Where do you have time to fall in love, and now you are suddenly getting married.

"The opponent is the princess of the Senju clan," Sarutobi explained roughly, "the wedding request was made by them, and I made it."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Ye Zhige was still puzzled at first, but after hearing him say this, he immediately understood, what is this about love? All kinds of support for three generations, but they have disappeared in the past two months, indicating that there is a split consciousness inside.

The Qianshou clan obviously wanted to split the Hyuga clan by this means, and Sarutobi approved this document, making it clear that they wanted these big clans to compromise. Marrying with the Qianshou clan is a compromise to the Qianshou clan.

Hokage put on such a low stance, showing how dangerous the situation of the three generations is now!


"Is this okay?" Ye Zhige looked directly at the three generations. He was referring to the fact that the three generations lost the assistance of two important people in their roots. The key is that these two people are definitely still innocent, and the rest of the people will be counted. If it can still be used, there is no guarantee that there will be that spy. ,,

Sarutobi waved his hand, obviously this matter made him extremely tired, but there was no way he could not solve the current political difficulties. How come there are ordinary people who dare to believe this person who has made great contributions to Konoha in one fell swoop.So Ye Zhige is really far inferior to Sarutobi in this respect.

He sighed, and leave this to Sarutobi. Who made him Hokage? Just thinking about it, Jiraiya and Tsunade on the side stick to them. They are young and energetic, and they have an instinct for powerful people. Favorable impression, although Sarutobi is powerful, he usually seldom takes action. This time Ye Zhige subdued them and made them subconsciously want to come over and talk to Ye Zhige about cultivation.

Ye Zhige couldn't help laughing bitterly, he couldn't say that the settings were different.

Sarutobi also smiled and said that Ye Zhige was their second master, who could help them with training when Sarutobi was busy, and at the same time gave Jiraiya the task of exploring with Ye Zhige.

"Second Master, do you want to go to the wedding with me?" Tsunade asked suddenly. .

Chapter [-] Hinata and Thousand Hands

Ye Zhige was stunned by these words. He didn't think so much at first, but now that he thinks about it, he is Tsunade's second master, and secondly, that is Hiwa, Gen's companion, although no one else is now. Knowing that Rihe was a member of the root organization, Ye Zhige knew in his heart that they were a deadly friendship.

Then go, he will definitely be there at that time, and sure enough, Ye Zhige received the invitation within two days.

This invitation was given by Tsunade, who participated as Tsunade's second master. The fact that he is a friend of Hiyori is now a top secret, and most people will never know about the root organization, so Hiyori did not send him any notice. .

He was very surprised when he found Ye Zhige at the wedding scene that day. This guy almost cried. Ye Zhige knew that he was not only crying for himself, but also for the two companions who never came and might never come. .

However, when people saw Ye Zhige, they were still boiling, and there were endless discussions.

"Isn't that Ye Zhige? How could he be here? He slapped Uchiha Bu 870 in the face in the office before. I heard that the swelling hasn't subsided for many days. Why is he still here now? Here, what, do you want to provoke the Qianshou clan and the Hinata clan at the same time?" A good start said.

"He doesn't have the guts," another person said, "you must know that these two families are not ordinary family members. Except for Uchiha, the entire Konoha family is the most powerful, and now he dares to Picking the three major families? Obviously impossible."

"That's right," said a person who didn't know where to get the news, "let alone the three major families, even the Uchiha family can't easily offend him. You may not know that this guy has recently been attacked by the three generations of Hokage. Punishment, I will soon be exiled to the remote Yuyin Village."

Ye Zhige frowned, how come there are such boring people everywhere, isn't this rhythm unique to the Uchiha family?

Thinking like this, the people next to him gathered more and more, not only because of the previous office turmoil, but also because Tsunade was always by Ye Zhige's side, this is a busty loli, and the princess of the thousand-hand family, think about it. Tsunade Hime, who will be known as the first beauty of Konoha in the future, is now so little bird and beside him, it is really enviable to death.

"My God, what's going on, that guy has been carrying Princess Tsunade all the time!"

"This is really embarrassing. Why did Princess Tsunade run to him inexplicably? Did he use some kind of illusion? He also said that it was the second master. When did Konoha come out to have a second master?"

"That's right, you don't know," another person began to analyze, "This guy may just want to go this way. He first gained the trust of Hokage through a series of means, and then slapped Uchiha's face as a certificate of honor. Now I want to build a bridge between the Senju clan and the Hinata clan through this wedding, so let’s start with the princess first.”

He said this in a straightforward manner, and what he said made a lot of sense, which made the people present very convinced.

This is a straight-forward statement, and what he said makes sense, making Ye Zhige feel that he is an idiot.

But there was no way. After all, this was the wedding of Sun Xiang and Sun He. No matter how unhappy Ye Zhige was, he still had to give this face to his old friend, so he didn't say anything. The bride came out after a while. Nai, Hito Miami's mouth is sweet and good-looking, making people secretly envy Hiyori.

Even Ye Zhige on the side kept sighing that this kid can be linked to this kind of beauty by political marriage, and it is really smoke from the ancestral grave, and it is even flying.

Just thinking about this, a discordant voice suddenly came out: "Xinnai, why did you reject me, why do you do this?"

People looked at it one after another, and it turned out that he was a talented person from a family of (bfbe) Qianshou. His name was Qianshou Wujian. He had been in love with Xinnai for a long time, but now his lover got married, but it had nothing to do with him. Know.

What he said was very heart-rending, if it wasn't for someone else's wedding, Ye Zhige would have been moved to tears.

However, this was at Rihe's wedding, so Ye Zhige was about to cry stupidly by this person.

The rest is to follow the procedure. The people on Hyuga's side started to get angry and wanted to reason with this person called Qianshou Maijian, and then Qianshou Maijian was unwilling to reason, and the Hyuga clan could only ask Qianshou to take care of their face. The people of the Shou family came out to reason, so the people of the Qianshou family came out to reason, but they still couldn't speak the truth of Qianshou, because Qianshou only admitted his own truth.

Ye Zhige pouted secretly, are all the male protagonists of these bitter scenes doing this?

Finally, the story came to a climax step by step. The people of the Hyuga clan couldn’t help but want to clean up the Qianshou family. Qianshou Banjian would not let him make trouble, but he never expected that Qianshou Banjian would not give this face at all...

Hey, the situation here is a bit wrong. Shouldn't this kind of hard-working male protagonist be thrown on the street to buy drunk, cry, call his mother, be frozen into a dog, and then miserable and miserable Gu Ying pity himself?

From this point on, the plot has collapsed a bit. The Qianshou family has produced several masters in a row, and they don't even mention the opponents of the Qianshou board.

The scene was a bit interesting for a while. The big guys didn't want to take action and wanted to watch the fun. The Qianshou family didn't take care of it. The seniors would lose their identity, and none of the juniors could beat Qianshou.

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