"It's alright, alright, I understand, I'll listen to you when I come back." Ye Zhige hurriedly looked for Danzo.

He took a step and walked out for more than ten meters, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, and then his whole body began to get cold. .

Chapter [-]: Konoha, Konoha

Just like lightning, Ye Zhige suddenly felt that something was wrong. The last words Uchiha Jing said were not like showing off, but a little regretful, and he suddenly shuddered.

Not right.

After finally getting home, why is Uchiha mirror in his yard?I have said that Danzo has said the latest news about Konoha, why does Uchiha Kyou just say no but doesn't even ask about Konoha's recent affairs?How could he suddenly call out a crow?

A series of questions pointed to the truth, Ye Zhige hurried back to Jing's house, knocked on the door again but no one responded, Ye Zhige got anxious and kicked the door open.

In the yard, Uchiha Kyo was lying on the ground, his eyes were closed, the meridians on his neck were cut off, and he had turned into a corpse.

Ye Zhige suddenly felt as if he had been punched in the chest, and his mind began to be dazed. He could faintly hear Sarutobi's voice in the distance, but he had no strength to stand and fainted.

Uchiha Mirror is dead.

The public opinion in the entire Konoha Village exploded that day, and people said that all the recent things were done by Uchiha Mirror, and the high-level executive of the root organization that Yamanaka said before was Uchiha Mirror, because the mirror has both This strength also has this qualification. He held a grudge when the second generation did not pass the throne to him. He has been secretly instructing his confidants to operate, and even deliberately revealed flaws in the central conference room of the Uchiha family and was arrested. You must know that he originally It is completely possible for the people of the Uchiha family to want to perform these operations.

Some people even said that Kagami deliberately disappeared after the last mission and pretended to be missing. In fact, he has been lurking in Konoha for half a year and secretly planning this, the purpose is to alienate the relationship between the three generations of Hokage and the Uchiha clan.

Ye Zhige was so tired that he couldn't even hear some news. He waved his hand to stop Zilai, who came to see him, from talking. He didn't want to know everything about the outside world.

Three days later, the three generations of Hokage announced to the world that Uchiha Mirror committed the crime of conspiracy and arranging spies to alienate Konoha and should be executed.Now he will be removed from the qualifications of the Uchiha family and treated as Konoha's rebellion, and he will never be able to board the memorial monument.

All of this is exactly the same as the previous rumors. People don't care whether someone deliberately made a case before. The family who did not know the truth began to visit the three generations of Hokage in person and apologized for what they had done before, and those who guessed the truth a little thought that Sarutobi was The strong man broke his wrist, and it is impossible to have such loyal people loyal to him in the future, so they all expressed their willingness to open this page, Sarutobi re-entered the position of the three generations of Hokage, Danzo is also working on reorganizing the operation root, the major families began to Seriously prepare for battle, and everyone will protect Konoha together.

Everyone acts as if nothing happened.

Ye Zhige knew that it had happened, and one of his life and death brothers could never appear again.

The one who is always second-guessed, who is always the first to rush out in times of danger, is no more.

When the Thunder and Fire Alliance broke down, Uchiha Mirror did not die. When the second Hokage was surrounded, Uchiha Mirror did not die. The Earth and Fire Alliance formed an alliance and was attacked by Qianshou Banjian. He is still not dead when he is absolutely besieged, and the people who are left behind will definitely be doomed.

Now, he is dead, by his own sword.

That knife had killed Lei Ren, killed Tu Ren, killed Ren Ren, and finally killed him.

He tried his best to come from the hell of [-] Baijue, and he even opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye that only Uchiha Madara has opened since ancient times. Konoha thought, now he is back, but Konoha died.

Konoha, Konoha.

Ye Zhige lay in Konoha's hospital for more than half a year this time. No one in the whole hospital could cure him. His meridians and chakra system were all in disorder. No one knew what was going on. I have been here many times, and Orochimaru often comes here, but since the new roots have just established Orochimaru, the number of visits is relatively small, and Jiraiya often comes to him to brag, while Tsunade is against Ye Zhige's body. generated great interest.

Maybe Ye Zhige would be a little more relaxed only when he was with children, and he could give Jirai some pointers from time to time.

Sarutobi Hiizan will come here from time to time. Now that the world is too chaotic and Naruto is too busy, he really has no time. Every time Sarutobi comes, Ye Zhige doesn't say to let him in, and Sarutobi doesn't say to go back immediately. Standing in front of Ye Zhige's ward door, he took a long breath and then knocked on the door a few times to indicate that he had come.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

Finally one day, Danzo also came.

"I said what happened that day." Danzo finally said, "I know you hate me."

Ye Zhige didn't speak, he raised his head: "You know Sarutobi won't allow you to do this."

Danzo was silent, then looked away: "I'm here for Konoha."

Ye Zhige nodded, yes, things have already happened, what else can he do? Even the most opposed to Sarutobi Hiizan made the most of the death of Uchiha Mirror, so what qualifications do he have to speak.


"Including the previous campaign, public opinion, and subsequent policy promulgation, I did it all." Danzo did not hide, "Sarutobi also participated in some things, and what happened later is his acquiescence, Uchiha Kyou is dead, if If you don't make the most of it, he will really die in vain, I hope you understand, and I told Uchiha Kyou before that I made the decision, so if you want to hate it, hate me."

"You are really aboveboard." Ye Zhige replied, "You know he will kill himself if you tell him."

Danzang didn't speak, looked at Ye Zhige for a long time, then turned and left.

Orochimaru walked over slowly from behind, he took off his mask and said: "Senior Zhige, Senior Jing has passed away, I hope you mourn, Master Danzo and I are here this time to hope that you can cheer up and rebuild your roots now. Now, there are still many things I need of you."

Ye Zhige nodded to show his understanding.

After another month, Sarutobi came, still standing outside smoking.Jiraiya inside helped Ye Zhige to cut the apple with a look of disgust, while Tsunade went out again and again to invite Sarutobi in, Sarutobi just nodded in response, but remained unmoved.

"Come in," Ye Zhige said in the room, "It's not a good thing for you to always stand outside like this, after all, you are the third Hokage."

Sarutobi's mouth curled into a wry smile. .

Chapter [-] Return to the Land of Thunder

"Do you hate me?" Sarutobi asked the first sentence after sitting down.

This is the first time Ye Zhige has spoken to Sarutobi in more than half a year.

Ye Zhige shook his head: "I really don't hate you. Actually, I'm quite curious about how you survived."

He actually understood it very well in his heart, and he also knew the truth. Before the death of Jingjing, the three generations were definitely the most opposed, but after the death of Jingjing, the three generations will definitely make the most of his death. Danzang is actually right. If you don't make good use of it, the mirror may really die in vain.

It was because of this that Ye Zhige felt heartache, and he was powerless to face the things he didn't want to face the most. At the same time, he also understood that the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Rizan would only endure more than him, not less than him. He can still stand like this and support the entire Konoha, which is really not easy.

"Nine Zero Zero" Sarutobi didn't answer him, just smoked his cigarette one by one.

Ye Zhige smiled bitterly: "The first- and second-generation candidates are really good. In this respect, I'm far behind that kid from Hasuma. You are a talent."

He knew in his heart that the current era was no longer an era that simply required force. Even if he was as powerful as Ye Zhige, he could not solve Konoha's current problems perfectly. Only Sarutobi, and Sarutobi, could be alone at this time. Taking the lead, he has the scheming and ability.

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