Ye Zhige was very surprised. He knew that in many high-level missions, there was a man named Black Eagle lurking in the dark. He could be a surprise soldier when the team was stuck, and he could retreat for help when the team was not an opponent at all. Black Eagle shows the level of trust that the three generations have in him, and Ye Zhige didn't find the existence of Black Eagle at all, which also shows the terrible ability of this person on the other hand.

Ye Zhige raised his head slightly, Hatake Sakumo?Not that Hatake Kakashi's father, right?

He immediately had a new understanding of this young man. It is said that this person's strength in the future is not under the Sannin, but he did not expect that he would be so appreciated by the three generations.

The three generations of Hokage smoked a cigarette: "Shi Ge, this time you are accompanying Hatake to the land of fire, they are going to set up an organization called the guardian ninja."

Guarding the Twelve Ninjas?Ye Zhige frowned. He knew that this organization existed as the bodyguards of the great names of the country of fire. In the original book, Asma Sarutobi, the son of Hizan Sarutobi, used to be a member of this organization. One of the elite ninjas, one of Asma's friends, Monk Dilu, once singled out the flying angle of Xiao's organization, and his strength is quite strong.I just didn't expect this organization to be established so early.

He looked at Sarutobi, and vaguely felt that things were not so simple: "The country of fire... don't believe you?"

Sarutobi smiled, as if this was to be expected: "It's just Muxiu in the forest, there must be his own concerns on the Daimyo side, which is understandable, Hagi actually went in place of my son."

Ye Zhige was secretly unhappy after hearing this, because it turned out that the Daimyo side was worried about Sarutobi and needed him to hold his son as a hostage.

"Okay," Ye Zhige replied, "I'll accompany you for a walk. Speaking of Sarutobi, they originally wanted your son to go, so it's not flattering for you to get a ninja in the past."

Sarutobi smiled and said, "No way, my son is too young to be able to pass now. It will take a few years. Now Hagi used to be a bodyguard for the purpose of building this organization."

"Oh," Ye Zhige blurted out, thinking of his son, "is it Asma Sarutobi?"

Sarutobi was stunned: "Asma? It's a good name, but no, if I have another son, I'll be called Sarutobi Asma."

This time, it was Ye Zhige's turn to be surprised. He remembered that Sarutobi had only one son of Asma, so there was another one? .

Chapter [-] Beautiful New Konoha

The task of going to the daimyo of the country of fire is not urgent. Besides himself, Hatake Sakumo has to find eleven candidates he thinks are suitable, so Ye Zhige no longer thinks about anything special and waits for Hatake with peace of mind. It's enough for Sakumo to come to him. When he's free, he walks around, and the whole Konoha becomes more and more energetic.

"Lord Zhige." A deep voice came, Ye Zhige turned around and looked, it was Yihan, an oily girl whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

This was quite a surprise to him. The oil girl was a veteran of Han's roots. She had been lurking underground for so long, but now she suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ye Zhige feels a little excited. Although he is the nominal leader of the root organization, he is actually directly under the command of Sarutobi. He has no right to participate in the root organization. After the mission, I never saw the oily girl to contain them again.He hurriedly walked over and took Yihan's hand: "Yihan, why are you here, didn't you go to perform the task?"

The oily girl smiled. He smiled reluctantly. Maybe because he was always serious, Ye Zhige was not used to it: "I didn't, Senior Zhige, I ~ quit the root organization."

Return?Ye Zhige was very surprised. He looked at the oily girl, Yihan, and found that Yihan's brows were wrinkled, as if he had an unspeakable mind.

Ye Zhige didn't speak, he suddenly realized what the oily girl Yihan had been through all these time.

When the Gen organization was in the center of the storm, the oil girl Yihan was actually the most stressed group, but he was different from Danzo. He was directly betrayed by his most trusted companion, Ami Yamanaka. During this time, Gen finally Stabilized, but he was stunned.

Ye Zhige smiled and patted the oil girl Yihan on the shoulder: "It's all over, Yihan, it's not a bad thing to quit the root. Your ability now is definitely the leader of Konoha."

He was right, the oil girl has grown him a lot with the experience of being in the root tissue.The oily girl Yihan also smiled when she heard this: "Yeah, after all, it's about peace now, I should find something to do."

Speaking of this, Ye Zhige suddenly remembered that although this oily girl Yihan is from the oily girl family, she seems to be an orphan and has nowhere to go. I don't know if you are willing to come to a very important position, but you are going to the daimyo in the country of fire to be the guardian of the Twelve Ninjas."

The oily girl was taken aback for a moment: "Guard the Twelve Ninjas?"

Ye Zhige nodded and explained the matter in detail to Younv Yihan. Younv Yihan readily accepted it and said that he would contact Hatake Sakumo. Ye Zhige agreed and broke up with Younv Yihan. He will tell Hatake Sakumo at that time, and he needs to get Sarutobi's consent before that, so he went to Sarutobi Hizen.

I didn't expect that Ri Zhan was not in the office. Usually this guy came to Ye Zhige. Ye Zhige was really struggling to find him. He wandered around Konoha for a long time and finally saw the monkey in an open space Fei, Sarutobi now has a kind smile on his face, which is very rare.

Ye Zhige looked over and found that he was playing games with four children. The children looked very small, at most five or six years old. Perhaps only in front of them could Sarutobi be able to show his mind. .

He didn't go there. Such time is very luxurious for Sarutobi. He just stood there from a distance and was able to find him naturally with Sarutobi's ability. Ye Zhige learned a little better this time. He closed his eyes. After a careful perception, I found that there was a person waiting in the dark, that should be the black eagle arranged by Sarutobi, I don't know if it was Hatake Sakumo.

After a while, Sarutobi put down one of the children, patted their heads to indicate that he still has something to do, and then sent a few children away with a kind face, and he slowly came to Ye Zhige's side.

"Have you had a good time?" Ye Zhige joked.

Sarutobi smiled and didn't answer directly, but changed the subject and said, "It's really rare that you come to see me, is there something wrong?"

Ye Zhige nodded, and briefly told Sarutobi about the oil girl Yihan. Of course, Sarutobi readily agreed. After all, Yihan's strength is obvious to all. He is also a hero who has made great contributions to Konoha. Wherever you want to go, no one will object.

"Yihan went out from the root...isn't he forced to come out?" Ye Zhige hesitated for a while, but still asked.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

Sarutobi shook his head: "It shouldn't be, even if there is, it's not the main aspect. After the last incident, the major families are very taboo about bugs, and the ability of Han is difficult to apply, and now the form has changed. …”

Before Sarutobi could finish speaking, Ye Zhige nodded his head to show his understanding. The roots had changed, because Sarutobi had changed, and he was no longer the Hokage who needed to hold the handle and carefully inquire about the movements of the major families to stabilize himself. It is a leader who is truly admired and loved by everyone. Naturally, such a leader does not need to take any sharp measures inwardly, and the nature of the roots begins to gradually spread outward.


Ye Zhige suddenly thought of Uchiha Mirror again. At that time, the mirror was only a nominal name because the root organization's internal behavior was different from the personality he liked externally. Now his wish has finally come true.

The atmosphere became a little heavy, and Ye Zhige raised his head and asked Sarutobi: "What's going on here, those children are your children?"

Sarutobi smiled again: "No, there is only one, it's called Rixuan, Sarutobi Rixuan."

Now Ye Zhige was puzzled. He thought about it carefully before he realized that in the original book, Konohamaru was the grandson of Sarutobi, but Asma was not Konohamaru's son, which means that before Asma Sarutobi There is also a child, and now it seems that it is this Sarutobi Hixuan.

He looked at the retreating backs of several children, and vaguely found that there were shadows of secret techniques on several of them, and he couldn't help frowning slightly: "Pig, Deer and Butterfly?"

Sarutobi nodded and said, "That's right, it's Pig Deer Butterfly. This kid is very good at playing. He found a few children with secret techniques to be friends."

"I'm afraid I'm not just looking for a few people with secret techniques, but a few people with secret techniques on purpose?" Ye Zhige said with a look of contempt.

Not to mention Ye Zhige, Sarutobi can understand this thought. It involves Konoha's long-term arrangement. Now Konoha's big clan is Chishou, Uchiha, Sarutobi, Shimura, Hyuga, etc. The three generations of Hokage now need other small The family grows up as quickly as possible.

Sarutobi just smiled as an answer. .

Chapter [-] A New Beginning

Ye Zhige looked at Sarutobi, and looked at the backs of a few children who had gone away. He realized that the times were really going to change. There are talents such as Yellow Flash, Kato Dan, etc., Konoha is really going to become stronger, these people are not from a big family, this must be the result of Sarutobi's deliberate creation, but this is indeed Konoha's most golden age.

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