Who knew that Marco's mouth was 10 billion Bailey!

Sure enough... the Four Emperors are still rich!

"Cough cough... Since you have invited me so sincerely, if I don't agree, it will be too much to say! It's not too late, let's go quickly!".

Chapter 2 The Whitebeard Pirates! [[-] more ask for automatic! 】

One second, Ye Zhige was still hesitating. The next second, when he heard that he was rich, and it was still 10 billion baileys, Ye Zhige's attitude immediately changed [-] degrees.

The saying that money can make a ghost run the mill is really not just talking about it!

Marko was empty, and of course he didn't bring any money, so he could only promise Ye Zhige that he would give Ye Zhige the money after he got to the place.

Ye Zhige is not worried about credit issues at all. Among the four emperors, the red-haired and white-bearded characters are not bad at all. If Brother Xiao Ma can say 10 billion Bailey, it means that 10 billion is really not worth it to the four emperors. What kind of!

Immediately, the demon wings unfolded, and Ye Zhige followed Xiao Ma and rushed to Whitebeard's territory.

……【Seeking automatic subscription】……

At noon the next day, they came to Whitebeard's place.

"This is the home of the Whitebeard Pirates? Not in the comics!"

Ye Zhige looked at an ordinary town below, and it looked no different from an ordinary island town... However, this is a famous, galloping ocean for decades. He once competed with the pirate king Goer Roger, and is still standing today. The main territory of Whitebeard at the top of the world!

"Look! Dad, they are already waiting there!"

Marko pointed from a distance, and saw that 783 had an open area in the town, but now that place is full of people... If you look closely, you can find that none of these people are mediocre, all of them are magnificent on this sea The famous big pirate!

And surrounded by these big people at the very center, there is a big strong man lying on a huge tiger skin chair, his physique is much taller than the average person!

He wears a black turban on his head and wears a white and luxurious captain's coat. His chest muscles and abdominal muscles are as strong as stones, and there are many scars on it!

But the most obvious thing is the long and narrow white beard on his mouth like a crescent moon!

Needless to say, he is the famous "world's strongest man" - Whitebeard!

"As expected of the living legendary Whitebeard, just by looking at it from a distance, you can feel that unyielding and heroic domineering!"

Ye Zhige couldn't help but admire.

When the two of them fell from the sky, the crowd had automatically separated a path, and the pirates on both sides looked at Ye Zhige with curiosity and doubt... But from their eyes, it was very obvious to catch the accident. and surprise.

"This is the Supreme? Why does he look so young?"

"That's right, apart from being young, I didn't find anything special about him!"

"This brat is really bold... how dare he come to Dad's banquet alone, amazing!"

The name of Supreme has already gained a good reputation in the new world. They thought that the face on the reward poster was young enough, but they didn't expect that when they actually saw Ye Zhige, it was actually younger than they thought!

At such an age, being able to gain such a reputation on the sea itself shows that Ye Zhige's strength is great... and what surprised them even more was that the Supreme did not bring any companions, and actually came to the banquet alone, it can be seen that this It is not the trust in Whitebeard, but the great confidence in his own strength!

"There are so many famous guys!"

The white-bearded pirates on both sides were looking at Ye Zhige, and Ye Zhige was also looking at them.

Just a casual glance, Ye Zhige saw a lot of very familiar faces.

Thatch, the captain of the [-]th Division, who had a relationship in the Chambord Islands.

A person with diamond fruit ability, Joze, whose physique is taller than the average person.

Wearing a magic top hat, a mustache that can turn with both sides, foil Bista.

Of course, what really shines on Ye Zhige's eyes is the current leader of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace!

He still looks like a dangling boy, wearing an agaj-colored cowboy hat, his face is pockmarked, and the string of beads around his neck looks out of tune with him.

Fire Fist Ace noticed Ye Zhige's lingering gaze and gave him a kind smile.

Ye Zhige smiled in return, his eyes continued to move, and at this moment, his eyes flashed——


"I almost forgot, this guy is still a good person now!"

He saw an inconspicuous guy with a body as rough as his face, with a harmless smile on his face, mixed in with the crowd.

Blackbeard, Marshall D. Teach!

An extremely ambitious hero who can do anything to achieve his goals!

Killing his companions, using his companions, causing a war between Whitebeard and the navy, and making a big noise in advancing the city, and finally killing Whitebeard with his own hands... All of this is enough to show that this guy is thoughtful and ruthless. Spicy level!

Thinking of the earth-shaking changes that Blackbeard will bring to the world in the future, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Ye Zhige's mouth.

"You can make money and see so many familiar faces. It's worth the trip!"

Ye Zhige finally turned his attention back to the most important character in front of him, Whitebeard.

Without the slightest restraint, he stepped forward and sat down on the stool in front of Whitebeard.

"I just entered the new world as a kid, but I can actually get the famous Whitebeard invitation. Thank you, old man with a white beard!"

Ye Zhige grinned.

"Goo la la la..."

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