“Little brother, this is a scabbard made of silkworm wood, it is not afraid of water and fire erosion, it is very durable, if you want, I will charge you two million berry.”

The middle-aged man took out a scabbard with an ancient pattern carved and looked a little old, and placed it on the glass counter.

This uncle is also too good at business, and he is worthy of being a man who has mixed in the new world.

Tang Guo is very fond of Ratchet, because Ratchet is somewhat similar to the sword used in his previous life, with a small arc and a width of about four centimeters, which is just right for casting the “Eight Pole Sword Technique”.

“Okay, boss!”

Tang Guo took out a box containing 52 million berries and placed it on the table.

The two paid with one hand, delivered the goods with the other, and completed the transaction.

After receiving the Ratchet and scabbard handed over by the middle-aged man, Tang Guo bowed his head slightly and stepped out of the weapons store.

Taking a deep look at Tang Prison’s figure leaving quickly, the middle-aged man took out a cigar from his pocket, lit it, took a puff, and spewed out thick white smoke.

“‘Ratchet’ is the second generation of the Heavenly Saber, the guy who can be recognized by the Heavenly Saber will inevitably kill at least one Draco in the future, haha, I believe that it won’t be long before the entire Great Passage will be chaotic because of him!”

“I’m really looking forward to seeing the world government being slapped in the face.”

The middle-aged man had scars and his eyes flashed coldly, and a picture of a man wearing a white Taoist robe, glasses, and a bald man with the original ghost in his hand flashed in his mind.

The corner of his mouth curled up in a mocking arc, and the middle-aged man took the last sip, threw the cigar on the ground, and stretched out his foot to extinguish it.

At the mouth of the alley of Windmill Island, there is a large shipyard, very professional, you can buy all kinds of ships, of course, to some extent, naturally it is not comparable to the shipyard of the water capital.

After Nicole Robin came to the shipyard, she immediately found the head of the shipyard and spent 100 million berry to buy a medium-sized ship.

This medium-sized ship is made from an ancient tree from an island in the New World, called “Black Iron”, which has the hardness of steel but does not lose the characteristics of wood.

Although Black Ironwood is not as famous as Baoshu Adam, it is not much different from Baoshu Adam in terms of practicality.

Nicole Robin bought this medium-sized ship forty meters long and about fifteen meters wide, the bow was carved into a dragon shape according to Nicole Robin’s requirements, and ten divine cannons were installed around the hull.

Windmill Island is good at wind power, the degree of civilization is higher than that of ordinary islands, the master of the shipyard specially installed a small windmill on this medium-sized ship, in the process of normal sailing, you can generate electricity through the sea wind to speed up the navigation.

At the same time, the electric energy generated by the small windmill can be stored in the electric motor in the center of the hull, and if the cold current, whirlpool, storm and other bad weather are encountered during the voyage, the motor can be activated to reach a certain rapid speed in an instant, out of this area.

For this medium-sized ship, Nicole Robin is quite satisfied, and now only the production of the pirate flag and waiting for Captain Tang Hell to name the ship.

“Report Commodore Kuru, the informant reports that a young noblewoman bought a medium-sized ship at a shipyard on the north shore and was suspected of going to sea.”

In the navy tent, after listening to the report from the cyan telephone worm, Commodore Kuru’s thick fingers kept tapping on the table, and his brows were a little wrinkled.

The young lady at the North Shore Shipyard who bought a ship to go to sea, Commodore Kuru suspected that Nicole Robin was disguised, and it was too unreasonable to buy a ship and go to sea during the time when the Navy was searching for pirates.

Brigadier General Kuru remembered the situation of today’s fight with Tang Prison, and the words he said when leaving, for some reason, it kept echoing in his mind, making Commodore Kuru’s heart palpitate.

He seemed to believe that in the future, if the boy grew up, he would really have the strength to kill him.

After that young man took the Devil Fruit, he could actually take the plate axe made by his own sea floor stone, which was really incredible, which only showed that this guy’s willpower and physical fitness were terrifying.

“Inform the entire navy to go to the North Shore Shipyard and not allow any ships to leave Windmill Island until Nicole Robin and Don Hell are caught!”

After a few minutes of silence, Brigadier General Kuru finally gave the order.

In order to capture Nicole Robin and Tang Prison, Brigadier General Kuru can be said to be at any cost, even if he offends some big people on Windmill Island, he will block all ports.

After Commodore Kuru’s order, the entire navy immediately took action.

Thousands of navies assembled, resolutely marched, and rushed to the north shore of Windmill Island with guns on their shoulders.

After buying Ratchet, Don Prison rushed to the North Shore Shipyard.

Walking on the street, Tang Prison saw the navy on the street suddenly and quickly acted, and his heart was suddenly shocked, presumably Nicole Robin was exposed on the shipyard side.

It is necessary to rush to the shipyard one step faster than the Navy.

Tang Prison’s figure moved, running like the wind, and a moment later, he reached the North Shore Shipyard one step ahead of the navy.

“Captain Tang Prison, you are here.”

At this moment, Nicole Robin walked over slowly.

Nicole Robin also recovered her original beautiful appearance like Cleopatra, because she was about to go to sea, so she didn’t need to be too afraid of the navy.

“Robin, we hurry out to sea, the navy has noticed, so everyone is coming this way.” Tang He’s expression was a little solemn.

Nicole Robin nodded and walked with Don Hell to the port of the shipyard.

“Captain Tang Prison, this is the ship I bought, and the material for building the ship is black ironwood, no worse than the treasure tree Adam.” Nicole Robin smiled gently and continued: “I don’t know Captain, what do you want to name this ship.” ”

Tang Guo looked at the ship carefully, nodded slightly, and was very satisfied.

“Robin, our position is destined to be opposed to the navy and the world government, so this ship is called the Broken Army!”

Tang Prison’s eyes were shining coldly, daring to say this, which showed how determined Tang Prison was in his heart.

The identity of the CP9 traitor, the archaeologist looking for the text of history, these two identities, the naval headquarters and the world government will surely eliminate them quickly.

Just as the navy is not necessarily righteous, pirates are not necessarily evil, so there is no hatred, only opposition to positions.

A few minutes later, Nicole Robin and Don Prison boarded the Broken Army together, pulled up the anchor, and prepared to go to sea.

On the deck, Tang Guo stood with his hands in his hands, his eyes were as deep as stars, and he looked at the boundless sea, and infinite emotion rose in his heart.

After almost three months in the One Piece world, he finally has his first ship and his first official crew, and the real journey has just begun.

At this time, Nicole Robin began to make pirate flags at the request of Tang Prison, and Tang Prison remembered that in the original work, Nicole Robin was very talented in drawing.

A moment later, a pirate flag was raised on the pole.

The pirate flag has a black base, a white dragon-shaped skull painted in the center of the flag, hideous and empty eyes, revealing infinite evil energy, and two tai knives based on Ratchet are painted behind the dragon-shaped skull.

Tang Guo held the rudder of the ship, his eyes were like knives, and he shouted: “Break the army, set sail!” ”

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