The purple dragon claw transformed by Tang Prison’s right arm stayed in midair, and his eyes full of evil energy stared at the black giant ape number four.

He wanted to see clearly what the black giant ape was thinking in his heart, whether he really begged for mercy or pretended to surrender, and then took advantage of his own unexpected, and attacked and killed.

No way, this black giant ape gave Tang Prison a great shock, it actually learned the Bajiquan method secretly, with such a smart species, Tang Prison could not be guarded.

A moment later, the No. 4 black giant ape was still lying on the ground, whining and begging for mercy, his fierce gaze had long ceased to be gentle like a little sheep.

It is precisely because the black ape No. 4 has a trace of wisdom and spirituality that it has emotions and knows fear and fear.

The No. 3 humanoid saber-toothed tiger, which was about the same strength as it, was shattered and fractured by the punch of the human in front of him, allowing the No. 4 black giant ape to see the threat of death.

The bones of its whole body were also almost broken, and even if it was extremely resilient, it could not withstand such torture, so the fourth black giant ape chose to surrender.

To put it bluntly, the fourth black giant ape was scared.

The most important thing is that this human has a natural deterrent and exudes an extremely noble majesty, and it is not very humiliating to surrender to him yourself.

Tang Prison saw that the No. 4 black giant ape was sincerely surrendering, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, the state of partial dragonization was lifted, and the purple dragon claw transformed by his right arm returned to its normal appearance.

One more pet on the ship seems to be quite good, and the strength of this pet is not weak, and it is also a good choice to use it as a shield when encountering the combat power of the lieutenant general or above.

Tang Guo touched his chin and thought secretly in his heart.

“It’s okay to surrender, but from now on, you have to listen to me and be my little brother, otherwise, you know.”

With a beautiful face with an evil smile, Tang Guo showed eight snow-white teeth, and under the uncertain light, a faint cold light was reflected.

The black giant ape number four nodded fiercely, and his hideous face showed an expression of submission.

In this way, one of the strongest guardians of the Genetic Research Institute, the No. 4 Black Giant Ape, has defected and joined the Evil Dragon Pirate Group in Tang Prison.

“Take me to find the person in charge of the ‘Super Soldier Program’, I’m sure you know…”

Before Tang He’s words were finished, his eyebrows suddenly crossed, and his steps followed, casting the “Moon Steps” in “Naval Six Styles”, and at the same time, his right hand pulled out the Ratchet hanging from his waist!

“Eight Extremes Sword Art Qingping Slash!”

A leaf of duckweed returns to the sea, where to see green mountains in life.

Immeasurable light is derived from the thritch, there are mountains and seas and phantoms appearing, this knife, the force is heavy, combined with the power of chopping iron, cut out the strongest knife in Tang Prison!


The nearly one-meter-thick steel plate on the ceiling above the Genetic Research Institute was cut by Tang Prison into a one-meter maniacal opening, and the hazy moonlight tilted down, illuminating the entire space.

At that moment just now, Tang Guo felt that Suwon Xi’er’s aura suddenly became extremely weak, which was a manifestation of his dying life.

At the same time, there are many strong auras mixed in, which all indicate that Suwon Xi’er is in an extremely dangerous situation.

Although Tang Prison and Suwon Xi’er are not familiar, they have only had two simple intersections, and they are still very unpleasant, but if Tang Prison wants to leave from Chalk Island smoothly, he must rely on the power of ancient relics.

Saving Mizuhara Xi’er in a row can at least let the ancient relics see his sincerity and lay a certain foundation for future cooperation.

Of course, Tang Guo still has selfish intentions, and he still can’t bear to have such a beautiful girl fall in front of him.

Now, the “drought” Jack under the hundred beasts Kaitama and the vice admiral of the navy headquarters are burning the mountain, and the two behemoths are fighting fiercely on Chalk Island, and their own evil dragon pirate group is only him and Nicole Robin, in front of the two super forces, like ants.

If you are not careful, you will fall into this huge whirlpool of war, and there is a possibility of irreparable disaster, and the only one who can help them is the aborigines of Chalk Island, the ancient relics.

The strength is weak, and you must learn to take advantage of the situation, which is also a way to survive.

Tang Prison’s figure kept flickering, and after cutting open the ceiling, he immediately rushed out of the Genetic Research Institute.

When the moon was in the sky, a beautiful figure fell from the sky, Tang He’s footsteps were in the air, the speed was amazing, and in a few breaths, he rushed to Suwon Xi’er, stretched out his hand, and caught Suwon Xi’er’s delicate body.

So, the previous scene was released like this.

Listening to Tang Prison’s words, Suwon Xi’er’s pretty face appeared a slight red, as if shy.

“Is it true?”

Mizuhara Xi’er said slowly, his tone rarely gentle.

“Of course it’s fake.”

A wicked smile appeared on Tang Prison’s face, and a hint of imperceptible banter flashed in his black eyes.

When Mizuwon Xi’er heard this, her beautiful eyes became a little bleak, and for some reason, there was a faint sourness in her heart, but she did not get angry with Tang Prison, but was silent and stopped speaking.

Tang Guo didn’t seem to see Mizuwon Xi’er’s reaction, shrugged his shoulders, stepped on his feet, and landed firmly on the ground.

He still held Mizuhara Hill, not intending to put her down.

After Suwon Xi’er Shi exhibited “Wind God Fury Dragon Tornado”, her body was seriously injured, her internal organs were displaced, her bones were broken in many places, and there were enemies around her, of course, Tang Guo could not put her down, she could only continue to hold.

“How is it possible, No. 3 and No. 4 actually failed to solve this pirate!”

Seeing Tang Guo appear, G. Haba’s face was full of disbelief, and his tone was full of shock.

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