The melee between the two sides was about to break out, the fight was in full swing, and the reckless titan python was involved in the crowd, twisting its tail and strangling dozens of navies.

“Don’t be rampant.”

One of the commodore opened his eyes angrily, cast the “shaving” in “Naval Six Styles”, his figure flashed, appeared above the head of the titan python, stepped on a step, a dive, rushed towards the titan python!

“Ten fingers, finger gun!”

The ten fingers are covered with armed color domineering, showing an iron-like luster.

While falling and diving, the power of acceleration makes the Zhiji gun more powerful and explosive!

Mad Reckless seemed to have noticed something, raised his head and let out a roar at the same time, his body flicked, opened his huge mouth, exposed sharp teeth, and bit towards the brigadier general!

On the other side, the giant crocodile turned into a terrifying and hideous imperial crocodile, with a body about six feet long, brown scales flashing with sharp light, bright blood eyes, and a bite force of more than thirty tons in the blood basin, which can easily smash a naval warship.

In ancient times, the king crocodile was the king of crocodiles, also known as dinosaur killers, specializing in hunting various dinosaurs that drank water by lakes and swamps.

The hideous imperial crocodile entered the super soldier species, and the fierce momentum spread, crushing all the way, relying on the fierce body to crush dozens of lizardmen.

Boom, boom, boom!

Several navies shot the king crocodile with bazookas, and the shells fell on the king crocodile, raising smoke.

However, the king crocodile was unscathed.

The emperor crocodile has a layer of flaky bone “armor” that looks like brown scales and has strong defense, and only a powerful swordsman or a sword covered with armed color domineering can break the defense of the imperial crocodile.

“Your opponent is me.”

Another commodore found the imperial crocodile transformed by the giant crocodile, the taidao in his hand covered the armed color domineering, and his body moved quickly, rushing towards the imperial crocodile.

Soldier to soldier, general to general, Burning Mountain again against Tang Prison.

However, it seems that feng shui takes turns, and this time it is Tang Prison’s turn to be pressed and beaten by the Burning Mountain.

Relying on adrenaline to stimulate potential, suppress injuries, and restore the strength of the fire-burning mountain, the armed color domineering is fully opened, as if this world is deterred and suppressed by him!

“A hundred burns.”

As soon as the fire mountain bit the cigar in his mouth, a little spark fell, and a roaring flame ignited on the domineering knife covered with armed color, and the flame rose from the knife body, and the terrifying temperature spread.

Fire Burning Mountain, the name is a geological phenomenon, in the Jungur Basin of the previous life of Tang Prison, there is a Fire Burning Mountain, the mountain is vermilion, every morning and dusk, under the light of the morning sun or sunset, the mountain seems to be burning, extremely beautiful.

The more beautiful and gentle the thing, the murderous intention contained in it is also very terrifying.

Don’t look at the burning mountain often squinting his eyes and wearing a gentle smile, but once he touches the bottom line of justice, he will show endless murderous intentions and maintain the justice of the navy!

This move “Hundred Burning Slash” is a unique trick of the Burning Mountain, and with one slash, a fiery red cloud seems to appear in the dark night, burning with roaring flames, and rushing towards the Tang Prison.

In the face of the killing move of the Burning Mountain in the state of total victory, Tang Guo did not dare to hard connect with the purple dragon claw, but pulled out the Ratchet and cast a fierce and exquisite eight-pole sword technique.

“Eight Extremes Sword Art Nine Dragons Roar!”

Tang Prison waved Ratchet, a thunder light fell from the night sky, it seemed that there was a terrifying roar, faintly, Tang Prison was surrounded by nine dragon-shaped phantoms, the dragon was as powerful as a prison, threatening the world.


As soon as Tang Prison’s footsteps moved, the “Navy Six Style” came to his hand, and the whole person turned into an afterimage, with a terrifying roar, rushed towards the Burning Mountain.

Booming, the Nine Dragons roared and collided violently, producing a terrifying explosion in mid-air, and ripples spread out one after another.

Wow, Tang Guo spewed out a mouthful of blood, his figure fell backwards, fell from the air, fell into the ground with a bang, and smashed out a human-shaped pit.

Tang Prison’s upper body clothes were basically destroyed, revealing strong muscles and dozens of terrifying and hideous burn marks.


Tang Guo covered his abdomen and coughed up several strands of blood with internal organ fragments, and blood slowly flowed out of his ears, nose, eyes, and pores, and after a while, Tang Guo turned into a bloody man.

Apparently, Tang Guo was seriously injured.

“I am worthy of being a vice admiral of the navy headquarters, and in the state of total victory, I am really not an opponent.”

With Rachel supporting his body, Tang Prison climbed out of the big pit with difficulty.

Dozens of lizardmen and naval regiments were already surrounding the big pit, but they were intimidated by the majestic dragon threat and did not dare to take a step forward.

After fighting against Tang Prison, Burning Mountain looked fine on the surface, but in fact, there were large and small cracks between the bones of his right arm, and if he moved, then the entire right arm would be destroyed.

“Even if I fight for my life, the Dragon Claw Tang Prison can’t stay.”

This pirate is not physically strong, masters the “Navy Six Styles”, and the sword technique has also reached the level of a top swordsman, and the most important thing is that he also has the ability to be suspected of being the fruit of the ancient species, if not removed at this moment, he will become a big disaster every day!

Burning Mountain’s gaze was fierce, there was a murderous flash, a bite of a cigar, and when he wanted to continue to move forward, suddenly, a storm swept in, forcing Burning Mountain to retreat.

“Burning Mountain, I won’t let you go further.”

The large blue and white wings waved, followed by a fierce wind, and a huge figure appeared in front of the Burning Mountain.

“Fengshen Pterodactyl!”

Fire Mountain’s face flashed a trace of jealousy, and the scrapping of his right arm reduced his strength by about two percent, and the adrenaline use time was only two hours at most.

After two hours, his combat strength dropped by at least seventy percent, which was more serious than before, and if the reinforcements from the various naval divisions did not arrive at this time, or the yellow ape general failed to solve the opponent, it would be a big trouble.

At this moment, in the east direction of Chalk Island, the entire land turned into scorched earth, and it was full of densely packed giant pits.

The yellow ape was a little breathless, his body was floating in the air, and the coat with the word justice written on it moved with the wind.

“Drought” Jack’s huge body was half kneeling on the ground, and blood slowly flowed from his arms.

The two top powerhouses in the One Piece world fought fiercely for a long time, and finally the yellow ape used the ability of the shining fruit to consume most of the physical strength of “Drought” Jack and gained the upper hand.

However, it is impossible for the yellow ape to completely defeat the “drought” Jack, as one of the most powerful Momo of the Hundred Beasts Kaido, Jack must have a means to save his life.

“Jack, the old man is temporarily out of company, and he has time to play with you again!”

The yellow ape had long sensed that something was happening in the central area, and after separating the victory and defeat with “Drought” Jack, his body turned into a light man and instantly disappeared from view.

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