“Dragon claw, dragon claw!”

Auci’s voice was like thunder, the body of the demon god towered and smoked, the footsteps were spreading, the ground shook, and countless cracks stretched, more terrifying than an earthquake.

“Scatter bats!”

Moonlight Moria opened his big mouth, let out a defiant laugh, and displayed the ability of the shadow fruit, turning his shadow into countless black bats to find the traces of Tang Guo and the others.

“Hey, hee, Dragon Claw Tang Prison, found you!”

A moment later, the black bat found Tang Prison and the others in a low-lying area, and Moonlight Moriah waved his hand and ordered Auci to go in the direction where Tang Prison was located.

“Moonlight Moria, finally here.”

Tang He’s footsteps were light, his feet were on tiptoe, and he slid to the right, drawing a pattern of Taiji Yin and Yang fish on the ground.

Two-handed sword technique, sword style, yin and yang two points, set the way!

“Captain Tang Prison, I’ll help you.”

Suwon Hir’er Bai Xian’s back stretched out two large blue 153 white wings, majestic and majestic at the same time, but also with a touch of strange beauty.

“Okay, Xi’er, you try to help me contain the demon Oci.”

It goes head-to-head with the warrior five hundred years ago, Majin Orci, to be honest, Tang Hell really has no certainty.

In the original work, Luffy also inhaled more than a hundred shadows and turned into “Nightmare Luffy” to defeat Orci.

According to the previous tactics, Tang Hell wanted to bypass the demon Orci and directly single out Moonlight Moria.

However, Moonlight Moriah is now standing on the shoulders of Occi, so that Tang Prison’s scheme will not work.

Today, the only way to forge ahead is to resist the hard and confront Aoci head-on.

“Understood.” Mizuhara Hille said with a serious expression.

Nicole Robin also said: “Captain Tang Prison, you be careful. ”

Tang Guo nodded, his beautiful face appeared with an evil smile, and his steps moved, stepping on the “moon step”, like a nine-day Kunpeng, rising up!

“Dragon Claw!”

Aoci’s bronze bell-like eyes were fierce and weird, and a hideous scowl appeared on his big face, and he swung his iron fist that shook the mountain, bringing up countless fierce winds and slamming into the Tang Prison.

“Local dragonization, assimilation of both arms!”

Tang Prison’s right arm and left arm dragonized at the same time, one, the purple glow burst, the purple dragon claw appeared, and countless cold rays flashed on the dragon claw, exuding a wisp of desolate ancient aura.

The dragon claw holds the knife, a mouthful of autumn water, Chengyue, a mouthful of thunder, refracting immeasurable light.

The two knives are crossed and have a chaotic cross-blade shape.

“One knife to redeem, two knives to kill, three thousand worlds, the way of heaven is like a mountain!”

Tang Prison God’s eyes were like a knife, and under the “dragon power”, the terrifying power surged out from the depths of his own body, and in an instant, ten thousand forces burst out.

Autumn water is the mainstay, Rachel is supplemented, light is entangled, mountains and rivers are visible, and this knife is called “Bright Mountain Slash!” ”

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

A shadow of a mountain range with heavy mountains appears, shaped like a dragon, hovering above the earth, and the mountain body is glazed, showing bright colors, illuminating the entire sky!

“Dragon Claw, die!”

No matter how much Aoci was, the iron fist slashed like a shooting star, colliding violently with the vast mountain of light.


The void continued to shake, the qi waves, and the dense fog in the sky was swept up by countless air currents, all scattered.

Under the terrifying power of Aoci, the Bright Mountain shattered one after another, and after an earth-shattering noise, it slowly dissipated into the void.

Of course, Auci himself is not comfortable, countless knife marks appear on the right arm, and the internal skeleton spreads one after another with subtle cracks, if it is moved, the entire right arm may be destroyed.

With a muffled snort, Tang Guo involuntarily spewed out a mouthful of blood, his body fell back to the ground, and his internal organs churned, unable to calm down for a long time.

The terrifying power of Aoci directly shook into Tang Prison’s body through the void, fortunately, Tang Prison puffed up his muscles in time with “iron blocks”, accelerated blood flow, and unloaded most of his strength, otherwise, it would be more than just spitting out a mouthful of blood.

“It’s worthy of the demon Orci, this power is really terrifying.”

Tang Prison’s brows furrowed, and he sighed secretly in his heart.

“Wind God Fury Great Storm!”

When Suwon Xi’er cast the Bright Mountain in the Tang Prison, he had already flown into mid-air, turning into the form of a Wind God Pterodactyl, and the large blue and white wings stretched out, up to fifteen meters long.

The terrifying wings swung rapidly, countless air currents converged, and in an instant, an incomparably powerful wind air flow was produced, and the black air flow rotated, and finally, a black storm was formed!

Moonlight Moria, who was standing on Auci’s shoulder, snorted coldly, stretched out his claws, cast the ability of the shadow fruit, and the next moment, turned his shadow into a shadow spear hundreds of meters long.

“Shadow Horn Gun Piercing!”

As soon as his mind moved, a huge shadow spear burst out of the air, sounding a sound of breaking the sky, and slammed into the black storm.

The sharp cutting force tore the black storm apart and hit the huge target Aeolian Pterodactyl.

Mizuhara Xi’er waved his large blue and white wings, his body moved, and he quickly dodged and dodged the huge shadow spear.

“Do you think you can dodge it?”

Moonlight Moria let out a maniacal laugh, and with a movement of his fingers, the hundred-meter-long shadow spear suddenly bent, and the sharp spearhead stabbed at Suwon Xi’er again! _

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